Good morning! Can you believe it’s already Friday? And October?
I’m currently in disbelief, but I’ll take any chance to get closer to the weekend that I can! There are some exciting plans on the docket that include a bridal shower and a trip to the cider mill to help tolerate (er, celebrate) the cold weather coming in.
Are there any fun plans on your end?
I’m coming at you a bit later than normal, so I’ll cease the chatter and jump right into what I’ve been loving with this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. If you are a blogger, make sure to look for the blue Inlinkz button at the bottom and link up your own #FFavorites posts, too!
Friday Favorites #109: Week of 10/2
• Third Love lingerie
ThirdLove is an app and company that makes bra shopping fun and convenient.
Disclosure: I am honored to be representing Sweat Pink as a #ThirdLovelies Ambassador, and I received this shipment free of charge. As always, all opinions remain my own!
When I’m not living in sports bras and leggings, I have been absolutely loving these sassy pieces from ThirdLove.
In stormy lilac: Featherlight Breathable Bra // Lace Tanga
In black: 24/7 T-Shirt Bra // Microfiber Bikini
Their main hashtag is #burnyourotherbras, and I can see why. The Featherlight Breatheable Bra is made of ultra-light foam with nylon and spandex, and the 24/7 T-shirt bra is made of memory foam with nylon and lycra. The customizable cup size ensures a perfect fit, and there are very few bras that have ever fit me this well. And, that’s saying a lot coming from someone who worked at Victoria’s Secret and spent half of her paycheck on them in college!
Both sets of bras and panties are ridiculously comfortable. I mean, it legitimately feels like I don’t have anything on at all, yet I feel fully supported. The 24/7 T-shirt bra in particular could follow me anywhere from running errands around town to doing cartwheels. You know, just in case I feel the need to bust one out. It’s a beautiful thing!
Here’s how ThirdLove is different:
- They use real women’s measurements, not models, to perfect their designs
- They created signature 1/2 cup sizes, because every woman’s body is unique, and old-school sizes don’t always cut it
- They developed an iPhone app that lets you measure yourself at home and shop the entire collection
ThirdLove was founded by women, for women. They created a way for us to shop for bras online, and have made it their mission to help women find their best fit. I love the details that make their everyday pieces feel a little fancier, and will be enjoying these sets for years to come!
• goodies from Paris
It’s always nice to get souvenirs from loved ones. As soon as Scott returned and settled in from his latest trip overseas, he gave me a light scarf that has a print of the city of Paris on it. He also handed me a box of caramel chocolates. You really can’t go wrong with that!
Each time he goes to Paris (it’s usually 1-2 times a year now to work the same annual events), he brings back a few bottles of nice champagne. You can’t beat the prices over there! He came home with one bottle this time, so we’ll be sure to save it for something special.
• #NationalCoffeeDay
In case you missed it, National Coffee Day was Tuesday! You knew I was going to be celebrating. In fact, I dedicated an entire post to my love for it with An Ode To Coffee. It’s nice to know that a lot of you share the same obsession.
After I picked Scott up from the airport in the afternoon, we stopped by a Krispy Kreme on the way home to enjoy a complimentary cup of coffee. What do you know, they stepped it up and also threw in a free donut to everyone in our party!
We went through the drive thru and ended up getting coffee and 3 donuts (including one for Roadie in the back) because we’re ridiculous. And it was all for free. I used to have a serious love for those glazed donuts all throughout high school, and especially when they were HOT. The best, right?
Thanks for looking out, Krispy Kreme!
And speaking of coffee…
• pumpkin spice coffee
While we’re on the subject, I still haven’t ordered the famous Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks this year, but I have had my fair share of pumpkin spice coffee instead. This orange wrapped goodness from Dunkin’ Donuts happens to be one of my favorites.
I actually picked it up at a Kroger grocery store, but you can order it , and I would imagine that you could also find them in the Dunkin’ Donut shops for the season.
• The Heidelberg Project (Detroit)
Backing up to a couple of weeks ago, I never got around to sharing the first part of our #DetroitDateNight!
Scott was in charge of finding something the group of us had never seen before, and took us right to the middle of The Heidelberg Project. It’s not in what feels like the safest part of the city, but it’s worth a stop onto the street if you’re near Detroit’s East Side.
The Heidelberg Project is an open art environment in the heart of an urban community. Tyree Guyton, founder and artistic director, works on projects and pieces of art every day. He only uses discarded objects, and has created a two block area full of color and creativity. Here’s a quick tour if you’re intrigued.
You can also see a lot of footage from a moto-vlogger (<- seems unsafe) here starting at the 4:35 mark.
What may look like a bunch of randomly placed objects always has a theme. His latest project is called What Time Is It? and displays a street’s worth of clocks and numbers.
Now in its 29th year, The Heidelberg Project is recognized around the world as a demonstration of creativity to challenge and responds to it’s place (<- cool video) and hardships in Detroit.
Their mission is “to inspire people to appreciate and use artistic expression to enrich their lives and to improve the social and economic health of their greater community.” Pretty cool!
• natural medicine to ease motion sickness
Also backing up to a few weeks ago, I never shared what really got me through all of those roller coasters at Cedar Point.
Before we hit the road for Ohio, the group of us stopped into Fresh Thyme for lunch and snacks for the drive down. I walked over to the health and beauty aisles looking for something to help me with motion sickness, and a helpful employee steered me towards their natural homeopathic medicine you can buy over the counter (OTC).
After looking through a long list of names and symptoms, she found Cocculus Indicus that is made specifically to treat motion sickness with a need to lie down. They come in the form of tiny pellets that dissolve in your mouth, and you take five at a time up to three times per day.
That’s me taking a step back and settling my stomach while the rest of the group rode a roller coaster that goes back and forth about six times. No thanks. I took the pellets twice during my entire day at the park and have to say that I noticed a huge difference in my normal symptoms of headaches, dizziness, and extreme nausea after riding roller coasters.
I wouldn’t promote anything that wasn’t safe on this blog! You can find and many other natural homeopathic treatments in the healthy and beauty aisles of many health and vitamin stores. I just figured I’d share!
• favorite LIL posts
» Healthy Pumpkin Spice Cookies
» Pure Barre Rochester in the Park
• Friday funnies
Just one today since I need to get this post up… Stella plays dead! (<- click to see video)
But it’s the cutest funny I’ve seen all week! #bang
Your Turn
Grab The Friday Favorites Button

Have a great weekend!
Disclaimer: Friday Favorites is a series of posts that features items I genuinely want to share with you. While #FFavorites isn’t sponsored, affiliate links may appear from time to time. As always, any support is much appreciated! <3

I am loving the return of all things pumpkin including the Dunkin’ version 🙂
renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Pumpkin Puffins
YES! I have a feeling this won’t be the only bag I purchase this year 😉
Hi Heather! We are FINALLY getting slightly cooler temperatures here, which is nice. And I cannot believe it is October either, because this part of the year tends to fly by faster than the rest. As far as your favorites, pumpkin coffee? Yum. I’m not even a coffee drinker, but I could get behind that. Also, loving those bras and undies! So pretty! Have a lovely time at the shower!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Friday Favorites: Food, fashion and more
Hehe enjoy the “cold”! 😉 I bet you would love pumpkin spice coffee! Sometimes I’ll even drink it black. Thanks for linking up. I hope you have a great weekend!
I’m drinking Dunkin Pumpkin Spice coffee right now and I love it so much better than Starbucks (I feel like I shouldn’t be saying that on the internet haha)
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…Friday Favorites Week 9
Haha, no I actually agree with you! I’m sure I will order the ever-popular PSL at least a few times this season, but I actually prefer regular pumpkin spice coffee!
Thanks for sharing. I love Krispy Kreme hot glazed doughnuts. The weather in Memphis has finally cooled down where I can actually walk outside without melting. Have a great weekend
YES! Haha, enjoy your walks sans melt. Happy Weekend!
I just found your blog and i’m so glad! I have a feeling i’m going to be doing a lot of creeping today 🙂 Also…what is pure barre? I’ve heard about it everywhere but don’t know what it actually is!
Hi Molly! Thanks so much for popping in! Have you heard of barre workouts? Here’s a little write up on barre I did a few years ago: Pure Barre is a nationwide company that has studios popping up everywhere. I love it!
I love hot glazed donuts! It’s so nice that you got a few on the house 🙂 And, like you, I’m loving all the pumpkin things! Have a fabulous weekend, Heather!
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday recently posted…Five Friday Favorites 10/02/15
My friends dog totally does the “bang!” trick and I laugh hysterically every.single.time. I just think its so gosh darn cute!
And heck yes for good bras! I live in sports bras because 1. I workout a lot and 2. I hate how uncomfortable normal bras are! Id love to get some bras that were actually comfy to wear
Kat recently posted…Cacao Cookie Dough Bites
I need to have the pumpkin spice coffee!! 🙂
Heidi Kokborg recently posted…JORD wood watch
I shared my ThirdLove shipment too! Love it! I’ll have to try out that motion sickness medicine. I used to never get it but after giving birth I can’t even watch him on a carousel! Let alone ride one 🙁 Hope you have a great weekend!
It really helped out! I’ll for sure bring it with me on future trips to theme parks and vacations. 🙂
I saw those natural medicines at Fresh Thyme and was really curious as to whether or not they actually work. There are so many different types for all different symptoms and such. Good to know they helped you!
By the way, isn’t Fresh Thyme THE BEST?! My absolute favorite store to do my grocery shopping at!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie recently posted…{Friday Favorites} 10/2
The only one I’ve tried is pictured in this post, but I can attest that I think it does. Who knows… maybe it’s all in my head though. 😉 They were very helpful and even printed out some information on it for me. Love Fresh Thyme!
I’m still in “It’s October Disbelief” too :O
I keep seeing the DD coffee at my grocery….almost bought it last week….think I should? 😉
Rebecca – Strength and Sunshine recently posted…Friday Finisher 10/2/15
YES! I love Dunkin’ coffee. It’s always in rotation my cabinet 🙂
I’ve decided to put on a happy face for October. It may body for colder weather to come, but hopeful, we will still be able to enjoy some lovely times until that happens. FINGERS CROSSED
SuzLyfe recently posted…Happy Fall Face: Five Things I’m Looking Forward to This October
YES! I like you optimistic attitude! Here’s hoping fall stays a lot longer than last year. 😉 Have a great week Susie!
Love the Third Love Lingerie! Are they pretty affordable? They look EXTREMELY comfortable but still sexy! I will definitely be looking into their website. Thanks for the info!
The prices are pretty similar to VS. The are VERY comfy! It’s an investment, but I’m really happy with the pieces I have!
Presents from Paris?? Lucky girl! I would love to go there one day!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul recently posted…Friday Five
mmm hot glazed donuts! There’s a krispy kreme in DC that was open late near bars we used to frequent. Nothing better than a hot fresh donut when you’re feeling a little tipsy!
abbyzaniel recently posted…Doing it All in Fall
hey heather, longtime reader of your blog–i love your friday favorites posts and the funny gifs and videos at the end are always my favorite! however, regarding today’s video, though this dog is funny and cute, i think people may find it a bit in poor taste given the recent events in oregon… just wanted to mention it. hope you have a lovely weekend.
That art project looks really interesting. I’m not arty at all, but I’m always amazed at the capacity art has to regenerate cities. It really does have a huge impact! Also, yay for travel goodies and things that arrive in the post. Have fun at the shower and cider mill!
Thanks for the tip on the natural motion sickness treatment! I take the bus in to work and have been having a problem with getting car sick so I’ll have to give this a try!
Tricia @ A Couple of Dashes recently posted…Friday Favorites – Sappy Stuff, The Royals and more!
I hope it works for you if you decide to give it a try!
I am so in love with that Pumpkin Spice coffee from Dunkin Donuts as well! I just made myself a cup this morning and it really hit the spot, especially on this rainy, chilly day!
Hilary recently posted…Friday Favorites #11
Yum! I know… it was rainy and chilly all weekend. Warm beverages usually cheer me up!
Ooh, I’m going to have to check out those bras! Love the idea of half cup sizes. Now when are they going to make underwear in cup sizes for those of us who have a booty? 😉 I’m loading up on the pumpkin spice coffee, too. Love it so much!
Hope you have a great weekend, Heather!! 🙂
Beth @ Sublimely Fit recently posted…Friday Faves #52 + A GIVEWAY!
Haha, you might be onto something there! Love it.
OMG I hate that coaster at Cedar Point! I don’t usually get motion sickness, but that one got me!
This was a great article, what a fun to read! Thanks for sharing this!