Sleep is something our bodies require to survive, function, and live up to our highest potential.
Sleep is something a lot of us which we took more time to do, but is also what others consider to be a “waste of time”. Most likely ranking somewhere low on a lot of people’s to-do lists around the holidays, how much should we be worried or willing to change our sleeping habits?
I would group people into two main categories. On one hand you have the group of go-go-go getters who run a million miles an hour tackling all the things. They barely get enough sleep to function and laugh in the face of naps. On the other hand, you have the early to bed, early to rise routinists. These people generally require a good amount of sleep each night to feel like themselves. They value the golden eight recommended hours a night rule and never turn down the opportunity to relax when it presents itself.
Throughout my adult life, I have slowly shifted from a go-getter (frequent 4 hours of sleep per night offender) to somewhere in the middle. I know I need 7-8 hours a night, but I don’t always get it. I often stay up in the wee hours of the morning to finish a project or something for the blog, then don’t have an issue rising early for the next day if I have to.
When I was consistently working early in the morning (6 a.m. classes or 6:30 a.m. serving shifts), I was really good about going to bed when I needed to. To be frank, I was pooped by the time 10 p.m. came around. With a night owl of a husband, I just got used to turning in hours earlier than him, and he understood. It wasn’t ideal, but it worked for us.
These days, I’m lucky if I get to bed any time before he does. Sometimes it’s more early morning than late night, and I hate when I let myself get there. Since I started working outside of the home again, however, I have done a much better job at hitting the pillows at a reasonable hour.
So… what’s reasonable? How many hours do we really need to be healthy and able to function properly?
In my early blogging days, I dedicated an entire post to this exact question. To summarize, according to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but your personal sleeping hour changes from person to person.
In an effort to actually make a change in my sleeping habits, I was happy to participate in a campaign with Relax the Back. They are promoting their PureRelax Mattress Topper and I was all over it.
The PureRelax Mattress Topper is made with the same eco-friendly memory foam materials as their PureRelax Mattress, reduces motion transfers on the sleep surface, and provides support to reduce muscle and back pain.
To be completely transparent, we probably didn’t need the memory foam topper on top of our King sized (already squishy) memory foam mattress in our master bedroom.
I’m assuming the product was made to layer on top of a regular (non-memory foam) mattress. But, since Scott and I are in dire need of a mattress replacement, I went ahead and ordered the King to try on top of ours in hopes of making ours last longer. I know, I’m ridiculous.
With all of the layers of stacked memory foam, I wasn’t sure how making the bed would go. I mean… you can only stretch sheets so much. Again, paired with a normal mattress, I’m sure adding the PureRelax Mattress Topper wouldn’t be an issue here.
After some struggling, I got everything under our sheets and laughed at how high it brought up the comforter.
Sidenote: We really need to replace our bed set. This one has definitely seen better days and was originally bought as a temporary fix. Three years later, here we still are.
Double Sidenote: We also really, really need end tables. Yes, those are our bedside lamps on the floor. Embarrassing.
Past those issues I brought on myself, I absolutely love this mattress topper. I have to admit, however, that it came with a distinct rubber smell that neither Scott or I are too fond of. The topper comes with Relax the Back’s exclusive bamboo fabric ticking layer, so I could have definitely washed it before assembling the bed if I was paying attention. I will next time I change the sheets!
It’s slowly going away, so that’s good.
We have been sleeping with the PureRelax Mattress Topper for over two weeks now, and I have definitely noticed changes in my sleeping pattern. Seriously. I haven’t been getting up as frequently throughout the night, I can barely feel when Scott or the animals (yes, all three of them sleep with us) are moving about on the bed, and it’s even harder to get out of bed in the morning. I just don’t want to leave it.
(Okay, that photo is super cheesy. But you get my point!)
If you haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing a memory foam mattress or mattress topper, I highly suggest you give it a try. (Maybe not both at the same time, like me.) It’s like sleeping on clouds, my friends.
The good news is that Relax the Back is doing a couple of awesome giveaways this week. Currently, they are teaming up with FitFluential for a giveaway on their Snoozer Body Pillow. Scott is a stomach sleeper (often prone to build his own pillow forts), so I am going over to enter right now for him! There are only two days left to enter that one, but keep an eye on their Facebook page for an additional giveaway to pop up later this week featuring the PureRelax Mattress Topper!
With a couple of weeks of solid sleep under my belt, I feel less tired and more me. It’s a wonderful thing. If sleep is somthing low on your priority list, I challenge you to knock it up to the top.
Give a solid effort at “turning off” when you need to at night in order to get a full night’s sleep multiple nights in a row and see if it makes a difference in your mood and energy level. I bet it will!
Since we’re talking about the importance of sleep, I thought I would end by sharing some related posts on sleep and relaxing, via Relax the Back:
• 10 Ways to Relax and De-Stress
• Tips To Prevent Pain During the Holidays (also… get a memory topper!)
• Ways to Reduce Stress This Holiday Season
• Taking Work To Bed (I’m sure we are all guilty of this at some point.)
Questions of the Afternoon
• How much sleep do you average a night?
• How much does that differ from the amount of sleep you actually need?
• What’s one thing you’ve done to get into a better sleeping routine?
Disclaimer: While the PureRelax Mattress Topper in this post was provided to me by Relax the Back through a campaign with FitFluential, I was not compensated for this review. As always, all thoughts and opinions remain my own!

I probably sleep like 5-6 hours a night. I could use more I think, but my brain doesn’t really let me do a whole lot of sleeping. I used to like NEVER sleep when I was looking for a job after grad school – I was so stressed, so this is a log for me. One of these years I’ll start getting like a solid 7 or so.
It’s crazy how much our bodies change as we get older! I used to be able to get 4-5 and be totally fine to roll the next day. Not anymore!
I’m a sleeper! I like to get 7 hours a night, and luckily, Dave goes to bed early with me too. We are always in bed by 10:30 p.m.! Looks like a comfy mattress pad!! And of course, people really need to sleep to help achieve their health and fitness goals. So important.
That’s awesome!! I hope Scott and I can one day get on the same sleeping schedule 🙂
Sleep is so important! I like to get between 7-8 a night. Sometimes it can be difficult and I short change myself but I always feel it the next day. I try to not stare at my phone or too many screens close to bedtime. I also try to dim the rooms so they are not as harshly lit. It helps!
Taking the phone to bed at night is the worst! I’m guilty too. I’ll just sit there and aimlessly scroll for a half hour or so. #pointless 😉
• How much sleep do you average a night?
7 hours–I love my sleep
• How much does that differ from the amount of sleep you actually need?
I have to get enough sleep or I can’t function. I was the kid that got sick at summer camp every year because I needed sleep.
• What’s one thing you’ve done to get into a better sleeping routine?
I have mega back issues (two major surgeries) we bought a sleep number bed. Best investment I have ever made. We love it so much we brought it to Australia with us in our five foot by five foot box, which it took most of our box.
Wow!! Sounds like you’re a great sleeper. Love that you took your sleep number bed with you!
I usually strive for 7-8 hours. I am usually in bed by 9, but typically don’t fall asleep until 10. I have to get up at 5:15, so if no babies wake me up in the middle of the night, that’s about right!
I have been struggling to find a good pillow!
That’s awesome, Chelsey! I bet it gets tricky with two little ones!
I’m somebody that desperately needs my beauty sleep. Eight hours is golden for me, but I’m also good with 7.5 but happiest with 9. Right now, I’m in an interim period between finishing grad school and working full-time again. Needless to say, I have lots of time to get 8 hours and I most definitely am taking advantage. 🙂
As you should! 😉
I’m definitely an early to bed, early to rise girl! I usually get 7-8 hours and I’m suuuuper cranky if I don’t get that in. When I work out at 5 AM, though, that usually means going to bed at 8:30-9:00, which makes me feel like such an old lady haha.
Yes that sounds super early! But you gotta do what you gotta do! Kudos to you for making sleep a priority.
I actually used to get more sleep when I had to be up very early…but now that I don’t HAVE to..well, I stay up quite a bit later than I used to. I still get up early, but I definitely used to get more sleep when I was on a specific schedule. Like you, I would be wiped out by 10 pm!
It’s definitely harder to get into a good routine if you don’t “have” to get up super early!
I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep during the week. 4:30am comes early so I make sure we are headed to bed at 8:30pm. On the weekends I’ll choose less sleep in order to get “more” out of my weekend.. But that just makes me more tired and wiped out during the week. Its a viscous cycle. Sleep is definitely not overrated.
I used to do the same on the weekends. But then again, Friday night would come around and all I wanted to do was sleep! Ha.
I am huge on sleep! I am lucky enough to get at least 7 hours on the week nights and the weekends I get between 8 and 9 most the time, haha maybe a little too much but what can I say!
That’s awesome! I don’t think 8-9 hours could ever be “too much” 😉
I sleep around 9-10 pm ish, but I find i can’t fall asleep before 10! It sucks.
Love this!! During the summer I actually did a post : “Benefits of Sleep”. I usually get around 7-9, I’m can function well off of those numbers. Then about once or twice a week I have a hard time sleeping and I get 5-6, those nights just suck haha.
Great . Thanks for sharing
These tips are spot on! I always love a downtime moment before bedtime, contributes a lot in having a good night sleep. And yes, a more comfy and good bedding makes a big difference too!
Great article! Very informative and helpful. Thanks