I hope you are ready for some serious workout motivation!
In case you’re new around here, you can find the most recent *original* workout shares almost every week with the latest edition of Friday Favorites. These are shared frequently, but they’re not always easy to search for on the blog since they’re not all dedicated posts for that specific workout. So, I thought it would be fun and a good idea to take the last six months of workout shares and compile them into one post to save and reference.
You can get a great workout in with just thirty minutes, but most of mine take anywhere from 30-40 minutes. That’s my sweet spot, especially when I am at the gym on a regular basis.
Below you will find a collection of no equipment workouts, minimal equipment workouts (using bands, a stability ball, or a few sets of dumbbells, etc.), and then a section just for gym equipment like exercise and cable machines.
Turn to this post the next time you need a workout in a pinch, and you can even pin each photo or right click it to save it to your camera roll.
Also, please let me know if you have any specific requests for future workout shares!

Disclaimer: although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me, and might not be the right type of exercises for you. If you decide to give my workouts a try, please make sure that you are cleared by a doctor first, and I always ask that you listen to your body and apply modifications and rest when needed.
Make sure to click on each link for the full explanation of each workout that includes exercise demonstrations and additional notes.
No Equipment Workouts
This is a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)-style workout that you can complete in twenty minutes or less. This total body bodyweight workout was made to get you WORKING in one clean 80, 70, 60, etc. rep. sweep!

Rest and repeat for two or more rounds if you’re feeling it. I dare ya!
You will want to take your time with these circuits, but you could totally finish the full workout in 25 minutes if you hustle along. There are several bouts of cardio in these moves, and the workout has a total body focus. You’ll be working different muscle groups at once from head to toe.

- Push, Pull, Squat Workout (And How-To Template To Create Your Own!)
Sharing my go-to format when I’m in a hurry and need a workout that will still be effective. Included is sample workouts and how you can create your own Push, Pull, Squat workouts, too.

Minimal Equipment Workouts
You’ll need a few sets of dumbbells and a bench (or something like a sofa) to complete it, and ideally have access to light, medium and medium-heavy weights. Almost all of the movements are compound exercises, which means that you are working multiple muscle groups at the same time. (Yes!)

All you need for this one is a stability ball and a medium and medium-heavy set of dumbbells. You might need a lighter set for the skull crushers (I used 10s), but you can make it work with what you’ve got … you can always substitute an overhead triceps extension with one heavier dumbbell if you don’t have access to a lighter set.

All you need for this one is a stability ball and a medium set of dumbbells. You might need a lighter set for the kickbacks and a heavier dumbbell or kettlebell for the swings, but you can make it work with what you’ve got!

This one features tri-set exercises, which is basically a superset with three exercises instead of two. Make sure to do the three grouped exercises back to back with little to no rest in between before moving on to the next one.

There are a total of three circuits in this workout with a Tabata Ab Finisher at the end!

This workout has a total body strength focus, and it can be adaptable to what kid of equipment you have access to. The last circuit focuses on ab work, and you will need a stability ball for it. If you don’t have one, do the sit-ups on the floor and mountain climbers instead of the ball knee tucks.

All you need for this one is a stability ball and a light, medium, and maybe medium-heavy set of dumbbells. The workout is separated into two circuits, so complete each exercise in the first group for 12-15 reps for three total rounds before moving on to the second one. The whole thing took me about 40-45 minutes!

This workout has two circuits with four exercises each. You will need at least two sets of dumbbells, (ideally three – light, medium, medium-heavy), and a stability ball if you have one. If not, you can just do chest presses from the floor. There are a few single arm/single leg movements which challenges stability and balance. It’s also extra work for your core!

Gym Workouts
This workout is broken into two circuits that work the upper and lower body with a final ab finisher circuit at the end. (Did you happen to catch my demo reel on this?) Modify, rest between circuits and whenever you need to, and always include a warm-up and cool down.

This one calls for a barbell, bench and dumbbells, with some extras like an ab bench if you have access to one. If you don’t, however, you could still get it done with just a few sets of dumbbells and use them any time I mention the barbell. Sometimes you just have to work with what you’ve got! The workout is split into three circuits and hits your upper body, lower body and core.

- Total Body Gym Strength Workout (Machines & Free Weights)
Reference this: Cable Machines Versus Free Weights — Which Is Better?. The long answer is there, but the short answer is that it depends on the person and what their goals are. My favorite types of workouts typically include both machines and free weights with other elements like stability balls, BOSU balls, kettlebells, medicine balls, sand bags and more. This workout includes both categories as an example!

This one is called “seated strength” because you are seated for almost the entire workout! (Does this make anyone else happy for those days where you just aren’t feeling like jumping around?) You’ll target your chest, shoulders, back, abs and legs.

- (Another) Seated Total Body Strength Workout
You will need access to cable or specific exercise machines for this workout, and not much else. There is an option to use a stability ball for the sit-ups, but if you don’t have one, you can complete them on the floor with a mat.

By the way, I share similar workouts in Instagram Stories, and I almost always follow them up with exercise descriptions and notes shared in the Life In Leggings Community group. (It’s totally free to join and I’d love to see you over there.) I like to share some of them here, but you will always find them in those places first!
I’d love to hear if you’ve given any of these workouts a try.
See ya back here soon and stay safe out there!

I think you put together great workouts and have used several of them but I always have to recreate it because I find the fonts, layout, colors, and graphics on yours too distracting and harder to follow (but maybe that’s just me!). Nice having them all in one post. Thank you!
Hi Erika! Thank you for letting me know, I’ll try to make it easier in the future! These are tricky, however, since I use Instagram stories to create them in the moment – but maybe I can play with the colors and add less distracting backdrops!