I always see a number of Bucket List posts, pictures and inspiration boards floating around via social media. I think the idea of creating bucket lists are awesome, and I really need to document mine one of these days.
I started thinking about what would be on my personal Bucket List the other day, and realized that fitness related items take up a huge part of it. I remember Julie writing about her #FitFluential Fitness Bucket List a few years ago, and my very next thought back then was “why the heck don’t I have one?” Really though. And that was almost two years ago!
My Fitness Bucket List
If you happen to follow me on either Pinterest or Twitter, you probably know exactly where this is going. After publishing this morning’s post, I got very “pinspired” and created a new #FitFluential Fitness Bucket List board.
As some of you already know, I am a FitFluential Ambassador. I fell in love with the idea of the company and what they are doing to make an impact on the fitness industry. In 2012, I applied to be an Ambassador shortly after I started following all of their channels and using their hashtags.
Just as an FYI, you don’t have to be a blogger to join the community, and I highly recommend checking out their free memberships if you like anything health and fitness related.
So without dragging this intro on any further, here is my first draft of my personal Fitness Bucket List!
• teach group fitness classes
I used to teach barre classes back in Orlando. At times, I felt like I lived at that studio. When I wasn’t teaching, I was taking classes and loved everything about the environment and people that walked in and out of those studio doors. I would love to teach barre again, but would also like to expand my horizons and train to teach other classes like Fitness Pilates (<- my fav!), Zumba, Kickboxing, and BodyPump.
• become a certified personal trainer
Unlike most gyms, I didn’t need a certification to teach barre classes. I have always had a life goal of becoming certified in personal training, and think it’s important to put myself through the process before I even think about teaching again. (More news on this specific goal coming up!)
• learn how to surf
I have a brother who has always wanted to be a professional surfer. I feel like he is talented enough to do it and the only thing holding him back is that little thing called a J-O-B. I have always wanted him to teach me how to surf, but I’m afraid. I mean, there are sharks out there.
Plus, dark water really freaks me out. Now, if we were in Hawaii it might be another story. Maybe one day!
(And this WILL be our family.)
• compete in a triathlon
Triathlons exist in all sorts of levels and distances, and the most common combination of events involve a timed competition race in swimming, cycling, and running. While I don’t think it is realistic for me to have a goal of completing an Ultra Distance (Ironman), I do think the beginner’s Sprint Distance is feasible. 750 meters (0.47 miles) swim, 20 kilometers (12 miles) bike, 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) run.
• run a race in a another country
I just started hearing about international races and seeing them sparked my interest right away. I always knew they existed, but to actually see friends I know (of) register for them makes me wonder what’s holding me back from doing the same. How cool would it be to say you’re an international racer?
• conquer intense obstacle races
GAH. I have been wanting to do the Warrior Dash for years. YEARS. Somehow, there is always a conflict when there is one close to us, and as a result Scott and I have never done an intense obstacle race together.
We’ve already done a mud race at the 5K distance, but I’m talking about a long, horrible, incredibly challenging, long and firey race that scares people. Like the Spartan Race, for instance. Please, oh please come to Michigan!
• learn more about nutrition for fitness
Along with my desire to become a certified personal trainer, I think it’s important to further educate myself in fitness nutrition. Yeah, I’m not awful at putting healthy meals together, but I really want to learn what works the best for certain training plans and programs. I would also love to call myself a Fitness Nutrition Specialist one day.
• run in the Disney Princess Half Marathon
I’m from Orlando, ya’ll. I have always wanted to run in a Disney race, so why not do it alongside the idols from my childhood? Plus, I’ll get a free pass to wear a tutu and tiara while doing so. So there’s that.
• be able to do a headstand, without a wall
I love taking yoga classes, but still consider myself to be a beginner at the practice. While I can hold positions and even extensions pretty well, I am a complete goober at headstands.
Clearly, handstands are in the same boat here. One day I would love to practice on the beach and conquer the handstand, without walls.
• go hiking
I run the trails on a weekly basis, but I don’t think I have actually been on a real hike before. (Does exploring the base of Monchu Picchu in Peru count?) I have a couple of friends that live in Arizona and always see their hiking pictures pop up in my newsfeeds. Sooner than later, I’m making a point for us to go hiking right here in Michigan.
• add CrossFit to my regular fitness routine
And at the complete opposite end of the spectrum of the princess run, I would like to also become a badass and actually incorporate CrossFit into my fitness routine. I’ve played with the idea before, but have never attended and participated in a “real” WOD in a “real” box before.
• run a marathon
I have always been kind of hesitant about this one. Do I really want to run a marathon? After training and running for my first half two years ago, I now realize that long distance races are pretty serious. And can kind of feel like a part time job during training weeks. For now, my goal is to run five half marathons.
I have a later in life goal (post-kids) to run a marathon, and hope to do so with my husband when it happens!
Now I would love to hear from you…
What are some of the things on your Fitness Bucket List?
that’s one heck of a list! i share some similar aspirations, for sure 🙂
I’m sure you do! Always enjoy following your workout adventures!
I love your list! I just completed my first Disney race, The Princess Half Marathon, in February and it was the most entertaining race I have ever ran. Earlier this week I signed up for my first marathon and it’s going to be the Disney World Marathon! You should totally register for it 🙂
Thanks! Wow… congrats on signing up for the full! I’ve heard Disney is the way to go 🙂
Her Happy Balance
I did the Savage Race this September (7 mile mud run with 25 obstacles) and holy lord was it intense! I tripped on a tree root in the muck after mile 1 and ran the rest of the race with a crazy bumped up leg. I’m glad I did it, but I’m happy making it just a one time thing 🙂 You have some awesome bucket list goals! Learning to surf sounds amazing, mainly because you’ll get lot and lots of beach time in…how convenient 😉
Haha… “happy making it just a one time thing”. That’s exactly how I feel about skydiving! Congrats on the Savage Race!
I love your list! I started CrossFit in February and love it! It’s always a challenge!
Seems like a challenge, but I love how quick the WODs are!
Em @ Love A Latte
Fun post! I would like to run a marathon (b/c the last one I did 3 years ago I walked some of it) and this time around I want to run the whole thing. Also, I’d like to run an ultra one day as well. A race in another country sounds really fun too! 🙂
That’s a great goal. And an ultra marathon? Get it girl!
I totally want to run the Disney half marathon too!
You should! #teamtutusandtiaras
Nichole Josey
Surfing is sooo hard! I took lessons when I was in Hawaii and I was tired just from paddling out there. It was like absolutely nothing else out there though. Such a great experience. ANDDDDD can I pretty please run the Disney race with you! Please force me to wear the tutu and tiara LOL!
Wait, you surfed in Hawaii? How awesome is that! I would love to run with you, princess! 😉
I think you’d enjoy CrossFit – I’ve been regularly active at a “box” (I hate calling it that – I just call it the gym lol) since February 2011 – and if I ever go to a regular gym I feel totally unmotivated and lost and not know what to do. Haha. The classes are also usually pretty small, to give the coaches more focus on the attendees, to make sure their form is correct so they don’t hurt themselves. OMG YOU SHOULD GO. Most boxes offer 1-3 free sessions.
I know… the box thing still gets me. 😉
Hi Heather,
This is a great list. I’ve done a bunch of these items, and I have some feedback. The Disney Princess Half-Marathon is not as magical as it seems. You actually spend most of your time running through the streets between the parks and so the scenery isn’t great. However, the tutus are adorable, and it’s cool to run with women. But if you are looking for an amazing destination, consider the Nike Women’s San Francisco marathon. Talk about gorgeous! I haven’t done that one, but would consider it in the future because I watched some of the events for it this year.
I already teach BODYPUMP, BODYATTACK and CXWORX group fitness programs and just became certified as a personal trainer. Next up on my list is a specialization in nutrition. I’m not ready to jump into that yet though. I’ve also always said I would like to run a marathon after having kids. Not sure why, but it seems like a good goal for later in life.
Happy Thursday!
Thanks for all the advice! That race sounds wonderful. What a fun group of classes you teach!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries
Awesome fitness bucket list! Mine also includes getting certified to teach group fitness. I’m hoping to get certified in Body Pump in June. I had a half marathon on my bucket list for the longest time and finally accomplished it in March. After that, I don’t think I have even a little bit of a desire to do a full. Major props to anyone who is a marathon runner! 🙂
Congrats on the half! Ha… I’ll probably eat my words when I eventually get to training for the full.
Danielle (@itsaharleyylife)
you should definitely do that CrossFit one! (:
Hopefully this summer!
You know I want to run the Disney Princess Half especially since I live in Orlando. I may try to join you for the Detroit Free Press Half. Mom
I would love both! 🙂
Crossfit was on my bucket list. I tried it a few months ago, and while it was an AMAZING workout (I’ve never been so sore in my life), I just wasn’t in love with it. Maybe it was that particular box or maybe I was just too intimidated by all the badasses there…I’ve yet to go back. But maybe I’ll try a different box…there are about 100 in Orlando.
I did a Warrior Dash and it was so much fun. And I tried Barre (at your old stomping grounds) and love it! So I can cross those off the list.
Would love to do any half marathon, but the Disney one would be awesome. I also want to learn how to paddleboard. I hear it’s easier than surfing.
Too cool you went to Barre54! I sure do miss that place. Ha, I feel like I would also be intimidated by certain CrossFit environments. Congrats on the Warrior Dash!