It’s hard to believe that Scott and I have been living in New York City for a YEAR.
Just like that, we moved, I blinked, and four seasons passed right by. They say that time flies faster with each passing year, and I absolutely believe it.
There are a lot of thoughts that roll around when things like anniversaries and birthdays come up. What has been experienced and accomplished in a year? How much has life changed?
While I originally started this post to share those thoughts, I started browsing the archives of this blog to help me find the answers. I still plan on sharing more of what this last year has taught me, but let’s keep it light for now.
After we moved to Michigan, I enjoyed looking back at how life changed year by year in move-iversary posts, so I thought it would be fun to take a peek into what the past year looked like and revisit the highlights today!
Different than years before this one, I took several months away from sharing my work and life on the Internet. Scott and I went through a lot while transitioning here, and the space was necessary.
My hopes and plans with the blog are to continue to explore as much as possible and share everything I can along the way. While I didn’t document a good six months of what I should have, I hope you enjoy reading about how life in New York has treated us so far. There’s still a lot to discover and I hope you’ll stick around for the journey!
1 Year NYC Move-iversary: A Year of Highlights
• Finding our apartment in Brooklyn
• Sharing my thoughts on living in NYC a week after we moved (vlog!)
• Having my first picnic in Central Park & getting used to the subway (omg – our apartment was a mess!)
• Getting a VIP Tour of the Met Museum
• Celebrating my birthday the same day I had my first job interview in Manhattan
• Visiting Orlando to work the Invictus Games and hanging around with friends and family
• Meeting other NYC Bloggers and exploring The East Village
• Discovering Smorgasburg and entertaining our first houseguest
• Eating a ton of BBQ (<- I’ll be on the look out for this festival in the summer!) and attending a concert in Westbury
• Modeling a wedding dress made entirely of toilet paper!
• Working out on a rooftop with Michael Strahan
• Visiting the 9/11 Memorial Museum
• Going to Coney Island for the Fourth of July
• Checking out the New York Aquarium and seeing our first Liberty Game
• Spending a week with my parents while visiting us!
• Celebrating our five year wedding anniversary
• Using ClassPass to explore tons of studios and gyms all over NYC
• Figuring how to live in the City on a budget
• Discovering Smorgasburg in Prospect Park
• Relaxing by the water at Brooklyn Barge
• Visiting our friends in New Jersey for the weekend
• Touring the Mast Brothers Chocolate Factory in Williamsburg
• Making cookies with The Cake Boss (& touring Carlos’ Bakery)
• Filming a commercial with Scott (<- what?)
• Spending the weekend with my longest childhood friends in NYC (and this post!)
• Having Scott’s mom visit us, too!
• Seeing The Rockettes at Radio City
• And … finally coming off of a (much needed) hiatus from it all
The biggest highlight of my year has to be opening and managing a fitness studio in Park Slope, Brooklyn!
I spend the majority of my hours at the studio every single day, so I am still trying to figure out what that means for the future of this blog. Even so, I’m very grateful for the opportunity and am excited to see where the future takes me. And us!
Thank you so much for taking the time to check in and support this blog year after year! <3
Questions of the Day
• What are some of the biggest highlights of your last year?
• What cities have you lived in?
• What cities do you wish to live in someday?

What a fun year! I can’t imagine all the challenges and long days and nights for you guys, but it really looks like you’re happy there. I have never lived anywhere but Pittsburgh and don’t have plans to move 😉 BUT I do LOVE NYC and wish I could get up there to visit again! It is one of my favorite cities. Loved Chicago too.
Ah, I remember when you told us you were moving! Can’t believe that was a whole year ago. You’ve certainly had some fun times this year. I can’t wait to visit NYC again!
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I have been in NYC for 4 months. Do you like it? What do you like and what don’t you like?
-Kirsten //
Kirsten recently posted…The Strangest Shoes + Easter
Hi Heather! That wedding dress picture is my favorite one from all of your time in NYC! Moving to a new city and trying a bunch of new things is amazing. While it can be hard to be far from family and starting over, I think it’s TOTALLY worth it. We’re almost five years into SF living! Crazy!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Easter weekend and my weekly workouts
Happy One Year! Love all the highlights! I’ve lived in Charlottesville, Knoxville, Nashville, and back to Charlottesville. I’d LOVE to live internationally one of these days – London is my favorite city in the world, although I just found all “all” you need to get a visa to live in France is enough money to live off of… Paris is never a bad idea.
Highlights from the year – becoming a certified personal trainer, traveling to the U.K., France, and Italy, and getting into powerlifting. Here’s to hoping my next highlight comes in the next few weeks in the form of barre studio owner! 🙂
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Happy move-iversary! What a busy year. Highlights from my past year include finally taking the leap to become a personal trainer and starting my blog.
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