Well, hello friends. I planned on making a presence earlier today but apparently our crazy horse Pistons mascot HOOPER had other plans.
On my way to the gym, I got called in to help out with an appearance of his at the last minute. Directly after class I hopped in the shower and got on my way. It was a great event and you might have caught my excitement about it via Instagram this afternoon. Goooooood times!
I am currently home for just about an hour to share some of our weekend happenings with you. Lets get to it!
Sunday Shenanigans
Our regular practices are in full force and that includes a three hour one every Sunday morning. I scheduled a spray tan directly after and made it home hungry at about 2:30 p.m. Lucky for me, I had a good portion of my Veggie Loaded Sweet Potato left over to enjoy for lunch. This time I added a generous serving of black beans for extra protein and flavor!
I have a feeling this dish will be recreated on more than several occasions in the future.
Before I even got to finish my last bite, Scott asked me to go check out yet another local festival that was in town. For those of you who have been paying attention… yes, that would mark our third festival in two weeks. I told you. Crazy festival kids right here!
(Extra brownie points for me going out in public directly after a spray tan!)
We arrived at downtown Rochester right around 3:45 p.m., knowing the Arts and Apples Festival only had forty-five minutes left to run.
As soon as we parked, we hurried to the first group of tents we saw and found a lot of things that sparked our interest.
Handmade crafts, baked goods, paintings, jewelry…
… and 2.5 pound poodles in flaming sweaters.
You know, the standards.
There was an impressive collection of Detroit sports paraphernalia, photos and stained glass in multiple booths.
Coming from Orlando, it is pretty neat for me to see a city proud of so many different sports teams. Especially that basketball one!
Eventually, we asked someone in charge where to find the Apples part of the festival. We were told that almost everything was closing, but that the main part of the festival was located across the street at Rochester Municipal Park.
Hey, there’s a park in Downtown Rochester? News to me!
It’s amazing how many cool places and things are in area that we have no idea about. You know what else I didn’t know existed? Waterfowl.
Am I alone here?
I wish I did a better job at taking pictures of the main part of the festival, because it was pretty neat. By the time we made a lap, most booths were closing down, but we could tell it is definitely a fair to look out for next year!
Scott and I were, however, disappointed to have missed all of the apples. There wasn’t an apple or homemade apple pie in sight! Weird. Guess that’s what we get for attending at the last possible second.
We decided to start walking back towards Main Street when Scott mentioned he wanted to grab a coffee. In my mind this means coffee, but in his mind it means a doctored up coffee-ish beverage with a “side” of dessert.
We have been to the Dessert Oasis a few times now and each time we go the treats get better, if that’s even possible. He ordered the key lime cheesecake and I tried my best to avoid it. Yeah… that lasted a total of thirty seconds.
The only reason I have been so strict with my splurging lately is the fact that we have a dancer photo shoot coming up this weekend! Even so, I was proud of myself for only having two bites and enjoyed savoring this fancy (skinny) pumpkin spice latte instead.
Vegetables For Dinner
With cheesecake on the brain, I actually wasn’t that hungry and Scott agreed that going light for dinner would be a good thing. As soon as we got home I lit the homemade soy candle we got from the festival and put my thinking cap on!
Vegetables for dinner.
Every now and then it’s nice to just dig into a plateful of ’em.
With the exception of the black eyed peas and diced tomatoes side, everything pictured is from our last trip to the Farmer’s Market and is 100% organic.
Scott is usually a buttered corn freak, and I was nervous serving this to him without it being smothered in it. I was pleasantly surprised when he mentioned how sweet the corn was and enjoyed everything on his plate. It’s amazing how much better whole foods and organic produce tastes! Throughout the night, the two of us snacked a little on different things, but neither one of us missed having meat on the menu for the day.
I never strive to make vegetarian meals, but it seems to happen every once in a while.
Well, I guess that does it for the time I have to chat. I’m off to practice. See ya in the morning!

Oh wow, that cheesecake…
Tell me about it. Can’t wait to go back post-photos! 😉
I am jealous of all the festivals you guys have in your city- especially now since fall is the perfect time for them!
There have been a lot lately! I had no idea what we were moving into, but I can’t complain. Makes up for the crazy long winter! (Well, kind of makes up for it.)
Haha crazy festival kids, I love it! Oh my gosh and that poodle…I have no words…
I love festivals! Especially food festivals. 🙂
I commend you on your bravery for coming out of hiding and facing the public after a spray tan. 😉 Sounds like you have been eating super clean lately, you deserve the cheesecake, even if it is only two bites! Treat yourself to an after-shoot indulgence this weekend! My go-to was always Mexican. 🙂
Oh I will for sure be having something amazing Sunday night! I have to say though, I usually am in hiding until my first shower after a spray tan! lol
I have been having lots of veggie only meals too lately. I love how fresh everything tastes and how I don’t feel so blahh after eating.
Exactly! 🙂
Yum, I love the looks of your lunch! I’m a big fan of festivals too! They’re so fun to go to and you kind find the most unique items. I also love festival food! 😉