Hi friends! Bet you didn’t think a post was going to happen today, huh? Tricked you! After a long day few days week of being on-the-go with company in town, I have finally returned to my normal routine which will for sure include a rest night in starting right… meow.
Scott and I have been to several events and places this week I could write a blog post each on. The man has been seriously bitten by the exploring bug and I have a feeling the highlights of our recent adventures will make it into next week’s regular scheduled Housewife Glamour programming.
For now, I’m totally hopping on the Friday Favorites train I have been seeing become overwhelmingly popular on the blog front over the last month.
Friday Favorites #1: Week of 9/6
I’ve done a series of Glamour Randoms in the past, and have even done a few What I Have Been Loving Lately themed posts, but I’m going to just flat out commit to it now. May I present to you the first of many…
Friday Favorites: a weekly recap of what I have been loving in my life!
• Burberry Brit Perfume
I know, I know… five years later right?
I have been obsessed with Burberry Brit perfume since college and got the urge to buy it again this week. I actually picked it up on a grocery shopping trip while perusing the healthy and beauty aisle. (Random award goes to this girl!) Regardless of how I stumbled upon it, it’s back in my life again and I have been wearing it every single day. Love, love the scent!
• Pumpkin Spice Lattes
They’re baaaaaaack! And you better believe I talked Scott into making a special trip to Starbucks to try this season’s hot and cold (skinny) versions as soon as possible. While I am a fan of Dunkin’ Donuts Pumpkin Spice, there’s just something about kicking the fall season off with the Sbx version that seems like a tradition I must keep up.
As expected, both tasted phenom.
• Mint and Gray Hearts Purse
I was contacted a while ago by a wonderful fashion and accessories company called Hearts. They recently sent me this convertible envelope clutch to test out and I have fallen in love!
This specific purse is handmade in Cambodia, has a magnetic snap in the front, and is made of traditionally woven Ikat fabric.
There is a zippered compartment inside and I have been using this accessory to dress both my day and night outfits up this week!
• Michigan Apples
Our recent trip to the cider mill kick started my craving for crisp apples over the past few days.
Whenever I get sick of hummus and veggies (my first snack addiction) I have been turning to apples, either alone or dipped in some kind of peanut, nut, or almond butter. NOM!
• Local Festivals
Just call us the crazy festival kids. Over the past week, we attended the popular Arts, Beats & Eats festival in Royal Oak (three separate days), as well as the Peach Festival in Romeo, Michigan.
Not only was it great to get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having (finally!), but we got to try different themed foods, hang with new friends, and enjoy a series of outdoor concerts including MC Hammer! Seeing him perform “U Can’t Touch This” live literally had me laughing out loud. It was so great!
• Veggie Loaded Salads
I have been throwing every vegetable that makes even a little bit of sense into my salads lately.
My theory has always been “the more the merrier”, but this week I have a few new favorites added to my monster salad must-have ingredients including banana peppers and green olives!
• Shazam
I have been using the Shazam app on my phone for years. Years.
I don’t think I have ever mentioned it on the blog before! I’m sure there are other versions out there, but Shazam has been a great tool for me to use when I hear a song I like for the first time and don’t want to write it down. I simply open my app, click “listen”, and the track and artist immediately appears and is saved in My Tags for later reference.
This has been especially helpful for creating new playlists!
• The High Bun
I started rocking the teased high bun back in Orlando, and have been turning to the hairstyle now more than ever. With a crazy itch to go out lately (often after a sweaty dance practice without time to wash my hair and fully get ready) I have been throwing up my hair into something that takes a total of five minutes to do.
Here’s my video tutorial on this hairstyle. Pair it with a cute outfit and a bright lip and you’re good to go!
Man, am I looking forward to a quiet night in tonight. Laundry, meal prepping, and even a run outside sounds magical for my night agenda.
Oh, and just for fun, head over to The Fitnessista today if you have a minute to read my guest post on how to stay fit and healthy on a busy schedule. Love her blog!
Hope you all have a great night and a wonderful start to the weekend!
Question of the Day
What are some of your favorites this week?

1. I swear by Burberry London if you ever want to switch it up! 😉
2. Since the high bun, have you tried the sock bun?! My personal work-day favorite!
3. I ate a whole loaf of pumkin bread from the farmers market this week!
Ohhh, I’ll have to give that a go next time! I actually never have tried the sock bun. I’ve been temped to by the contraption several times… maybe I just might. YUM for pumpkin bread!
That is one of the awesome things about living north, apple orchards galore! I can’t wait to visit the one in Ohio my husband and I go to every year! 🙂
Just had my first pumpkin spice latte of the year tonight! I may have to try the iced version this weekend, it’s supposed to be 87 degrees Sunday, definitely feeling more like summer!
So great!! Iced lattes are great every now and then. 😉
Burberry Brit is the best. It has such a classic, clean smell, not like all the fruity perfumes. I love rocking a messy high bun- it’s so easy and always looks chic. Have a great weekend relaxing!
Yes, I agree! You too!
Burberry Brit is the only perfume I will wear! I’ve been wearing it for longer than I can remember and will never give it up 🙂
Glad to see I’m not alone here!
I’ve never smelled Burberry Brit but it looks like I need to! Everyones doing it… 🙂
Hehe… all the “cool” kids… 😉 No. I just really like the unique scent!
I really wanted to go to Arts, beat, and eats this year, but I didn’t have a car available to make it there!!! It looked like a lot of fun though!
Girl, you can totally ROCK that high bun – you look fabulous!
My favorites this week: fresh foods from the farmers market (cherry tomatoes, apples, zucchini, oh MY).
Amy’s frozen pizzas…they are actually pretty good!!
Also, going dancing. I am always down to dance. 🙂
Have a great weekend 🙂
Aw, that stinks! Next year! Ohhh I’ve never tried Amy’s frozen pizzas. I’ll have to venture out soon!
My favorites of the week also include Pumpkin Spice Lattes!!! Best part of the fall season. 🙂 Other favorites include bringing back the fall nail polish colors (burnt orange, dark reds, brown, etc.) and college football!!
Love fall nail polish! Can’t wait to break out the darks.
I’ve never tried that perfume before! I find it so hard to buy new ones since I get so attached to specific scents. Maybe I should branch out a bit.
Also I’m with you on veggie salads, I’ve been going crazy with them lately.
PS I heart that white dress you’re wearing in that photo! Gorgeous per usual. And I totally wish I could pull a high bun, but I feel like I have a weird hairline haha…so random.
Have a great weekend love!
I kicked off fall with a pumpkin spice latte last week too! Downside is it’s still over 90 degrees here so I was sweating my face off while drinking it, but still had to do it. Love the white dress you’re wearing in that picture!
Thank you! It’s from Arden B. 🙂