Good morning! Happy Hump Day! I thought I would mix things up today by combining two posts that have been popular on the blog in the past.
Since it’s Wednesday, I will be covering an entire day of my eats for What I Ate Wednesday. Just for fun, I broke down my Monday with more detail than I usually do to incorporate another “Day in the Life” type of post.
The last time I posted a DITL, I was in a major transition period. I just got certified for personal training and was ready and looking for what the future held for me in the fitness industry. I enjoy putting these posts together every once in a while because I think it will be interesting to go back and revisit my days as they evolve and continually change throughout the years.
Plus, I enjoy reading other people’s DITLs. I can’t be the only one, right?
Currently, I spend my days training clients at the gym, glued to the computer when I am home to run this blog, working out (mostly at home because it’s freezing), volunteering at church, exploring the eats and activities in the Metro Detroit area with Scott, working on specialization certifications, scoping out possible group fitness instructor positions, and trying to find a balance on how much to take on outside of the home!
Monday, January 12, 2015
5:45 a.m.: alarm goes off, definitely not happening
6:15 a.m.: finally roll out of bed, hop in the shower
6:30 a.m: get dressed and ready for the day!
7:15 a.m.: share pre-drafted post on social media channels and quickly scroll through news feeds
(I love when my Mondays start off like that!)
7:30 a.m.: review my notes and get ready for my personal training session at the gym, grab a granola bar and small coffee to-go
7:40 a.m.: the snowfall last night slowed my quick drive up a bit, but I didn’t mind… thanks to the winter wonderland scenery
8 a.m.: time to give my first official fitness assessment and workout!
9:30 a.m.: finish workout (we spent some extra time stretching)
9:45 a.m.: head home after stopping by the bank
10 a.m.: cook breakfast #2
(2 eggs & 1 egg white scrambled with turkey bacon, cheese, and tomato drizzled in Sriracha)
10:30 a.m.: clean up in the kitchen and straighten up our room
(I kind of have a complex about making the bed as soon as possible)
10:45 a.m.: start drafting this post
11 a.m.: check emails and respond to blog post comments
11:45 a.m.: take Scott to work
His Jeep’s power steering needs to be fixed, so it’s better that I take him than having him slip and slide around in the snow! Roadie came along for the ride too.
12:20 p.m.: return home and start afternoon blog post
(while noshing on bbq flavored kale chips)
12:30 p.m.: iPhoto keeps freezing. Boo. Go down to the basement and work on the desktop for the rest of the afternoon and realize Roadie pooped down here a few days ago. Awesome. (He only does that when we aren’t home a lot. It’s definitely out of spite!)
1:00 p.m.: neighborhood snow plowers clear out our drive and walkway (awesome perk of condo living!)… Roadie FREAKS for ten minutes.
1:10 p.m.: FedEx Delivery. Once again, all my efforts go into calming Roadie down. Get distracted by pretty things and clothing for upcoming campaigns (!!)
1:15 p.m.: back to work
1:35 p.m.: Aspen jumps on my desk and knocks my water bottle and bowl of kale chips over. This is just another example of how our animals are prepping us for children.
1:45 p.m.: my entire typed out post vanishes as I press “save draft”… one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a blogger
2:03 p.m.: Another delivery, this time from UPS. Of course, it takes a while to calm Roadie down again. I guess the campaign swag makes up for it.
2:05 p.m.: Must. Retype. And. Finish. Post.
2:40 p.m.: Publish post! Whoo!
2:50 p.m.: Clean out litter box and all the random messes from the pets in the basement
3:00 p.m.: Must. Find. Food!!
Luckily, I had some veggie quinoa ready to heat up.
I washed and drained a can of chick peas and warmed up a big handful to throw on top of it with a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.
It was yummy!
3:30 p.m.: drive back to the gym
3:45 p.m.: go over class format for two (new-to-me) classes
4:15 p.m.: online meeting with marketing director of coaching app
5:00 p.m.: getting excited to finally give online training a go! (Yup, that means I will eventually be able to virtually train some of you guys (!!!)… more details coming soon.)
5:15 p.m.: drive back home and pick out a workout… I don’t have much time, so it has to be quick and effective
(HIIT Blitz Workout from The Fitnessista!)
5:30 p.m.: sweaty girl with jello legs
6 p.m.: shower and get ready for bible study
It’s a good thing sweats are welcomed since that’s all I want to slip into.
6:45 p.m.: Scott gets home from work, so I talk to him while dinner is defrosting
7:00 p.m.: enjoyed the last of this bean soup from the freezer for dinner
7:15: p.m.: drive to bible study
9:45 p.m.: return home. It was a great session with the girls!
10 p.m.: eat handfuls of triscuits dipped in hummus, followed by this Special K brownie
10:15 p.m.: brush teeth and go upstairs
10:30 p.m.: finish watching The Family Man in bed (I love that movie!)
11 p.m.: Night!!
Previous DITL Posts:
• Day in the Life #1: A Typical Monday
• Day in the Life #2: Working From Home
If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others, or even link your own! Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” tag on the right hand sidebar.
Question of the Morning
• Has your life become any busier since the turn of the New Year?
I would love to get a glimpse into a day in your life. If you are a blogger and have recently shared your own and DITL post, feel free to paste your link here in the comments section. <3

I feel like my life is busier now that it’s a new year. I have been studying for my training certification and I start work at a local gym soon. It’s very close to our home so I am hoping I will be able to go back and forth during the day. We shall see. Thanks for sharing – these posts are always fun to read!
That’s exactly what I do now! It’s great to have that advantage of being so close. It’s much easier to cover classes and pop in to train whenever it’s convenient for clients that way!
The Family Man is one of our all time favorite movies! We always pull it out at Christmas and watch it at least once each season!
I never thought of it as a Christmas movie, but it totally is!
I don’t know what it is about Day in the Life Posts but I love reading them too! It is fun to see how other peoples days are structured 🙂
Hehe, I’m the same way!
A deleted blog post is literally the worst!!!! Also, those spilled kale chips. I totally understand 🙂
Ha, I had to really convince myself to clean it up… and I was also pretty upset at the loss. They were good!
This might be my favorite post to date. My dog is a nightmare with the doorbell, and pees on the rug when I am not home enough to her liking. I have had so many rugs in her lifetime..
Haha, I’m glad you found the pet portion entertaining… and I’m sorry you feel my pain. Peeing is definitely worse than pooping :/
You definitely sign up for an exciting and interesting life when you have pets. I can only imagine having pets and kids!! That quinoa bowl looked delicious I will replicate it soon!
For sure! I have a feeling that combo will make for a lot of interesting blog content. 😉
January is always a slower month for me for activities and events. I take the downtime to get organized and clean. It is a nice break from the craziness of spring-fall!
Awesome! I was the same way over December. It was super slow for me work-wise, so I did a lot of cleaning and organizing. I feel like it kicked off the new year in the perfect way!
I love Day In the Life posts. So fun to read! Also, glad to know my cat isn’t the only one that loves to knock things over. The worst was when he hit my wine glass with his tail. It hit the ground and shattered.
Oh girl, no. With two cats and a dog, some animal is always playing with something they’re not supposed to or knocking something over. The Christmas tree was a HUGE corner of entertainment for all of them, lol. Glad that’s over 😉
What was your fitness accessment like?
Our fitness assessments measure what kind of shape you are in when starting our training programs! First we go through a series of movement testing that assesses the client’s overhead squat posture, then flexibility and muscle endurance with tests like push-ups and sit-ups to max. Then I take skinfold measurements and input their numbers into software to get their body fat percentage and also their resting metabolic heart rate to help with calorie intake and nutrition recommendations. It’s all very interesting to me and I’m so glad my first time doing it is over! It went well 🙂
Sounds like a good productive day! That’s always a great way to kick off the week! My days have actually become significantly less busier since the new year, and I’m totally loving it. I gave up a couple classes and now that we don’t have a bunch of holiday stuff going on, it’s a lot more ‘laxed.
Woo hoo, enjoy the extra time while you have it! Amiright? 😉
Those pants you are wearing when showing the book are SO cute. Where did you get them from?
Thank you! They are from Fabletics. You can see the details here: <3