Scott and I took it upon ourselves to have me tag along on another work trip of his this month and spend a little “QT” with each other.
I knew ahead of time that March would almost be a wash with getting what we needed to get done for the wedding, so I embraced that and as a result, everything that has gotten done has turned into a pleasant surprise…
Disclaimer: picture taken while inside of a car 😉 |
Let’s start with our first night there: I was SO excited to get into the city after we landed, but let me just say my welcome into Chicago was not the smoothest…
I was very excited to land and still on Could 9 that Scott has surprised me with first class seats on my flights up to Chicago – how sweet is that?!
I actually landed a few minutes early into the O’Hare airport and started walking towards baggage claim, anxious to see my man! Sadly, the excitement of landing early quickly dwindled when I came to realize I was the last one on my flight left at baggage claim – sans bag.
My ride and Scott’s partner in crime Barry must have circled around the arrival lanes about 50 times before finally giving up on my bag arriving on time. They had to hurry to the arena and get to the Bulls game while I was left to raise “you know what” in order to get my bag in a timely matter.
So there I was: no ride, no bags and worried about getting to the game on time. Luckily, our friend Annabelle came to the rescue with snacks and refreshments. Little did I know the 15 minutes planned to grab my bags turned into a 4 and a half hour wait time! She was very sweet and felt bad about the whole thing, when obviously nothing about that was her fault! I could have had the bags delivered to my hotel, but I knew that would take even longer and no one had time for that nonsense.
Needless to say, I finally got my bags and it was time to head to the Bulls game! I always love the opportunity to travel to different cities and experience NBA games from that city’s perspective. The game was really fun and I had a great time watching while Scott worked.
It felt great to “get away” again and know we had a few days in the city ahead…
The next day, Scott and I planned to enjoy the parks, tour some buildings and take advantage of the culture that Chicago has to offer. Unfortunately, the weather had other plans: dropping to what felt like zero and raining. So, we improvised. We took this opportunity to tour the Museum of Contemporary Art followed by shopping and finding my two new favorite stores in the city Hershey’s and Ghirardelli! 😉
I can’t lie that Scott and I both got pretty excited about this adventure:
HOLY 5 pounds of Hershey’s Bar! |
I’m pretty sure he could have drank that entire bottle. |
Ghirardelli hot cocoas – THE BEST hot chocolate EVER! 🙂 |
…………….. |
I’m sure we’re the only ones who took pictures with this. |
Just a hanging out in the giant shells… |
You probably get by now that we made a great day out of a rainy and cold day in Chicago. It wasn’t ideal for “touring the city,” but we still had a great time together and I would love to come back to the city either in early spring, or fall one day. I’m sure there were tons of things we didn’t get to do or see.
Ahhh! There you are – in the rubber house…of course! |
The last night before we left, we got to spend some time with one of Scott’s best friends, Barry. The two guys have always had a close bond and together are pretty ridiculous. No matter what they do or where they go, there’s always bound to be lots of shenanigans and laughs happening. We had a nice dinner and went out to the House of Blues, which was so much fun!
We didn’t really want to leave, but at the end of the night we were all impressed by the funny little mini “pew pew” gun that our waitress shared with us, and yes, this is completely normal.
There they are…Annabelle “pew pew”ing. |
He took us up to his new place and we had brunch at a charming little diner by the arena that SCREAMS Chicago! The owner of this place was hysterical and told us jokes I’ve never heard before…mostly inappropriate for this blog, so just use your imagination on those! But, needless to say…even brunch was FUN.
Love these two…
Thanks for a great trip, Scott. I feel very lucky to be able to travel with you and just enjoy time together during such a crazy time.

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