Being a native Floridian, I don’t get to watch the seasons change as much as I’d like to. I’ve only been in snow 2 times in my life and if you ask me, (at least majority of the years) the only way you can tell the seasons are changing here are by the seasonal flavors at Starbucks like Pumpkin Spice, or Ginger Bread Lattes.
This is about the time of year I wish we had more leaves changing in Orlando. I absolutely love the smell of backyard bonfires, pine cones, pumpkins & anything with a Fall scent. I love the warm fall tones like reds, oranges, and yellows and if I had my way I would decorate the whole house with these colors during the Autumn months.
There’s only 1 little problem with that idea…I can’t justify spending extra money on seasonal decor, just to take it back down a few months later. Decorating your home with pumpkins, autumn leaves, pine cones and straw is super fun and homey if you ask me & kudos to anyone out there who can pull off a whole house transformation this time of year.
As for me, I like to keep things on a budget and limit myself to purchasing 5 things per season.
*TIP: Avoid going to department stores for seasonal purchases. Discount decor stores like Michaels, TJ Maxx, Stein Mart, Home Goods, and even Target are a great way to decorate on a budget and have a variety of cute, affordable styles to choose from. There are tons of ideas out there on how to decorate for the seasons on a budget.
1. Autumn Leaves Wreath
I don’t know what it is about them, but I’ve always loved hanging wreaths on front doors, even when I was growing up. This is a great way to set the seasonal tone for your home, even before you go inside. This was my most expensive purchase, I got this one at Home Goods for right under $25.
2. Fall Scented Candles
As much as I would like to buy out the entire Bath & Body Works fall collection, I didn’t. I actually found this Pumpkin Spice candle at Home Depot, last year after the Holiday Season for $6.
*TIP: We like to shop after the holidays are over to get 50% or higher OFF of seasonal products. Halloween costumes, candles, serving plates, and towels are great examples of things you can stock up on post Holiday Season.
3. Fall Inspired Accent Towels
I found the red pumpkin towel at Home Goods for $3.99. It came with a red and orange dish towel, but I got home and saw that it matched the towels we already had up perfectly. The green & orange towel set came from Crate & Barrell and was a wedding gift to us. I LOVE those colors!
4. Autumn Potpourri
I’m not embarrassed to say I’ve been that person sitting in the isles smelling different bags of potpurri until I find the perfect one. It wasn’t even the cute little pumpkin packaging that drew me to this one. This combination smells SOOOOOOOOO good! Pinecones, roses & pumpkins is the best way to describe it, and my husband surprisingly loved the wire pumpkin it came in.
Once again, this purchase was part of my Home Goods trip & originally I wanted to take the potpurri out of the container and put it on our coffee table in a glass bowel. I found out the wiring doesn’t separate, so we’re now enjoying the pumpkin accessory & potpourri on top of our fish tank for $12.
5. Fall Scented Hand Soaps
Just like scented candles, my favorite scented hand soap is Bath & Body Works. I plan to stock up on B&BW soaps when they have their Black Friday Sale, but until then my handy dandy Spiced Pumpkin hand soap from Home Goods will do for $4. Putting seasonal soaps throughout your home is an easy way to spread holiday cheer, starting with pumpkins or autumn leaves.
And there you have it…
5 easy ways to decorate your home for Fall!
*BONUS TIP: Are you a fan of B&BW Wallflowers? We are for sure. We have at least 6-8 going in our home at any time and take advantage of the semi-annual and seasonal sales they have. We purchase most of the wallflower re-fills online, and if you time it right you can purchase for free shipping and 20%OFF coupon savings.
Pictured above is Spiced Cider for the holidays, but you can find all of the fun fall starters and smell good scents in stores and online: B&BW Wallflower Collection.
How do you decorate for Fall? Feel free to share tips and comments below and stay tuned for more Fall Inspired posts as we get into October and closer to the Holidays.
Happy Decorating!

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