Good morning! I hope you all had a great weekend.
You know, I don’t say this enough… but I love reading all about your Friday Favorites. I’m not home much during my Fridays these days, so I check out as many links as I can on my phone or between breaks at the gym, and I just want you guys to know that they really do make my heart smile. <3
I’ve got a few minutes to catch up reading some of them this morning, so I’m already starting my week off in a great mood!
Our weekend was a great mix of busy and not-so busy, which is just what I needed. We had a great double date with friends on Friday, then made a quick trip over to Ann Arbor for an event at The Big House on Saturday. Here are some of the highlights!
The Bird & The Bread
I was only home long enough to change and get back out the door after a full day at the gym Friday! We had 7:30 reservations to meet our friends Alex and Alex for dinner in Birmingham at a new-to-us restaurant on Old Woodward called The Bird & The Bread.
The restaurant, once bar named South, re-opened with a fresh new concept in February 2014.
The decorations were unique, complete with books on the bar and private rooms sectioned off for special occasions.
The four of us were sat in between two other tables, but we had plenty of room. For being so close to other customers, we were surprised when we couldn’t hear the conversations around us as much as we expected to. There were sound pads lining the main dining areas, and the atmosphere was warm, inviting, and comfortable.
We ordered a bottle of Pinot Noir as we looked over the menu, and kicked things off with a couple of appetizers.
Bruschetta Trio (olive tapenade, tomato-basil, fava & ramp leaf)
Truffle Fries
They were both great choices that disappeared quickly.
In a true indecisive fashion, Alex and I split two entrées to be able to try more off of the menu.
Seared Sea Scallops & Spicy Greens Salad
Our waiter suggested we order the scallops with a note that they were the best thing on the menu! They certainly blew Scott and Alex’s entrées out of the water, and came under a bed of incredible risotto. And, I’m not exaggerating… the risotto was incredible.
The salad was also worth mentioning, and had a spicy and sweet taste with roasted grapes, peppery greens, and goat cheese. Both were so good!
We had plans to drive down the street for ice cream, but we couldn’t turn down the strawberry-rhubarb with oatmeal streusel and vanilla ice cream first. It was delicious!
We enjoyed our dining experience at The Birds & The Bread, but I would rank it with a good, rather than a great. I loved what I ate, but Scott wasn’t as happy with his menu choice of The Braise (lamb shank). Overall, it had a steakhouse price with a casual atmosphere.
I’d love to visit again, but I think we will make the drive over for brunch next time!
Ray’s Ice Cream
Ray’s Ice Cream is a local favorite in Royal Oak, Michigan. They are known for notable homemade flavors like Mackinac Fudge and Superman.
It’s not unlikely for there to be a line out the door, and if you decide to come, make sure you have room for a lot of ice cream!
The boys ordered “single” waffle cones that could have easily been split between the group. The girls stuck to the “kiddie” size, which is probably bigger than an adult small anywhere else!
I bypassed my normal mint chocolate chip order for the cookies ‘n cream. It was divine!
If you are ever in the area of Birmingham or Royal Oak, I would suggest a stop into Ray’s if you’re looking to quench your sweet tooth. It has charming 50s ice cream parlor indoor seating and tons of decorations with a nostalgic old-time feel!
University of Michigan Movie Night
I spent the majority of my Saturday at a friend’s bridal shower, followed by an afternoon around the house. Scott finished up a meeting around 5 p.m., so we hopped in the car and drove over to Ann Arbor to meet some friends for #UMMovieNight soon after.
We always love an excuse to get over to Ann Arbor. It’s such a cute little college town with tons of great restaurants and places to go. After hitting some traffic, we arrived at The Big House for a movie night on the lawn with a group of friends.
I used to always love going to similar on-campus events when I was in school, and always made it out to movies on the lawn anytime there was an outdoor showing. We rolled out our blankets and enjoyed watching Remember the Titans with our favorite season ticket holders.
(Thanks so much for the tickets, Joseys!)
I have to say that it was pretty neat to lay down and cuddle up on the turf of the football stadium. The sound quality of the movie wasn’t amazing, but it was a fun experience nonetheless!
It was wonderful getting to catch up with Nichole and her family, too. We get spoiled by them far too often, and always love getting into their Michigan school spirit!
Scott had work events most of Sunday, so we went to church in the morning and I spent the rest of the day catching up around the house with chores and Netflix. It was so nice to take it easy.
I’ve got to get going early today, but I’ll be back later this afternoon to share some adorable bridal shower photos and details!
» Linking up my Weekend Snapshots with Katie and Erin.
Questions of the Morning
• What was one highlight from your weekend?
• What is the best restaurant or ice cream place you’ve recently visited?
Scott and I love exploring new restaurants and cool places in Detroit and surrounding areas. Our favorite city for dining has been Birmingham this year, and you can see the ones we frequent the most in these weekend recaps or on the Detroit & Michigan Page!

Great movie night idea! I have never watched a movie outside or in a big statdium setting. I bet it’s a different experience. Remember the Titans is a great movie too!
I hadn’t watched it in forever. Hayden Panettiere looked like a baby!
Oh the best ice cream place in Columbus has to be Jeni’s. They finally fixed their problem with the ice creams and recently reopened, with some pretty new and exciting flavors. I can’t wait to go in and try the sun-popped corn!
Ohhh sun-popped corn sounds delicious!
That sounds like so much fun! I can’t believe how big those kiddie size ice creams are! haha 🙂 That’s my kind of ice cream!
I know right? A large would be an instant death by sugar wish. I’ll stick with the kiddo size!
So many yummy eats! Now I’m craving ice cream!! Here in Omaha my favorite is eCreamery! So good!
Haha, sorry about that. I’ve been on one heck of an ice cream kick lately!
What a fun weekend! My favorite ice cream in Pittsburgh is Page’s Dairy Mart, a little soft serve shack on the south side. But I also love Jeni’s in Columbus, and Annabelle’s in Portsmouth–my mom took me there all the time as a kid. 🙂
Soft serve shacks are the BEST! I remember growing up with one named the Dairy Swirl in Orlando. I used to beg my parents to go every weekend!
I love your school spirit outfit!! 🙂
Thanks Amanda! My blue hat is actually from the Detroit Pistons, but… hey, close enough, right?
Highlight of my weekend was seeing Zac Brown Band in concert! And I absolutely love eating at a local restaurant Bodega… amazing, super fresh, Mexican food. And the brussel sprout side is out of this world!
Yum… I would definitely be up for some Mexican food later! I bet you had a blast at the concert. Love them!
Dang, what a fun-filled weekend!! I would love some good ol’ ice cream right now!
It’s been a weakness of mine for weeks now! Whoops.