Last weekend I got to perform a beautiful piece choreographed by Ali, one of the dancers of Rejoice. I have been dancing with First Baptist Church of Orlando‘s Rejoice Dance Ministry since I performed in The Singing Christmas Trees in 2009. I love being able to share my love for dance and getting to perform on the FBCO stage has been a true treat for me.
During the sermon last week, Pastor Dave spoke about Rejoicing. Did you know the word rejoice is Hebrew for dance?
Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Well isn’t that neat. When I heard that I got a huge smile on my face because Rejoicing is exactly what my weekend was all about.
The Singing Christmas Trees opening weekend was great! I had family and friends come see the show and they all raved about it. I’m getting anxious for the weekend to get here and to continue sharing Christmas with central Orlando.
While browsing on Facebook last night, I came across a GREAT video that will hopefully get you excited about the show. A staff member from the church, Jeff Atkisson made a video showing exactly how the big Trees get set up on stage.
The duration of the video takes place starting 6 weeks ago and ends with Opening Night:
Awesome! I always wondered how those 40-foot twin trees got there…
I haven’t gotten to share the poster up for this year’s show yet because I couldn’t find the image online. I finally took a picture of it backstage in the church hall ways and was excited to share it with you:
The Joy of Christmas is full of fun, quirky characters and we have a wide variety of talent this year. From singers to dancers and actors to instruments, the show is packed from top to bottom and I keep hearing how much people are enjoying it.
Come on out and Rejoice with us!
Remaining Showtimes:
Friday, December 9th @ 7:30pm
Saturday, December 10th @ 3pm
Saturday, December 10th @ 7:30pm
Sunday, December 11th @ 5pm
*For tickets and more information, visit the Singing Trees website.
Hope to see you there!

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