I have a great recipe to share with you guys today!
But first, What I Ate Wednesday.
(Have no idea what WIAW is all about? This post breaks it down!)
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
Breakfast came later than normal, so I reached for an effortless bowl of cereal topped in all the berries. Literally… all of them.
Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnamon Crunch Cereal, blueberries and raspberries
That bowl did a great job powering me through the morning. By 11:30, I was rushing around to get out the door and over to the gym before an afternoon of training appointments.
I had about two minutes to figure something out for lunch, so I turned to an old favorite…
Amy’s Kitchen Organic medium chili (to-go) with saltine crackers
… and filled my water bottle up with coconut water for extra hydration points.
Against my better judgement, I quickly ate (read: inhaled) the entire bowl of chili before I pulled into the gym parking lot five minutes later. Whoops.
I spent the next three hours training clients, and was pleasantly surprised that the chili kept me full and content the whole time! Gotta love it.
I had a break around 3 p.m. and broke out a few snacks to tie me over until dinner while I worked on the computer.
Jack Link’s Sweet Teriyaki Turkey Jerky
I actually prefer the original flavor, but they were all out when I went to re-stock over the weekend. It was still delicious. Another hour passed by, and more snacks followed.
Pear and Chobani Blended Green Tea Greek yogurt
Oh my gosh, that yogurt is good. If you haven’t tried it yet, you need to!
I had two more sessions at the gym, then Scott picked me up around 8:30 p.m. I asked him to be in charge of dinner since I knew I would be hangry when I got home. That I was.
I came in to an awesome spread! Scott was still finishing up dinner, so I hopped in the shower and came down to a beautiful sight about fifteen minutes later.
Chicken with a side of baked beans, french bread, and avocado hearts of palm salad
I was thoroughly impressed!
Everything was wonderful, but I could have easily eaten three more bowls of that salad.
I shared a little sneak peek of it yesterday, so I am delivering the recipe today, as promised.
It was so good!
3 avocados, cut in half, de-pitted, cut into chunks
1 (14 oz. can) hearts of palm, drained
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1 cup organic corn, cooked and sliced off the cob (about 2 cobs)
1 Tbsp. red onion, chopped
3 Tbsp. cilantro (or to taste), chopped
3 Tbsp. pumpkin seeds (to sprinkle on top)
2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
4 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 Tbsp. fresh squeezed lime juice
1/4 tsp. brown sugar
1/4 tsp. oregano to taste
salt & pepper to taste
1. Whisk dressing together in a small mixing bowl. Set aside.
2. Combine all salad ingredients (besides pumpkin seeds) in a medium sized mixing bowl.
3. Pour dressing onto salad and gently toss when ready to be served. Keep refrigerated.
4. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and enjoy!
This salad can be served as a bigger portion for a main entrée (try adding shrimp!), or can be plated smaller on the side of dinner. I can’t wait to make it again!
Full and satisfied, I grabbed a small handful of leftover candy from the movies for dessert and headed upstairs to call it a night.
Junior Mints = pure happiness
It was a great little Tuesday!
If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others or even link your own! Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” category on the right hand sidebar.
Please note: What I Ate Wednesday features an entire day of my unfiltered eats. In no way do I change what I eat just for the sake of documenting it. While I try to be mindful with portions, I don’t count calories. I do, however, take into account how much activity I am going to be doing that day, and I plan my meals and snacks accordingly.
Question of the Morning
• Do you share cooking duties with a spouse, family member, roommate or friend?
I am usually in charge of getting dinner together since Scott’s schedule is usually more demanding than mine. It’s a shame, though, because he is an excellent cook! Now that the NBA season is over (for us), it’s been nice having Scott home in the evenings to help out with meals and new dishes. He has a knack for recipe creation and spice combinations!
All right. I better go, but I’ll see you back here in just a bit with a fun post on getting ready for professional dancer/cheerleader auditions!

Ohh I love a good avocado corn salad! The addition of hearts of palm sounds delicious!!
I am a sucker for anything with avocado. 🙂 Sounds delicious! Scott works almost every night training clients so I am responsible for dinner too. It’s a shame because he’s a great cook and comes up with really nice flavor combinations. When he is home we will usually cook together.
I honestly do not think I have ever even eaten hearts of palm. You now how me curious! Anything with avocado in it has to be good though, right? 😉
I love avocado and hearts of palm- that sounds delicious!
I have never tried any chili before, but for some reason, that bowl looks delicious to me! I might need to pick up a can of Amy’s! That recipe also looks delicious. Thank you for sharing it Heather. 🙂
That salad sounds delicious! It reminds me of an amazing salad at Social in Birmingham…did that happen to be the inspiration? If not, you should try it next time you go! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
That salad looks SO good. My husband used to be the main cook in our house and I’d di dishes but now that I’m home with our son I make dinner. But I’m still stuck with the dishes!!
Oh man, I always end up with the dishes too. I feel like there should be some kind of trade off… whoever cooks doesnt do dishes 😉
High five for ending the day with Junior Mints–those were always my favorite candy to get at the movies as a kid! You know, you don’t see hearts of palm used that often in recipes but I do enjoy them. Scott did a good job getting creative, the salad is very pretty too! That green tea yogurt is quite good. Have you tried the concord grape though? It was another special limited time flavor I believe and it was THE BEST. By far my favorite Chobani I have ever tried.
I have the grape flavor in my fridge to try tomorrow! Now I’m excited to try it. Junior Mints will always have a special place in my heart 😉
Unfortunately I don’t share cooking duties with my hubby cuz if it was up to him, we’d have pizza or McD’s every night! I definitely have to try that green tea yogurt!
Maybe he can be in charge of your pizza nights 😉 I hope you like the yogurt!
Gotta love a man that can cook! 🙂