Something crossed my mind during Fitness Pilates class at the gym today.
When I come to take this class, I can always expect it to be in the dark, and ninety-five percent of the time the music is loud.
Most of you know by now that I am a music junkie, and I often get a lot of my workout playlist inspiration right here in these studios. I love, love, love loud and crazy upbeat music when I’m breaking a sweat.
Right before it was time to start, the lights came on for just a minute to allow our teacher to see something specific she was doing with the sounds system. It totally threw off my “in the zone” mode and got me thinking.
When was the last time I took a fitness class at the gym with the lights on? It’s been quite a while.
This brought me all the way back to the group fitness classes I used to take at my gym in Orlando. The lights were always on there, and it never bothered me… I was used to classes being that way.
But, now that I’ve gotten used to my gym up here with the majority of the classes taught in a lights-off environment, I’m not sure I would like them to come back on again.
Whether it be Fitness Pilates, kickboxing, spinning, Body Pump, or even a yoga class, I prefer to take all of my classes that take place at a big gym with the lights off.
I couldn’t tell you why, but I used to also love taking dance classes the same exact way! In the dark with the music blaring, just how I prefer.
While I sat set up and ready for class to start, I also started thinking about how I always place myself right in the front. Even if I’m new at the style of class I’m doing, I like to fully be able to see everything the teacher is doing without having to strain my neck and eyes looking from the back.
Also, being right next to the teacher always pushes me to work harder. They’re right there… so cheating isn’t an option without getting called out.
Plus, I feel like if I’m right in front, I can’t stop during exercises because the people behind me might get confused. I like to feed off of the energy of the front and keep it going towards the back!
Maybe it’s mental, but to each their own. It works and has kept me coming to a variety of classes for a long time!
After class, I grabbed the smoothie special of the week from the cafe that might have changed my life.
It’s called the Mocha Banana Shake and includes all things wonderful like organic milk, organic banana, grass-fed whey protein, mocha java powder, and espresso dynamic greens.
I didn’t even realize half of those things existed, but I’m so glad I’m now in the know. It was fantastic… and I was actually pouted when I sipped my last drop.
The shake did a great job of holding me over through running a couple of errands and getting my eyebrows threaded. (<- Ouch! Wasn’t a fan today.)
I returned home right before 3 p.m. and quickly heated up some of last night’s leftovers.
A power bowl with snap peas, sweet potatoes, blackened chicken, cherry tomatoes, and feta cheese.
Sorry for the lack of appeal in the photo… but that’s all I’ve got this afternoon. I guess that’s what I get for being in a hurry and using my iPhone with an overcast outside. Whoops!
All right, I’ve got to get going and take on this storm that’s going on outside to go grab Scott from work. Yup, we’re still doing that whole sharing one car bit. It’s pretty great. 😉
See you in the morning!
Questions of the Day
• How do you prefer to take group fitness classes? (In the dark or with the lights on?)
• How do you prefer the music? (Soft and in the background or loud and revved up?)
• Are you one to be front and center or prefer to set up in the back?
Like I said earlier, I like my room dark, my music loud, and a position where I can see and be seen to make myself work as hard as I can! Is that obnoxious? Maybe so, but it works for me, and at the end of the day that’s all that really matters!

That smoothie looks delicious!
Oh my goodness it was! I really, really need to invest in everything involved and make them often!
One of my friends is exactly like you, she loves a dark room and loud loud music- she took me to a spin class which basically was spinning in a nightclub lol. I like it bright sunny with ambient music- like my favorite yoga studio. .definitely to each their own in this front!:)
I do love the different environment of a specialty studio. I used to teach barre at a very brightly (natural) lit studio and it was one of the most calming places to be! I guess it just depends on the type of workout for me.
I love taking classes in the dark. I feel like it gives you more power and drive. And I am so a front and center person. I hate having someone in front of me, haha!
Hehe. It drives me nuts when Scott comes to class with me and wants to get the back corner. We usually compromise somewhere in the middle. 😉
LOUD music is a MUST!!!! As far as lights on vs. lights off — it depends on the class. I like lights on for classes like BodyPump, Zumba or an aerobics-based class, but I like them off for spinning, yoga, etc. I also like to be toward the front so I can see, but I position myself off to the side so I’m a little more “incognito.” 😉
The front side is also a sweet spot of mine! Love it 🙂
I want one of those banana mocha shakes! It looks delicious!
The only class I’ve ever taken in the dark is spin, with barre classes being kind of dim. I don’t mind either way. I also like to be in front but only after I have taken the class once before. My first class is always in the back!
I would love to take a fitness class in the dark!