Good Morning, it’s Friday!
I’m taking advantage of having the morning off by heading out to a burn barre class (from what I understand it’s hot barre?) followed by a massage before work later this afternoon. I know… you can hate me. After a four month hiatus, I unfroze my monthly membership to Massage Envy for a bit because my muscles basically hate me. I’ve been reintroduced to the barre burn a lot this week and… #ohmyquad.
I’m really looking forward to the start of my day, but more so the weekend. I’m working tomorrow morning, and other than two Halloween parties Scott and I will be attending on Saturday night, the next few days are pretty clear.
Are any of you dressing up for Halloween? Are we too old for that if we don’t have coordinating kiddos?
Scott and I found a great couples costume that I can’t wait to debut. It might not arrive in time, so we’ll be all set next year if that’s the case. Here’s hoping we figure something out!
Rolling right into the fun, I’ll stop blabbing and move onto this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. As always, I invite you to share some of your favorites from the week in the comments section, and link up your own #FFavorites posts if you’re a blogger, too!
• Henri Bendel striped canvas bag
I originally shared this a few months ago when it came in my very first .
I transferred the makeup I actually use every day into it a couple of weeks ago, and it’s been my best makeup bag yet!
I love how it expands and then compacts when you zip it back up, and the lining on the inside is wipeable, which is essential when lugging makeup around. I love the striped design, the colors and option to embroider it (here), and I would recommend this bag to anyone looking for a travel or makeup bag this size!
• Lolita wine glasses
I can’t believe I haven’t mentioned Lolita wine glasses on the blog before. I received this one as a bridesmaids gift eons ago (peacock feathers were all over the decorations!), and it’s still one of my favorites to turn to when I reach for a glass of wine.
This exact design is called “Ostentatious” and is now retired, although I did find one left online that will only cost you an arm and a leg.
One of my friends in Orlando collects Lolita wine glasses, and I always loved grabbing a different themed glass any time I came over for a game night and a small group of us opened a bottle (or two) of wine. They’re all hand painted and make adorable gifts!
Also, in case you’re wondering – yes – I took the photo of this glass near the bathtub.
Bubble baths + wine = my happy place.
• Skinnygirl popcorn
I had heard of the Skinnygirl brand before, but I had only seen it on labels for wines and cocktails until just a few weeks ago. While perusing the aisles of the grocery store a couple of weeks ago, I found these Skinnygirl mini popcorn bags and decided to give them a try.
The lime & salt flavor is intriguing, no?
It’s seriously some of the best popcorn I’ve ever tried. I’m officially hooked, and it’s only 160 calories per serving.
You go, Glenn Coco Skinnygirl!
• Rodan + Fields foaming sunless tanner
Longtime blog readers might remember my review of Rodan + Fields skin care I shared last year. While I thoroughly loved the products, my wallet just couldn’t keep up with the line of skin care I wanted to use.
I was able to sample the goods through my friend Brittany who used to be a consultant for the company. During my recent visit to Arizona, she asked if I wanted to take a bottle of R + F foamless sunless tan home with me. Um, yeah!
I don’t notice a drastic change when I use the tanner versus when I don’t, but I do have to admit that I enjoy the slight hint of color. Also, the foam is anything but streaky. It’s a solid product that I look forward to using more. Thanks again, Britt!
• smoothie bowls
It’s been getting pretty chilly in our neck of the woods, which means I will most likely be saying a temporary goodbye to my beloved smoothies and smoothie bowls. Let’s just say that it takes a pretty big craving for me to turn back to them when it’s below freezing outside.
Knowing the winter is creeping up on us, I have been making a plethora of smoothies and giant smoothie bowls for meals over the past month or so.
My latest creation included: frozen strawberries, frozen blackberries, frozen grapes, frozen spinach (<- can you tell that I like to freeze any produce that looks like it could turn?), banana, protein powder, and lots of almond milk topped in raspberries and hemp seeds.
I’m sure there will be days where I get wild and make a smoothie for lunch, but for the most part I’m moving towards welcoming all soups and warm bisques with open arms!
• pumpkin chai latte (in a pink top!)
Do you guys have Gloria Jean’s coffee shops? I had never heard of it before moving to Michigan, but there’s one right next door to my gym as well as a couple of other locations near us. I’ve only been in a few times, but I’ve never been disappointed with what I order.
Scott and I were passing by the shop the other day and I saw a sign for a pumpkin chai tea latte. Are you kidding me?
It’s pretty close to a perfect love child between my two Starbucks obsessions: the pumpkin spice and chai tea latte. I ordered a medium for Scott and I to share, but I think you all can guess how that went… (90% mine).
I also adored the pink tops in honor of breast cancer awareness. <3
• favorite LIL posts
» Family Time in Northern Michigan & Mackinaw City
» Weekly Workouts & (New) Running Bench Workout
» Visiting the Grand Canyon & Hiking and Cabin-ing in Pine, Arizona
*Psst! Have you entered the Fresh N’ Lean & JCPenney $100 Gift Card giveaways yet?
• Friday funnies
Halloween-themed, because duh.
Well played.
Your Turn

Have a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Halloween!
Be safe out there!
Disclaimer: Friday Favorites is a series of posts that features items I genuinely want to share with you. While #FFavorites isn’t sponsored, affiliate links may appear from time to time. As always, any support is much appreciated! <3

Two Halloween parties in one night?! That does sound like a packed evening – and makes me feel slightly lame for not attending a single one. Honestly, though, Halloween isn’t a big deal over here and I don’t know about any of my friends attending a party, either.
I’m not a coffee drinker so I’ve never had the Pumpkin Spice Latte but that chai latte sounds amazing.
Enjoy your barre class and massage (yes, I’m slightly jealous)!
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Friday Favourites – 10/30/2015
Thanks! Don’t worry, I don’t think we did anything last year, and we definitely didn’t dress up. Enjoy your weekend!
I love that makeup bag! It looks like the perfect size to store your everyday essentials. As for Halloween, I am so not creative when it comes to my costume so no dressing up for me this year. I did put my little guy in a Superman costume for a mall event here in Florida! Have a fun weekend – Can’t wait to see your costume 🙂
Becky @ Olives n Wine recently posted…Friday Favs
It really is. Aw, I bet he looked adorable! Have so much fun with your little hero of you go trick-or-treating!
I love the Skinny Girl popcorn- the bags are a perfect size for me and the popcorn is so good. I love that they can conrol my portion size but I can admit to eating a few bags at once before. I am not a big fan of the lime flavor though but I love the buttered flavor!
Anna-Marie @BeautyAndTheBeets recently posted…Friday Favorites – Where have you been?
I bet that’s easy to do! I love the butter flavor too. Happy weekend!
Things that are must find: that popcorn and that wine glass. I love it! And at least if life hands you lemons you can do the pucker face challenge for childhood hunger! have a great weekend Heather!
SuzLyfe recently posted…Copycat Gluten Free Vegan Chorizo Recipe and Grand Rapids Friday Favorites!
It might actually be my costume at this point, lol. Love it! And Happy Halloween Susie!
I found my son’s halloween costume last minute, thankfully, after searching for weeks, and it wasn’t due here until today! Thankfully, it arrived early on Monday. (when does that ever happen?!)
I love Lolita wine glasses! I recieved one on my 21st birthday and I’ve been giving them to people as gifts ever since!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…Friday Favorites #27
I don’t think our costumes are going to make it on time. Bummer! Glad your little mad received his early. Have a blast going trick-or-treating!
I love that striped makeup bag! So cute!
Thanks Erin 🙂
LOL those Halloween funnies were hilarious. Love the lemon/life idea.
I’ve never tried skinny girl anything, but that lime and salt combo actually sounds really good. As much as I feel lukewarm about Halloween, I also hate that Sunday morning it’ll be Christmas stuff everywhere.
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Friday Favorites 10.30.15
I know, I saw the Christmas section up at a store today and I’m just not sure how I feel about it! What happened to Thanksgiving?
Ha!! Such great pins! Such a gorgeous wine glass.. and I love even more that it is by a bathtub. Perfect timing too as I begin to think of Christmas gifts. Skinnygirl now has popcorn!? And its good!? I’ll have to keep an eye out. Thanks for the link up!
Lilly recently posted…Friday Favorites: Detective work
It looks like there is a Lolita glass for every occasion! 😉
Yes!! I can’t stop buying it. I have a good feeling you’ll love it!
I’m not sure I’ve ever actually bought a makeup bag (I’m the queen of Clinique’s “free” gifts 😉 ), but that one is adorable! I’m organizing a pumpkin-carving/Halloween party for our dorm tonight and then tomorrow I think will be a little more low-key for me. I’m even thinking about heading to get a massage myself. Sounds like a nice little midterm study break! Have a fabulous weekend, Heather 🙂
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday recently posted…Five Friday Favorites 10/30/15
Ohh I used to wait and restock on all of my makeup goodies on days there were incentives like “free” gifts! Gotta love those bags!
Hi Heather! I hope your costumes arrive — we’re not dressing up this year actually. And for the first time in many weeks have minimal plans this weekend. Yay for that! As far as your favorites, I love the feeling of using a new make-up bag, and also – yes, I have a Lolita glass, and I tell Dave to “pour some of my sauce” into it hahahah! Have a great weekend, lady!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Friday Favorites: Events, bags and more
Eh, no such luck. We’re going to have to get creative! Enjoy your mostly low-key weekend! Hahahaha love the “sauce” reference 🙂
Happy Friday! You’re never too old for a costume, kids or not! And I can’t wait to see what yours is 🙂 I’m honestly trying to pull something together tonight… ha I think I’ll make a run to Goodwill. I have no idea how we let the day sneak up on us this year!
Alexandra @ My Urban Family recently posted…Friday Favorites Week 13
Ha, we spent all night looking for backup ideas because our costumes didn’t come in! Tomorrow should be interesting 😉 It really did sneak up this year. Have a Happy Halloween!
I’ve seen that Skinnygirl popcorn before but never realized what flavors were offered. That lime & salt flavor sounds delish! I’ll definitely have to give it a try. Hope you have a great weekend Heather!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie recently posted…{Friday Favorites} 10/30
Yes!! So delicious. Happy Halloween Brie!
Love the makeup bag and the wine glass design–great gift ideas!
Thanks! I agree. Some people might just be getting this bag during the holidays this year 😉
Funny…I also unfroze my Massage Envy account this week because I did 5 Barre3 classes in a row plus practicing a routine to audition for an instructor slot! My legs were sooo sore. Gotta love that barre burn! 🙂
Samantha T. recently posted…Friday Favorites 10/30/15
Wow, five classes! That’s dedication, sister. Best of luck with your audition!
I’m going to have to look for that Skinnygirl popcorn! I love their maragarita mix! And I got some non-mocrowave popcorn from the boy scouts recently, but I suck at making it on the stove. Grr! Microwave only for me! 🙂
Kate @KateMovingForward recently posted…Friday Loves: Choosing Joy
I’ve actually only tried the wines, but it’s good to know their margarita mixes are great too. And trust me, it took some practice (and coaching from the husband, ha) for me to make decent popcorn without the microwave! Keep trying 😉
Bendel not blendel!! Its written on thw bag! You link to it! Youve done this im the past, how hard is it to spell products you are gifted correctly
I guess equally as hard as it is to comment with several typos? 😉
That make up bag is so cute! I know I am sure needing one!
Hilary recently posted…Friday favorites
we have Gloria Jeans here, I thought it was just an Australian thing. I buy there ground coffee (the caramel one) to make at home.
Courtney {Alkeks Abroad} recently posted…Recipe Recap: October
Maybe it originated there? I love the coffee shop and flavors!
I love RF skin care but I agree it can get expensive. I’ve found that I can stretch it about 4 months at a time lately though so that has been really helpful on the budget! I haven’t tried their tanner though!
Kristin recently posted…Halloween Friday Favorites
Oh that’s great. There might be a day where I try and see how long I can make my supply last. I’m always so bad about washing my face (too much… thanks to working out and working at the gym), so my supply seems to run dry pretty quickly!