Happy Hump Day! I thought I would mix things up today by combining two posts that have been popular on the blog in the past.
Since it’s Wednesday, I will be covering an entire day of my eats for What I Ate Wednesday. Just for fun, I broke down my Tuesday with more detail than I usually do to also cover another “Day in the Life” type of post.
The last time I posted a DITL, I just started training clients at the gym, I was glued to the computer (running this blog) when I was at home, working out about five times a week (mostly at home because it was freezing out), volunteering at church, exploring the eats and activities in the Metro Detroit area with Scott, working on specialization certifications, and trying to find a balance on how much to take on outside of the home!
Currently, I have been working part-time at a gym as a personal trainer, blogging on my breaks, still exploring everything Detroit and the surrounding areas have to offer, traveling throughout the summer, (still) working on specialization certifications, and figuring out how to balance my day to day tasks without falling behind.
I enjoy putting these posts together every once in a while because I think it will be interesting to go back and revisit my days as they evolve and continually change throughout the years.
Plus, I enjoy reading other people’s DITLs. Call me nosy, but I know I’m not the only one!
Tuesday, July 7th, 2015
*** Edited to add ***
I meant to include that I was also covering sessions for another trainer this day. I normally teach anywhere from 1-4 sessions/classes per day. Summer travels, however, call for covering several days like this. Also, I do not work out whatsoever during my sessions. I simply demonstrate exercises, set up stations, observe, and correct form during classes. I complete my own workouts earlier or later in the day!
5:00 a.m. alarm goes off… press snooze. Obviously.
5:20 a.m. finally get up. Where’s the coffee?
5:40 a.m. leave for my 6 a.m. class at the gym. I’m so grateful the drive is close!
6 a.m. teach a small group strength training class
6:50 a.m. finish class and get workout and notes ready for the next 1-on-1 client
7:00 a.m. COFFEE on the side of training
7:45 a.m. finish session, finish coffee, and make a quick bowl of yogurt and granola for breakfast #1
Fage Raspberry Greek yogurt topped in Quaker simply granola oats, honey, raisins & almonds and with a side of coffee
8:40 a.m. finish and publish morning blog post
8:45 a.m. share post across social media channels and check emails until next class
9 a.m. teach small group circuit class (loved the ladies in class today!)
10 a.m. pack up and head home for a break
10:15 a.m. Scott returns home from physical therapy, so I whip up a big batch of scrambled eggs for us for breakfast #2
Scrambled eggs with tomato, spinach, cheese, and a drizzle of sriracha
Enjoy a brief morning at home with him until he has to go to work.
11:45 a.m. return to the gym to teach another small group circuit class
12:15 p.m. nobody showed for my Noon class, so I start drafting this post instead!
12:45 p.m. start writing afternoon blog post
1:45 p.m. leave for doctor’s appointment
2:00 p.m. (sorry to be vague)… just making sure everything is normal in this body of mine
2:45 p.m. everything seems fine (as far as I know…) and I grab lunch on the way back to the gym. (Bless you, Quiznos.)
Italian Salad with one dressing cup and chicken instead of the Italian meats
3:15 p.m. scroll social media and Bloglovin’… basically procrastinate
3:25 p.m. coffee (and water) round 2 while finishing my afternoon blog post
I don’t usually have coffee twice a day, but when I do, it’s when I have an on-and-off 14 hour day at the gym. #earnedit
4:30 p.m. get workout and paperwork together for a new client session
5:00 p.m. new personal training session!
6:00 p.m. teach small group circuit class
6:45 p.m. almond break
Blue Diamond Sriracha almonds
7:00 p.m. teach small group strength training class
8:00 p.m. teach small group circuit class (Phew!!)
8:45 p.m. I was going to work out… but… yeah. Tomorrow. Catch up on some emails instead.
9:15 p.m. get home from the gym and make dinner as quickly as possible. It looks horrid, but tastes awesome.
Amy’s Curry Lentil Soup over quinoa
9:45 p.m. shower and get ready for bed
10:15 p.m. cuddle up on the couch and watch Big Brother with Scott… and eat three hearty handfuls of animal crackers (unpictured) for dessert
10:45 p.m. accidentally fall asleep on the couch… goodnight!
Previous DITL Posts:
• Day in the Life #1: A Typical Monday
• Day in the Life #2: Working From Home
• Day in the Life #3: Starting to Work at the Gym
If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others, or even link your own! Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” tag on the right hand sidebar.
Question of the Day
• What is one effortless dinner you go to when you’re hungry and unmotivated to cook?
I turn to soup over rice, quinoa, or noodles quite often. My go to brand is Amy’s and I even have bags of seasoned quinoa ready to pull from the freezer when it’s late. No shame!
I would love to get a glimpse into a day in your life. If you are a blogger and have recently shared your own and DITL post, feel free to paste your link here in the comments section. <3

Girl, your day sounds EXHAUSTING with all of those workout classes/group sessions! Whew! Just reading it makes me realize just how much I don’t miss that schedule, haha 😉 But you seem to be killin’ it! Have a great day, lady! xo
Haha, it was! But to be fair, I was also covering sessions for another trainer. Summer travels call for several days like this, but I should have mentioned that. Happy Wednesday! 🙂
Oh my goodness so much teaching/training! Do you have to participate in the workouts or just walk around and focus on the other people’s forms/teaching them? I would probably be so exhausted, you must have incredible stamina :). Whenever I am unmotivated to cook I love fixing up some sort of eggs with toast and veggies- or a simple chicken salad!
No, I do not workout whatsoever during my sessions or classes. I meant to include that! Eggs and toast has been my dinner many times! 😉
OMG that’s a lot of training at the gym!! Just reading this post made me tired lol. How do you do it?
Haha, it was. I’ve had busier days than this at the gym too, but normally they are a lot slower. Please see my added note at the beginning of this post! (I was covering sessions for another trainer, too.) Thanks for stopping by!
What a busy day! I thought I was busy chasing two little ones : ) I often have an afternoon coffee and chocolate to keep me going : )
Busy weeks deserve unplugging on the weekends, right? 😉 I’m sure you have your hands plenty full with two babies. <3 Coffee + chocolate = two of my very favorite things!
: )
Those scrambled eggs look delicious!
I always wondered about how trainers could work out ALL DAY LONG – thanks for letting me in on the secret 🙂
I can’t speak for everyone, but in my opinion, trainers shouldn’t be working out with their clients. They are hired to create workouts, but more importantly to make sure they are performing them correctly and should be the focus of the hour!
oh wow look at that schedule! I am super tired just reading it. I wish I could stay up that late and wake up that early and be able to function. I really need to try staying up a little bit later since I do get to somewhat “sleep in” in the mornings!
I don’t wake up that early every day! When I don’t have to be at the gym until later in the day, I usually wake up around 7:30… which is a little more doable on an everyday basis 😉
The fact that you are done at the gym before I even get up in the morning is insane! you are one tough woman! I’m also so envious that you’re watching big brother. I have a lot to catch up on social media wise when I come back to Canada. I haven’t watched TV or read a gossip magazine in a year now.. I’m so out of the loop!
Big Brother is a show Scott and I always watch together! I guess it’s a guilty pleasure 😉
I used to be obsessed with it and I have a feeling that i will be again when I get home! Any new twists?
Haha, always! A BB first this season, too!
I thought chasing after a baby all day was exhausting, until I read that. um you’re a gangster. Also, I totally miss Quiznos – there are none near me!!
Haha, that’s funny. I’m sure chasing after a baby is equally as tiring! Oh no… I’ll trade one of our Quiznos for a Chick-Fil-A if you have it 😉
I know first hand how tough the back and forth life of a trainer can be. Such a busy day – you are totally a rock star!
While I do enjoy busy days, I do have to admit that I don’t mind slower ones sometimes, too. It’s nice when there’s a balance in the weeks between the two!
Because of your love of the Amy’s burritos, I bought some for Dave to take to work on days he doesn’t have lunch meetings. He ate his first the other day (at home of course, not at work), and he was totally impressed. 🙂 Not related to this post at all, but wanted to share. And love these kinds of posts. Much like you, I’m back and forth between gyms and home, trying to fit it all in! AHHH!!!
Woo hoo!!! I love that Dave enjoyed the burrito! They are true staples in our home. Did he have regular or gluten free?
I love whipping up some eggs! Quick easy, filling and delicious at any time of the day in my opinion 🙂
Agreed! There’s no shame in eggs for dinner 😉
Good to know that I’m not the only one who presses snooze for 20 minutes before actual go-time! 😉 My “quick” meal is almost always a can of drained and rinsed chickpeas, thrown in with whatever might be leftover in the fridge and eaten cold with some seasoning on it.
Oh, not at all. I usually snooze for a good 30 mins or so! It drives my husband crazy, ha. I love chick peas!
I love these types of posts! As a fitness instructor/ CPT myself, days look like this!!! Just not right now, busy cooking a human 😉
Aww congrats on your pregnancy! That sounds like hard work to me!
Thanks lady 🙂
I love these posts!! Eggs with something on the side is ALWAYs a go to lazy dinner for me!
I remember often asking for eggs and pancakes for dinner growing up. The best!
I love to make flour tortilla pizzas when I’m short on time for dinner. I just heat up my pizza stone, cook the flour tortilla on it for about 6 minutes, flip it and top with anything in the fridge and cook for another 3-5 minutes. So good!
That sounds delicious! Great idea!
That is a crazy day!! You definitely needed 2 coffees!! I am pretty new in the blogging world but love reading the WIAW posts so I’m going to make my own next week!! My easy go-to dinner is an egg sandwich and some type of salad or frozen veggies.
It’s always neat to see what other peoples days and eating habits are like. I’ve gotten some great ideas from other WIAW posts! Come on and join the party 🙂
Yeah it is really fun to see and get ideas! I will be! Yay!
I love DITL posts!! I did one yesterday as well… it’s always interesting to see how everyone balances their personal/work/fitness schedules! Effortless dinner is eggs… or frozen waffles. Eggo… totally not above it 🙂
Scott LOVES Eggos. I usually have Van’s or Nature’s Path for me and Eggos for him 😉
Ahh I just got so jealous and started writing this comment because I miss Quiznos so much! AHHHH…love this in the day of post, love love love it!