I am thrilled to be sharing this post with you today!
After a two year hiatus (um, what?), I feel confident in saying that you’ll see more “day in the life” structured posts with a glimpse of my meals and snacks around here. Every time I poll readers here or on Instagram on what they’d like to see on the content front, a comeback of What I Ate Wednesdays is always a popular request!
Longtime readers already know that this was a series that I frequented back in the day, almost weekly. Basically, it’s a glimpse into what a full day of meals looks like for me. My goal is not to over-plan it, and instead, to offer a candid approach of showcasing how easy it can be to throw meals together in a pinch. Truth is, that’s my style and it has been for years!
Also inspired by requests in regards to IGTV content, I shared my Meal Prepping Tips For Healthy 10-Minute Meals this week. Make sure to check it out if you like seeing posts like this one because it’s a breakdown of how I plan healthy meals without needing to plan them at all. (That will make more sense once you watch it!)
Now let’s get to it! Below you will see a look into my Monday which included a day at work followed by an afternoon and evening of solo parenting. As you can probably imagine, there wasn’t a lot of time to create meals that involve a lot of prep time or effort.

While I didn’t prep for recipes, I did pick up a good amount of staples for the fridge, freezer, and pantry to get me through the week on Sunday. That’s actually where the inspiration for the video that I filmed came from. The last thing I feel like doing on Sundays is meal prepping, and I know that I can’t be the only one. I purposely bought a lot of mix-and-match combos that I could make for myself as well as Skyler while Scott’s out of town.
I did, however, go to bed Sunday night with my lunch and a snack ready and packed for work the next day. I got the coffee maker ready to press “on” for the morning and left enough time in my morning to make avocado toast for my walk over to work. (And I ate the pineapple before I left.)

It’s the time of year that makes my twenty-minute walk to work so much nicer. I seriously cannot wait for fall. I snapped photos of breakfast and lunch before I left and put in a shorter-than-normal workday from 8 am – 1 pm. Since Scott is out of town, I’m working more part-time at the studio to help with childcare, and I’m grateful that my job allows me to do so.

It got busy at work, and I was able to snack on the apple slices and colored carrots I brought, but I ended up bringing my salad back home and eating it as soon as I walked in the door. Actually, I took advantage of being home to enjoy it and added chicken to it first! I planned to do so the night before and totally forgot.

The later lunch after 2 pm held me through dinner, and I most definitely had a few generous handfuls of Skyler’s goldfish crackers as he snacked and we played. Those are dangerous to have in the house, y’all.
I could tell that Skyler was getting grumpy, so I took him and Roadie out for a walk around the neighborhood before starting dinner.

It was nice to get out in the fresh air, but our walk was cut short by threatening rain clouds above. Bummer. Skyler fell asleep on our walk upstairs, so I took the quiet time as a sign and snuck in two rounds of this abs, booty, and legs workout at home.

Having a toddler around keeps me in check with having early dinnertime. While I used to eat after 7 pm and sometimes as late as 10 pm after practice (back in my NBA Dancer days), I’ve learned that it’s best for me to eat dinner with Skyler between 5:30 – 6 pm. This isn’t something that I’m able to do every single day, but I keep to it most days and I’m liking the early mealtime so I’m not going to bed on a full stomach.
Knowing that I had some ground turkey to use in the fridge, I used that as inspiration to also use the rest of our marinara sauce and asparagus spears from late last week and make a meat sauce with veggies. I added some Italian seasoning, garlic powder, and basil to the meat and then threw in some frozen peas followed by asparagus before adding in the marinara.

Something that I frequently turn to that everyone in our family loves is the variations of ravioli noodles from Trader Joes. This one is filled with cauliflower and cheese, and paired perfectly with the sauce! If only I could get it to look as appetizing as it tasted.

I felt full but not too stuffed after dinner and had quite a time putting Skyler to bed that night. He drifted off in a pre-dinner nap while I was cooking, which isn’t ever good for bedtime. Needless to say, I spent about two and a half hours trying to settle him down and get to sleep, which put his bedtime closer to 10 pm instead of 7:30 pm.
As soon as he went down for the night, I celebrated with my go-to dessert these days.

It’s the perfect combination of chocolate with some substance from the almond milk before bed that makes my heart smile.
I spent way too much time on the computer after that (Skyler’s 2.5 hour episode really set me back), I finally turned in after Midnight and, luckily, I was able to catch up on some of that sleep last night.
Other items from the day that I didn’t picture include my morning cup of coffee, lots of water, and a glass of wine with dinner because … #toddlermomlife. It was one of those days.
I hope you liked this post, and please let me know if you’d like to see more of them on a regular basis. I’d like to check-in and share a day of eats with you about once a month for now.
Thanks so much for reading, and I’ll be back on Friday with a new set of favorites!
Please note: What I Ate Wednesday posts feature full days of my unfiltered eats. In no way do I change what I eat just for the sake of documenting it. While I try to be mindful with portions, I don’t count calories. I do, however, take into account how much activity I am going to be doing that day, and I plan my meals and snacks accordingly.
I’m not a certified nutritionist or registered dietician. The meals that I share with you are simply what works for me and are meant to inspire you to create healthy, uncomplicated meals, too!

Great information, totally loved your mouth-watering meal. Thank you for sharing.
Skyler is totally enjoying is totally enjoying the delicious dinner 😀 I would try to limit the amount of grain that is in the diet, since gluten can be hard to digest for some people.
Tony Chen recently posted…Best Sushi for Beginners-Simple Sushi Guide
Every dish is looking too delicious!! thanks for sharing
I can completely relate to this blog..Ive been trying to think of ways to get back to the healthier me..but its so hard when its cold out and I juat want to eat comfort food and curl up in a blanket! Great tips in this article!
Useful stuff for everyone out there to stay health and fit. Thanks for sharing.
Nice post!! It’s useful and helpful article for me. Thanks for sharing.
Meal delivery companies vary greatly in what they do and don’t offer. Some of these meal programs are healthy and some are not. I’ve compiled a few considerations to think about before purchasing any meal delivery service.
Very delightful post! I loved the most was your picture with your kid, such a lovely kid with the most beautiful smile. Loved your healthy recipes too, which looked extremely delicious also. Keep sharing these!
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Very Informative and likable, Blog Heather” I really like it 😉 Thank you so much for sharing this kind of post!
Great Tips!!
This is first I have read your blog. I love your outlook and healthy meals tips. I can’t handle my greed to apply your ideas. I will apply these ideas basis of regular. Very helpful presentation to me. Thank for the excellent sharing.
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