Good morning friends! Are there any fun and exciting weekend plans on your end?
I don’t have much going on besides teaching at the gym, and I’m okay with it. My goals are to get outside, organize, and actually start that BCS certification I mentioned about ten months ago. (Um, wow.) So yeah, nothing too epic to report around here.
Getting right to the good stuff, let’s move on to this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Below you will find a collection of things that made me smile this week, and as always, I invite you to share (and link up) some things you have been loving in the comments section!
Friday Favorites #108: Week of 9/25
• all the fall scents at B&BW
I’m sure I’m not the only one raving about these this week. It’s officially fall y’all!
I popped into Bath & Body Works earlier this week for wallflower refills and got sucked into everything fall. I swear… the season just exploded in my basket. Eventually I got control of myself, and I only purchased two medium candles for $7 a piece (<- the sale on those ends today). As always, the wallflower refills were 6 for $24.
It took me more time than I’m willing to admit to pick out my favorite scents, but right now I’m rolling with Flannel (my fav), Autumn, and Pumpkin Apple.
• polyester pajamas
This one is embarrassing, but awesome. Do any of you shop at Five Below?
I stopped into the store with my friend Alex last week, and we both came out with matching polyester pajama pants and slippers. We ended up with the leopard print (I know… totally middle school sleepover style), but – you guys – they are so comfortable.
(, , )
I think I’ve worn them close to every night since I brought them home, and I only turn to other pants to sleep in when they’re dirty. I’m completely obsessed. The polyester is practically fleece, and it feels like I’m lounging in warm hugs. The best part is both items were $5.
You should probably invest, too.
• this scarf & my August
How adorable is this scarf?
I received it along with a handful of other fun surprises in the mail from my friends at POPSUGAR over a month ago, and I never got around to sharing it with you guys until now. (Fail.) It’s their August!
I realize we are already close to October (seriously, how?), but I thought you would still appreciate a sneak peak into the goodies anyways. (You can also see my first POPSUGAR Must Have Box featured here!)
POPSUGAR started selling a monthly subscription service called the to provide a box of beauty and lifestyle items anyone reading this blog would love. You never really know what you’re going to get, and it could be anything related to fashion, beauty, food, fitness, home, and more.
Since my box was sent in August, the theme was back-to-school inspired to help get you organized, back into a morning routine, caffeinated, and ready to get productive.
The August 2015 box included:
- American Colors Mediterranean Plaid Scarf, suggested retail: $79
- Royal Apothic Tea Balm Firming Eye Treatment, suggested retail: $36
- Pastel Best Day Ever Mug: suggested retail: $12 (also )
- Happy Jackson Yay Lunch! Lunch Box, suggested retail: $19.99 (find it )
- Southern Culture Shortstacks Pancake & Waffle Mix, suggested retail: $7.99 (find it )
- Meri Meri Toot Sweet Pink Stripe Napkins, suggested retail: $5.95
- MyYogaWorks 3-Month Trial coupon, suggested retail: $45
- (Special Extra!) Folgers Iced Café Caramel Macchiato Flavored Coffee Drink Concentrate, suggested retail: $4.99
How It Works:
- Pick a plan: for a subscription, packages start at $39.95 a month
- Unwrap your full-sized box of surprises each moth
- Enjoy your new discoveries!
You can always see what past boxes look like by visiting their page. All are valued well over $100 and include treats I would personally love to try!
While I don’t personally subscribe to the service, it looks like a great one to have that I think a lot of you would enjoy. Thanks, POPSUGAR!
• slicing and freezing old fruit for smoothies
Want to know something easy and practical to do with your fresh fruit that is on the verge of turning? Slice it up, put it in plastic baggies, and freeze it!
It may seem like a no-brainer, but I can’t tell you how many bananas I threw away until I figured out I could just unpeel them, slice them, and have them ready to go for a frozen treat later on. Now I prep going-old fruit like strawberries, blueberries (no need to slice, obviously), mangoes, avocado, and even spinach.
• this weather
This week marked the official start of fall! We have certainly been taking advantage of the gorgeous weather outside. Can it just stay like this forever?
Lately, it’s been sunny and breezy in the afternoons, so I’ve been taking Roadie out for runs and walks like it’s my job. I’m sure he doesn’t mind. 😉
• #TGIT is baaaack!
Shonda Rhimes is in the building again, and my Thursday nights after work will now be spent parked on my couch to enjoy new episodes of Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, and How To Get Away With Murder for the season!
I expressed my excitement of #TGIT’s return on twitter last night and these special emojis (minus the lovey-eyes and wave) appeared once I posted it! Clever, clever.
What can I say? I’m a true fan of her writing and shows. Fill up your wine glass and join me!
• pain relieving roll-on
I received this healing pain relieving roll-on cream from my friends at Aurorae Yoga a few weeks ago and am loving it.
I have been using it on my neck and shoulders after a long day of sitting at the computer and training, and it really makes my muscles feel relaxed. Also, the smell is awesome. I placed a small amount on my temples when I had a headache yesterday, and I noticed it helped with that, too! It’s a great product.
• favorite LIL posts
… and speaking of Aurorae products, have you entered to win the giveaway yet?
» At-Home Resistance Band Workout & Giveaway
» Double #DetroitDateNight & Detroit Restaurant Week
(You can still take advantage of the deals this weekend!)
» A Letter To My Expectant & New Mommy Friends
I really can’t thank you all enough for your love and support regarding posts discussing the subject of infertility.
My intentions with this post was not to offend anyone, but to help people see certain situations from a perspective most wouldn’t think to. I write these posts to not just speak for myself, but also for those who are dealing with similar situations, and to help them realize that they’re not alone. I really do write from my heart. That said, I will most likely leave our journey of trying to conceive here for a while. I really appreciate all of the virtual hugs I have felt from you guys (really, you’re the best), but I feel like I’ve said everything that’s been on my mind, and I’ll be back with more updates when the time is right. <3
• Friday funnies
Themed out for fall, obviously.
(And I give you full permission to call me basic. #allthepumpkinthings)
All three are completely accurate.
Happy Fall!
Your Turn
Grab The New Friday Favorites Button

Have a great weekend!
Disclaimer: Friday Favorites is a series of posts that features items I genuinely want to share with you. While #FFavorites isn’t sponsored, affiliate links may appear from time to time. As always, any support is much appreciated! <3

Bath and Body Works during the fall is one of my favorite things! I can’t even narrow my favorite scents down to three so kudos to you for doing that!
Call me basic too because I can relate to all three of your Friday Funnies!
Have a good weekend Heather!
Kaitie recently posted…Friday Favorites #25: Week of 9/25 + a survey!
Haha, no shame! I really could have taken half of the B&BW store home with me. Everything just smells so good!
Slicing and freezing old fruit is such a great tip! I also put leftover pumpkin in small containers and stick it in the freezer for later use.
Happy Friday!
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…Friday Favorites: Fall Things!
Ahhh, how have I never thought to do that with pumpkin? Genius. Thanks for sharing!
Sure you had to show me the popsugar must have box, I was just getting over cancelling my subscription now I want it ALL again 🙂 When I realized I was getting 10 boxes a month I had to scale back LOL! Whoops. No wonder I know my UPS guy on a first name basis. I’m all about Pumpkin Spice everything. I just got a bath and Body works email deal and was ordering fall scents up too!
Renee recently posted…Wantable Fitness Edit {6}
Haha, that’s how I started feeling about StitchFix. They came so often! This one was a great box of goodies, and I can’t wait to open the next!
I just got my first fall candle and I’m so excited! also those emojis are too cute! So happy tgit us back!!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…Friday Favorites #22
YEAH!! At least it’s socially acceptable to break out the fall scents now. *finally* 😉
Yay for Friday! I started freeze fruit this year too when it started to get a bit soft and it has been so nice to throw less away! And makes smoothie making go faster 🙂
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…Friday Favorites Week 8
Totally! Peeling and slicing fruit is half the reason I don’t make smoothies as often as I’d like. I know, I’m lazy. lol. Happy Friday!
I bought a huge pumpkin candle that I finally let myself light on Wednesday! Even though it’s been oddly hot this month, I love having the pumpkin/ fall smell in my apartment!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie recently posted…Detroit Tigers Themed Baby Shower
Same. I won’t complain about the high temps, though. I remember being so sad over a trop to the sixties a month ago. Here’s hoping fall stays for a while this year!
I am obsessed with the 3 wick B&BW candles! I can’t seem to get enough of them. The weather in MN is unusually hot lately. I have been looking forward to the cool fall like temps but its been around 75-80 degrees. I’m sure I’ll regret saying this in a few months when it’s below zero but I have been waiting and waiting for fall temps.
One thing I am most excited about for my weekend is going to Hotel Transylvania 2 after work with my sister today. I loved the first movie and I am hoping the second is just as good. 3pm cannot come soon enough! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Here too! I’ll take it though. 😉 I’m good with the fall temps coming in as long as they stay a while. Winter came too fast last year!
Love all the fall stuff here! We’ve started busting out the fall candles too and I love it. It makes the house smell so cozy! I’m excited to bust out my embarrassing cozy PJ’s once the weather actually gets cold. But for now, I’m still just rocking shorts and a tshirt at home! Happy Friday!
Lauren English recently posted…Five on Friday: Family Dinners and Amazing Guest Posts
Haha, I’ve still been wearing them on the warmer nights. #cantstopwontstop 😉
Thanks for hosting this link-up series- I love having an opportunity to both share and read positive things from my week! The Friday Funnies that you post are seriously so true this week~ love the Fall for the fun stuff and the pumpkin smells and food!
Barrie recently posted…Friday Five Favorites: Fall
Thanks so much for linking up! Happy Friday! I’m glad you can relate to my basic tendencies… 😉
Hi Heather! Happy Friday! Did I miss that sale at BBW again? Maybe I can get over to one today before it ends so I can stock up! And as far as Five Below … never heard of it, but I’m guessing it’s a discount place. Love the jammies! Hope you enjoy your weekend and good luck starting your course! Looking forward to hearing about that! 🙂
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Friday Favorites: A book, a drink and shine
Yes! I hadn’t heard of it either until I moved to MI. It’s basically like The Dollar Store, only better and up to $5 an item. I’ve gotten so many great deals! I believe there are still sales going on for the medium candles, but nothing epic. Good luck picking out your scents without being in the store for hours! 😉 Happy Friday!
Heather recently posted…Friday Favorites #108: Week of 9/25
Sometimes the best clothes are the cheapest 😉
I am a long time user of MyYogaWorks!! I couldn’t recommend it enough!! If you’re never done it yet, make sure you do my favorite class – Relentless Flow by Vytas Baskauskas!!!
Rebecca – Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 9/25/15
Good to know, I’ll have to try it out. Thanks for the suggestion!
I love that cute scarf you got in your POPSUGAR box! I cannot wait to start pulling out my scarves again. I may have to head over to Bath & Body Works to check out their fall stuff … or maybe that’s a bad idea. Ha! I always get sucked into their stuff too! Enjoy your weekend of rest and productivity! xo
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries recently posted…Friday Favorites: 09/25/15
Me too! I wore it today, but I probably didn’t need it. Haha. So comfy!
Your entire post made me even more excited for fall. Although itll be a few weeks until the weather here in CA is mildly acceptable for scarves I am waiting until there is a cool enough day! B&BW has the best fall smells that just get you in the spirit of autumn. Have a great weekend!
SAmantha recently posted…Friday Favorites #17
Yes they do!! It was pretty hard for me to just pick a couple scents. They’re all so great!
That is so funny about the emojis! I am so excited for Scandal to be back. You just can not watch it without filling up a wine glass with red wine 🙂 Love your Friday Funnies too. Have a great weekend in Detroit. I love fall in Detroit 🙂
Lake Shore Runner recently posted…All My Faves from the Summer and Into Fall
I totally agree. My friend posted a picture of her watching Scandal with official Olivia Pope wine glasses. I might need them 😉
Haha that coffee pic is hilarious and so true. Also, love the plaid scarf! So cute.
We have a $5 below near my house, but clearly I haven’t quite tapped into the greatness the way I should.
Finally, YES to TGIT. I was out of town last night, so I can’t wait to get home to my DVR later and get caught up. Have a great weekend!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Friday Favorites 9.25.15
I love going into Five Below for phone cases and random things like polyester pajamas 😉 I hope you enjoyed the shows!
I don’t blame you for wearing the PJ pants constantly around! I would too! The funnies are awesome!
Kristin recently posted…Ready to Reach – Nashville Part One – Blog Tour
It made me sad that they were in the wash last night 😉 #pathetic
I love the emoticions, too. So neat! I tried to get into Scandal, but it didn’t interest me. HTGAWM just looks awful. I have no clue on how it got an Emmy. I love GA, though!! I love your fall funnies…and they totally apply to me.
April Wainwright recently posted…Friday Link Ups
I couldn’t agree more with the frozen fruit! I can never go through bananas fast enough, so I end up with a HUGE ziplock back filled with them that keeps growing & growing haha. I actually JUST started watching greys and I am so addicted. I am trying hard to not spoil it for myself because people tend to post TMI & spoilers on social media as if everyone has seen the show… haha glad your not one of them, thank you! 🙂
Stef recently posted…Friday Favorites #1
I’m totally with you on the TGIT love. I plan my weeks so I can sit on my couch on Thursday evenings 🙂
I LOVED the emojis!
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Thinking Out Loud
I am all about the frozen bananas! I used to sometimes hit the grocery store at just the right time when they would have big bags of bananas that were going to go bad in a day or two on super sale. I’d buy a bag, break the bananas into small pieces, and freeze them to put into my smoothies. Loved it. This post reminded me that I need to put out my fall decorations this weekend! Hello, pretty glass pumpkins! Can’t wait. Hope you have an awesome weekend, Heather! 😀
Beth @ Sublimely Fit recently posted…Friday Favorites #51
The POPSugar subscription box sounds awesome and a great value! I’ll have to look into that – that’s such a cute scarf! I am so happy that we’re in fall, it’s my favorite time of year. Pumpkin everything!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…10 Reasons to Love Running in the Fall
Yesssss love Shondaland! TGIT is the best!! I always have to get caught up on Hulu though over the weekend, but at least that means no commercials! Have a great weekend!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…Compression Socks Aren’t JUST for Runners: Review + Giveaway
I love that scarf! And the roll-on sounds really intriguing. I might have to give it a shot for some muscle pain. Have a wonderful weekend, Heather!
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday recently posted…Five Friday Favorites 09/25/15
Happy Friday! I love that scarf you got in your must have box!!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted…Friday Five
That Pusheen picture–I’ve pulled that baby out the past two years because it is SO me! I freaking love pie! And the healing balm–I’m going to check that out for my mother. She needs something like that to help with pain relief.
Ok….I had no idea at all that you can freeze avocado??? And duh….I use to freeze bananas all the time but recently just chunked the entire banana in the freezer. That is a no go…once they defrost nothing but mush. Thanks for posting!
Shelly recently posted…Friday Favorites – All the F’s
It’s onerous to seek out educated folks on this topic, but you sound like you already know what you’re talking about! Thanks