Whew! That quick trip down to the Miami Heat game was a whirlwind!
I hope everyone had a great Superbowl Sunday…and GO GIANTS PATRIOTS… GO NFL! We didn’t quite get to watch as much of the game as we’d hoped, but instead got to spend the Sunday dancing the night away with Scott’s best friend from Chicago and a few others.
But, before I get to talking about our trip, I have some Drink Chia! Giveaway winners to annouce.
First, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who’s been reading my posts and following this blog. I had a great launch week and appreciate all of your sweet comments, e-mails and shout outs. I hope you continue to read and share what I have to say, and it’s a great feeling to know the vision I’ve had for my website actually happened! Phew.
Second, although I only had 24 entries, it was a huge success in my eyes. Thanks for being a part of my first HWG Giveaway! 🙂
Alright, I think there are some winners to be recognized… so let’s do it.
Winner #1:
I’m still working on a few kinks in the site and numbering my comments is one of them.
Counting down from the top, Congrats to #14: Jen!
I often add chia seeds to my meals as well, and know you’ll love the drink form. I would love to hear your verdict when you try them!
Winner #2:
Congrats to #5: Tonya!
Good news: you don’t even have to be a runner. Drink Chia has helped me stay hydrated through and after long runs, but I also enjoy drinking them at my computer, in the car and on-the-go and know you will too!
Please e-mail me at hwglamour@gmail.com with your full name and address so I can get your Drink Chia flavors and visors to you.
Again, thank you all for entering and following Housewife Glamour.
You guys ROCK! 🙂

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