Today I’m sharing a Tabata-style bodyweight workout that you can complete at home!
A client of mine asked for a workout that targeted her abs and legs with a bit of cardio yesterday. Needing a break from her normal strength training program, I thought it was a great idea and put a workout similar to this one together.
I switched out the exercises that require equipment with what you see below, and tried it out for myself as soon as I got home. The entire workout should take you about 45 minutes or less to complete, and it goes faster than you expect it to.
For those of you who are new to this type of training, Tabatas are 4-minute bouts of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercises. You follow a :20 work, :10 rest pattern and do the same exercise 8 times in a row before moving on to the next. Just a few of them in a row produces a good workout.
Get ready because this one includes nine!
Just like any workout, please rest between exercises and as needed. Listen to your body!
If you’ve been following the blog for a hot minute, then you already know that I like to share my workout playlists with you. I recently updated my Tabata Training playlist with some fun new tracks that make it easy to follow the :20 work, :10 rest pattern. The coach in the (most) song does the counting for you, which is awesome.
Stream and download it here!
I usually start to really feel the burn around Round 5 or 6 of the 8. An exercise might feel easy at first, but it definitely gets more challenging as the 4 minutes progress. Try to stick to the standard work and rest pattern if you can, but please, please also rest when you feel like you really need it!
Now let’s break down the exercises …
Exercise Breakdown
• plank hold
Get into a plank position on your elbows and toes.
Make sure your hips are in line with your shoulders, your elbows are under your shoulders, your legs are straight, and your core is tight. Hold this position tight for 20 seconds without letting your back round or arch. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat for 8 rounds. You can always drop your knees to modify.
• floor bridges
Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. They should be about hip-width apart. Arms should be resting by your sides. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips and hold the position for about 2-3 seconds.
Stay on the heels of your feet and keep squeezing your glutes. Slowly lower your hips without touching the floor and repeat for 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and repeat for 8 rounds.
• jumping jacks
Start in a standing position with your feet together and arms by your sides. Slightly bend your knees and propel yourself a few inches in the air. Bring your arms by your ears and legs a little wider than your shoulders.
Quickly jump back to your starting position and repeat for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds and repeat for 8 rounds.
• sit-ups
Get on the floor in a sit-up position: back and feet flat on the floor, with your knees bent to a ninety degree angle. Cross your arms over your chest. This is your starting position.
Tighten your glutes and hamstrings as you sit up, then slowly roll back to the starting position. Do as many sit-ups as you can in 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and repeat for 8 rounds.
• reverse lunges (4 each)
Start standing tall with your hands on your hips and feet under your hips. Step backward with your left leg, and lower your body until your right knee is bent at least 90 degrees and your left knee nearly touches the floor.
Push yourself back to the starting position by pressing into the floor. If you want more of a challenge, grab a set of dumbbells and hold them by your sides. Do this exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 10. For this workout, stay on one leg for 4 consecutive rounds, then switch to 4 rounds on the other side.
Aim to keep your front heel under your knee and avoid leaning forward or back!
• side shuffles with knee holds
This one is a doozie! It alternates between both sides and gets your heart rate up pretty quickly.
Start by standing with a slight bend to the knees. Side shuffle by taking a few small, quick steps to the right and then bring your inside knee up to your waist. Keep your core tight and pause for a few seconds (extra ab work!), then side shuffle to the other side and bring the (opposite) inside knee up to your waste.
Alternate knee holds and shuffles for 20 seconds, then rest for 10. Repeat for 8 rounds.
• side planks (4 each)
Start in a side elbow plank on your left side. Keep your legs straight and feet stacked on top of one another. To modify this exercise, unstack the feet by putting one in front of the other or placing the bottom knee on the ground. Make sure your elbow is directly under your shoulder and keep your weight there.
Hold this position for 20 seconds, then come down to rest for 10. Repeat for 4 consecutive rounds on the left, then switch sides for 4 consecutive rounds on the right.
• squat with leg lifts (4 each)
Start with your feet a bit wider than your shoulders and your hands on your hips or in front of you. Stand tall, then come down into a squat position with your thighs slightly higher then your knees. Engage your glutes to slowly straighten up and lift your right leg to the side. Keep your leg inverted (parallel) and your foot flexed, hold for a second, then lower back down to your squat.
Keep your glute in line with your hip in the raised position, your feet pointed forward, and your knees between your second and third toe in the squat position! Repeat on the same side for 20 seconds, rest for 10, then repeat for 4 rounds. Switch sides and complete another 4 rounds.
• (invisible) jump ropes
You don’t always have to use a jump rope to jump rope!
Simply pretend that you’re holding a jump rope and jump or skip the invisible rope for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds, and repeat for 8 rounds.
Save this workout for later!
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» Right click the workout graphic above and click Save Image As.
» Label it with .jpg at the end and save it to your computer desktop as an image file that you can easily open and print.
If you’re on your smart phone:
» Tap and hold your finger down on the graphic.
» Click Save Image or Save to Camera Roll.
More LIL Tabata workouts:
• 25 Min. Cardio Core Tabata Workout
• 30 Min. Bodyweight Tabata Strength Workout
Please let me know if you decide to give this workout a try, as feedback is always welcomed.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday!
Questions of the Day
• When is the last time you did a set of jumping jacks?
• What is one thing that you are looking forward to today?
Disclaimer: Although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me, and might not be the right type of exercises for you. I always recommend consulting a doctor or health professional before making changes to your diet and/or fitness routine. <3

These are fantastic, Heather! I always love the workouts you put together. I agree. The first few rounds can be easy any make you want to increase those weights or whatever but when you near the end, forget it! haha It’s HARD! Which is why I love them 🙂
Thanks Heather! And yes, it’s crazy how different Round 2 and 7 feel. Yowza!
This looks like such a great workout! I am always trying to find ways to add core moves into my cardio so this perfect 🙂
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie recently posted…Cinnamon Cookie Baked Oatmeal & Hamilton Beach GIVEAWAY
Those side shuffles to knee holds … definition of core incorporated into cardio! Harder than they seem!
Love tabatas!! (my computer keeps trying to auto-correct tabatas into terabits lol!!) Can’t wait to try this workout. Thanks for sharing.
Sam @ Barrister’s Beet recently posted…3 Reasons You Should Exercise in the Morning
Autocorrect never works on my side, ha. I hope you enjoy the workout!
This looks like an amazing workout and I love that you included the playlist too! I’m going to try this tonight.
Jen @ Pretty Little Grub recently posted…Sport Supplement Review: Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
Thanks Jen, I hope you enjoy the workout and playlist!
I love tabata! (or love to hate!) Pinning for later 🙂
Tara | Treble in the Kitchen recently posted…Kale and Pesto Millet Bowls
Woot! And yes, hate to love/love to hate is the perfect description. 😉
I definitely just did a set of jumping jacks on Sunday night when I was trying to hit my Fitibit step goal before going to sleep… lol! And one thing I am looking forward to today is picking out music for my Spinning profile! It’s a good excuse to listen to music without interruption for a few hours.
Yes!! Fitbit goals. So funny, and very effective! Have fun with the tunes!
Awesome workout, and I love that you included all the pictures! Thanks for sharing:)
Thanks for reading Laura, let me know if you give it a try!
I’d love to know what exercises you replaced. I love seeking inspiration from you for leading my boot camp classes. I teach two (sometimes three) times a week, and my clients love using weights and machines. Thanks!
Hi Janelle! Here’s what the original workout looked like:
Plank Holds
Stability Ball Bent Leg Bridges
Kettlebell Swings
Ab Mat Crunches
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (4 each)
Training Ropes (Battle Ropes – alternating wave)
Side Plank Holds (4 each)
Lateral Band Walks
Jump Ropes
Feel free to use it in your own boot camp class. It lasts almost exactly 45 minutes!
Thanks, Heather!