This morning started on a high note with a warm and comforting breakfast.
Rolled oats, raisins, and fresh sliced strawberries drizzled in honey with a cup of Dunkin’ French Vanilla coffee flavored with Stevia and almond milk.
I usually make my oatmeal with milk, but decided on water this morning on account of the mess I made last time by over-boiling. This way, if it happens to boil over, it’s water that is stuck to the stove, not milk.
Well, what do you know… it didn’t. I think I finally learned the trick to oatmeal, ya’ll. Keep it on medium heat or below and give it a good stir every now and then. Just don’t leave it!
Happy Earth Day
Hey, did you know that today is Earth Day? Woo hoo! Here is a little more information on little things you can do to raise awareness and help preserve the great outdoors:
What can we do to help?
Invest in a recycling bin if you don’t have one already. Last year, I contacted a handful of people about how to get one from our official neighborhood collector, but after all the hassle we ended up just purchasing one at Home Depot ourselves. It’s pretty easy!
Also, get outdoors and utilize public transportation if you live in a city where it makes sense. We live in the middle of the suburbs, so walking and biking to work and events would not be realistic for me. Also, public transportation is not the most reliable or safe in my area, so I don’t think I will be trying it anytime soon. BUT, if you do happen to live in a city where there is easy access to buses, trains, or subways, why not give it a go?
While in New York, Scott and I fully embraced the subway system and loved it. I actually despise driving, and there are many days I wish we lived somewhere where we did not even need to own a car.
I am also a very big water bottle re-user. Once my bottle is finished, I rinse it out with warm water and refill it. Sometimes I will even throw some into the dishwasher to get a few more uses out of them. Then I throw them in the recycle.
Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, and has now coordinated by the Earth Day Network. Their website gives tons of information on little things you can do every day to preserve our Earth.
When the weather becomes a little more consistently warm, I would love to finally plant a tree. It is something I have always said I wanted to do, and just haven’t gotten around to doing so.
And of course, you can always help out by donating small or large to their organization.
Running Hills (In Shorts)
After Roadie and I’s short morning walk in the 48 degree wet and windy weather, I am glad I took advantage of the beautiful weather yesterday to get outdoors and appreciate it.
When I was done with my work for the day, I shut down the computer and had a plan of running longer than I had in a while. After a step outside, I realized I could finally tackle a run outside in shorts!
I also grabbed a tea bottle and filled it up with water to run with. If I go for anything over five miles, I like to make sure I stay hydrated and I had a goal of six.
Still fueled from some serious Easter Weekend eats, I set out with an upbeat playlist and tried out a new running route. I love when they include surprise overlooks!
I crossed the street after taking this picture and then stumbled upon a series of hills. Hello, heart rate!
They actually gave me something to stay focused on, besides how much longer I have to go. Once I passed the hard patch, it was smooth sailing… especially on my turnarond when I got to run all of the same ones downhill.
It was definitely a run that had me sweating, and I have a feeling that the red face running season has officially begun!
Hey, I’ll take that over a frozen blue ice face any day. Just sayin’.
All right friends, I must boogie. I’ve got a dancer appearance this afternoon in Detroit and plenty to keep me busy until it’s time to get ready for it.
See you in a bit!
Questions of the Day
• What are some things you do (or want to start doing) to help conserve our earth?
• Have you taken time out of your day lately to go for a walk enjoy the great outdoors? (Do it!)

I went outside for a run yesterday. Those hills don’t look fun but at least you had beautiful scenery to enjoy. Happy Earth Day!
I live in one of those cities, in which you don’t need a car. There’s something so clean and green about walking everywhere I go most days of the week. As far as Earth Day is concerned, did you know you can drop off old shoes at Nike and they will recycle them? Apparently so. Have a great Tuesday! 🙂
Wow. That’s awesome! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
Strong work on the hilly run! Hills are no joke!
We’ve been going on lots of walks lately in the evening and mornings. I want to get as many in as possible before it gets TOO hot!
Yes sometimes there’s only a short window! 😉
I recycle, I eat mostly plant-based, I turn off the lights always, I love to walk to every place I can, and I’m always trying to reduce my ecological footprint.
I’m a fan of outdoor walks, they just make me feel a lot better and relaxed!
Ohhh turning off the lights is a good one. I used to have a bad habit of leaving them on. I’ve gotten better through the years!
Yum that breakfast looks great! I loveeee that the weather is getting nicer. Thanks goodness! I eat a plant-based diet, so that makes me feel good 🙂 I love walks outdoors especially with my dogs!
Walks and runs outside with the pup are my fav!
I need to make a conscious effort to recycle more and to bring my reusable canvas bags to the grocery store. I always forget them.
That’s a great tip! I definitely need to do the same.
I did go for a nice walk on Sunday to a somewhat close Starbucks to enjoy the weather! And you better bet I have been out running in this gorgeous weather!
I have been recycling on a daily basis at school and when I move home my goal is to start getting my parents to recycle as well 🙂