The Wedding is officially less than 2 Months Away!
Normally, I would be stressing out at this point, running around like a crazy woman & spending every free second of the day trying to get something done. Well, wait…I kind of am! But, I’m trying my best to do all of these things sans the stress….we’ll see how that goes.
Even though I have a break from my night job right now, I have a brand new one – FULL time wedding planning. The good news is, I love this job!
After going through what I have and planned what we’ve planned, I could really see the appeal of why wedding planners do what they do. At the end of the day, it’s for one purpose, and that’s to join 2 peoples’ lives together in marriage. I would imagine this job is very rewarding at the end of the day when there is a happy, newlywed couple standing in front of you, giving you inspiration to move onto the next. If you do enough reserach and find a handful of great and creative vendors in each of the main categories you need to plan a wedding, the stress level of the wedding planning process would seem to go down and eventually turn into fun…right?
At least that’s what I’m telling myself. We are officially into the detailed, pick this not that, add this to that, take some of these away from those kind of decision making at this point. This is where the the more tedious of tasks come in, but this is also where some of the fun things begin to happen as well! For one?! MY Bachelorette Weekend is coming up…THIS WEEKEND! I have been to a bachelorette party or five in my day, lol, and it’s just so crazy to me that it’s finally MY turn. I know from here on out that time is seriously going to disappear…the weekend after that is one of my best friend Ashley’s wedding! She is a bridesmaid of mine, and I am also in her wedding.
Her BIG DAY sure did come fast, and I know mine is going to feel like a split second right after hers – so we’re getting down to the wire & I am SO EXCITED!
There are definitely tons of things I could be writing about during this stage of the planning process, but the trick is that Scott and I don’t want to give too much away. These are the details we are planning to go into our ceremony, our reception, our decorations & accessories. Believe me, it is KILLING me not to do a blog about a few things we’ve put together, but I know keeping the element of surprise will be well worth it when I can share everything with you AFTER the big day.
For starters? INVITATIONS! We have officially decided what OUR wedding invitation and enclosure cards will look like and they are being assembled as we speak! I can’t wait to get them in my hands and into the mail at the very beginning of June. I’m very much looking forward to posting about those bad boys, once I know they have all gone to their rightful owners…they turned out perfect. 🙂
So, what does one focus on @ the 2 MONTH TO GO mark?
Well – there’s tons, but here’s a look at what’s posts are coming up :
- Invitations
- Videographer (I know there’s someone out there for us!)
- Bachelorette Party & Bridal Shower (YAY!!!)
- Writing our Wedding Vows <3
- Wedding Favors (or…hmm?)
And I’ll leave you with that for now. I’m sure there will be plenty of updates and stories along the way….

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