Hi friends! I apologize for the late arrival today … this week has been pretty exhausting.
We made it to New York City! Those of you who follow LIL on Snapchat (username: lifenleggings) or social media already know that, and I hope you’ve been enjoying the sneak peeks into what we’ve been up to.
Today we will continue on with our apartment hunt and can only hope that something pops up that is right for us. Searching for a home here is unlike anything we’ve experienced before, but that’s to be expected. There are so many different areas to look, so we’re trying to narrow things down and focus on a borough.
I had a list of favorites that I wanted to share with you guys today, but instead of delaying the link-up another hour (agh, so sorry), I’m going to just leave you with some of my favorite pictures from yesterday.
The last one is from a park view in Hoboken, just near where we are staying. The view of the city skyline is incredible!
I can’t wait to really dive in and share more about our journey and the process of moving to the NYC area. I hope to on a faster track to moving into a place by early next week, and I promise to return to more of a normal posting schedule once that happens.
Thank you all for your patience and encouragement along the way!
For those of you clicking over for a normal Friday Favorites post and link-up, please feel free to utilize the comments section to share your favorite things from the week. If you’re a blogger, use the blue Inlinkz button and link up!
Your Turn

Have a great weekend!
See you soon!

Yay! Enjoy apt. hunting and exploring, that’s so exciting!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Friday Favorites 4.8.16
Good luck apt hunting! I’ll be in the city tomorrow- fingers crossed for both of us that the weather isn’t too bad!
Dietitian Jess recently posted…Favorite Things Friday
Yay! Hopefully you will being some warmer weather to the east coast! And as for living somewhere new, I would want to try out EVERY restaurant and find my favorites. Good luck with everything.
Patricia @ Sweet and Strong recently posted…Total Body Cardio and Strength Workout
It’s not Florida or California, but we already dodged a blizzard that appeared in MI yesterday. Woot!
I am a blog reader and I’m so excited for your move to NYC! I am a native new yorker and I live in Astoria and definitely recommend it, as it’s more affordable than Manhattan and Brooklyn and has fantastic restaurants and a beautiful park for running or walking your pup! It’s also a short train ride to Manhattan! Good luck w your move and apt hunt!
Woo hoo, thank you for following! We enjoy Astoria, and my friend lives there and loves it. Stoked to be moving to Brooklyn (officially) next weekend!
Are you staying at an apartment until you buy a home?
We are staying at a friend’s place in Jersey City, but we are renting an apartment in Brooklyn starting next weekend!
Enjoy every moment of your new City. New York is awesome. So many things to do and see. xo Lauren
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment recently posted…Espresso Chocolate Muffins
Thanks Lauren!! Loving it so far!