Disclosure: I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Centrum®. I received compensation for this post. While all opinions stated are my own, I make no claims about Centrum® as a product or its effectiveness.
Staying fit, healthy, and losing weight are without a doubt the most popular New Year’s resolutions we verbalize year after year.
Some of my personal resolutions for this year include:
• specializations in behavior change, weight loss, and fitness nutrition
• drink and make more raw juices and smoothies
• run at least two half marathons
While a goal to improve your overall health is easy to start in the first couple of months, the odds of holding true to your plans throughout the entire year aren’t as promising. It is what it is, unfortunately.
When it comes to eating right, even the healthiest of health conscious consumers and professionals may find that they aren’t getting all of the vitamins and nutrients they need from food alone.
There are always going to be events that come up, vacations to take, and last minute to-dos that can put a damper on eating plans for days and even weeks at a time! For this reason, I have been using multivitamins to fill in the questionable nutritional gap since my teen years.
There are six essential nutrients we as adults need on a daily basis: vitamins A, C, D, and E, and the minerals calcium and magnesium. If you aren’t sure you are getting the recommended daily intake of each (probably everyone reading this), you should definitely consider taking a multivitamin to help you stay on top of your health all year long!
I have tried several brands over the years and recently got the opportunity to revisit and take Centrum® multivitamins. I have been taking one pill a day with my breakfast, and I feel good knowing I am doing something so simple, yet so great for my body.
Along with my package of multivitamins, I was also sent the results of a national survey Centrum® conducted in partnership with Prevention, to assess how Americans perceive key vitamins and minerals. I found the research very interesting, and thought it would be good to pass on to you!
Nutrient Intake Perception vs. Reality
Over three quarters of Americans (78%) still believe it is fairly easy to get the recommended daily values of vitamins and minerals by eating a healthy, balanced diet, nearly half of those polled (48%) are concerned they may not be getting enough of one or more key nutrients from their current diet.
Looking Beyond Calories and Fat
Three in four Americans look at the nutritional content of the foods they eat and buy (76%). Among these, nearly twice as many look at calories (72%) and fat content (61%) compared to vitamin and mineral types (33%) or amounts (30%).
Unwilling to Change
Even if they are concerned their current eating habits are not delivering key vitamins and minerals, Americans do not appear to be changing their eating habits to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in their diet.
60% of Americans have not changed their diet in the past year to increase the amount of vitamins and minerals they get, and 74% agree it’s a lot easier to eat unhealthy.
Friends. I tell this to clients at the gym and I will continue to preach it until someone tells me to stop. (And then… I’ll probably still keep going.) Do yourself a favor and take a multivitamin every single day!
If nothing else, a multivitamin helps ensure you are on top of your health game through the good days, the busy days, the lazy days, the cheat days, and throughout all of that adventurous eating during parties and on vacations! You’ve really got nothing to lose.
How important is your health to you? to find the Centrum® that is right for you and to receive a $4 coupon off your next purchase!
Question of the Morning
• What vitamins do you take (if any) on a daily basis?

I do take a multivitamin. I take adult gummies – a womens multivitamin and a vitamin c every morning 🙂
Midwest Darling
The adult gummies are really good!
I’m such a baby, I hate taking the “real” vitamins.
I always take a multi-vitamin. No matter how well we eat we can’t get all the nutrients we need on a daily basis. So the supplements really help.
I use to take a multi-vitamin, but stopped a couple years ago. Oddly enough, I felt better when I wasn’t taking it. I eat pretty healthy almost 90% of the time, so I’m not too worried about it, and my protein powder offers a ton of vitamins and minerals in it as well! But I do want to take calcium pill. Mainly because I’m lactose intolerant, and I know I need that!
Most days I probably don’t need it because I eat healthy and balanced diet. But we all have those days when we don’t eat so healthy so a multivitamin is cheap insurance. I just have to remember to take the darn thing.
That’s a great way to think about it! Cheap insurance. Love it.
I take Centrum for Women 50+ every day.
Awesome!! I think my mom does too 🙂
I take 400mcg of folic acid every day since we’re closing in on baby time and it’s recommended for women before getting pregnant, and vitamin d3, 2000iu every other day… No multivitamin. But I eat tons of fruits and veggies and I’m not too worried, even if I am a little short on some vitamins.
I don’t take any! For whatever reason, something in multivitamins makes me really ill, and sometimes it can be a little tricky to find a vitamin that’s vegan or vegetarian. I instead strategically eat so I can get what I need. It’s a little hard, but it’s better for mean than throwing up in the morning (which was happening no matter how I took my vitas).
I don’t take a multi vitamin. But the funny thing is I make my kiddos take one everyday. :/
I take the SmartyPants gummy multi. It’s the only gummy out there with no weird ingredients. The only qualm I have is a serving is 6 gummies! It’s basically dessert ha.
We posted this on the same day! 🙂 Great work!
I take a vitamin some days. My doctor told me it was bad for my body to over dose on vitamins, and recommended that I stop taking them if I eat 5-7 serving of fruits and veggies. So I take the vitamin on the days I may have missed some veggies 🙂