Ahhh, it’s Friday! And to be honest, that’s a little scary to think about.
I haven’t shared this here yet, but Scott and I will be spending Christmas in Paris this year! He got hired for a work event and was in need of an assistant, so I happily volunteered for that job. 😉
I have been to France before, but only for a few days as part of a ten day European vacation with a friend and her family. Man, I wish I blogged back in those days!
I have actually been to ten different countries over the past fifteen years, but don’t have a virtual documented record of any of those trips. I am really looking forward to not only revisiting the country, but to spend the holiday overseas with Scott and share it with you guys here on the blog when we return!
Needless to say, this weekend is going to be a very busy one. With two back to back home games, last minute holiday errands to run, posts to plan, work to get ahead on, and packing to do… there is a lot to take care of before our flight out Tuesday. I’m sure we are all a little nuts right now!
To take a step back from the craziness, I am thrilled to take a look back at some of the highlights that made my week and share them. Don’t forget to link up at the bottom and play along in the comments section too!
Friday Favorites #16: Week of 12/20
‘Tis the season!
• Panera Bread
I must have forgotten how incredibly addicting Panera Bread is, because as of six days ago I hadn’t been to one in months. This week alone I popped into three different locations… twice for lunch and once for coffee.
This visit I got both!
(You Pick Two: Garden Vegetable Pesto soup + Roasted Turkey Harvest Wheatberry salad with a wheat baguette.)
That was my first time trying that salad and it was amazing! With all of the holiday hustle and bustle going on, I am so thankful for these healthy and delicious options on-the-go!
• Victoria’s Secret Color Shine lip gloss
I received this new lip gloss as part of my Secret Santa gift and looove it.
I had to have gotten the best secret shopper ever!
• holiday ornament wreath
Scott and I both spotted this gem in the garland and wreaths section at Target. Clearly, we needed it since it goes with our other Christmas decorations so well.
I just left the ribbon bow up from my fall wreath. I might have a thing for ribbons and bows, and I am perfectly fine with it.
If you haven’t seen this family’s holiday video being passed around yet, you’re welcome.
Seriously, that has to be the best Christmas video and family’s year-end update ever. I can only hope to create videos like that with my own family one day. In some form of embarrassing holiday jammie apparel, of course.
• Santa’s little helpers
Because who doesn’t need an extra hand (er… paw) in the wrapping department?
All three of our animals love to instantly get in the way on anything I put on the floor. Including myself during an at-home workout. I get annoyed, but love the extra attention from them at the same time!
• matching Reebok sneakers
So there’s this girl on my team who is a lot like me in so many ways. Her name is Nichole, and she too has a thing for Reebok dance apparel.
The funniest thing about this photo is that I received these dance sneakers as part of a review and she received them as a gift from her parents, who purchased them from TJ Maxx. Somehow we always end up wearing them to the same practices!
• almond milk ice cream
I stumbled upon this Almond Dream ice cream at my last trip to Kroger.
I have been a fan of all things almond milk since I started trying it and this is certainly no exception. Plus, it’s mint chocolate chip flavored, which I am fully on board for. I treated myself to a serving (or two) last night for dessert and had to literally hide my spoon to stop eating it. Delicious!
• Holiday Gift Guides
In case you missed it, I posted a series of gift guides to help all of the last minute shoppers out there!
This year’s holiday must haves include:
– Holiday Gift Guide: Stocking Stuffers
– Holiday Gift Guide: Fitness Goodies
– 2013 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide (something for everyone on your list!)
– Lorna Jane Activewear (my latest review of fashionable fitness wear)
I would be lying if I said I didn’t get a lot of gift ideas off of my own lists this year!
• this article on things to start doing for yourself
All of those points are so true. I especially like the concept of creating your own happiness and concentrating on things you can control. Great read!
• ScentSicles
I came across these scented ornaments while reading Amber’s Friday Favorites a few weeks ago and just had to try them out for myself!
They are thin scented ornaments you can find at most craft stores (I got mine at Michaels) meant to give off the smell of real pine. Paired with my Christmas tree smelling candle I shared earlier this month sitting next to our artificial tree, I can’t get over how authentic it smells around here. So sneaky… and I love it!
• sunny, snowy walks with Roadie
As a native Floridian, I have a love/hate relationship with living in a cold enough climate for snow. I love it on days where I can stay bundled up in the house working and admire it outside our windows, but hate it on days where I need to run errands and do a lot of driving.
The other day I took Roadie on his afternoon walk and had one of those “this is why I can live up here” moments. Although the snow wasn’t falling, there was a fresh and fluffy white coat on the ground with the warmth of the sun shining down on us.
That was the first time I saw the lake frozen over too! A pause in snowfall with the sunshine glistening is my favorite way to walk in it.
And I think that just about sums up the highlights of my week.
How was yours?

Have a great start to your weekend! 😀

Gahhh my cat is the same way!! For some reason he is addicted to packaging material…
I think it’s the paper and plastic thing. Both of mine love to play with and get into bags!
Paris! Paris?!? Sooooo jealous!! And the Almond Dream ice cream is THE BEST!!!
:D… It’s SO delicious!! Happy Friday!
Paris for Christmas sounds amazing! I can not wait to see pictures!!
Hehe… me too! Hopefully we’ll have some free days to explore the city!
I LOVE Panera’s Roasted Turkey Salad. Yum. Feels like thanksgiving in a bowl!
Isn’t it so yummy? That’s exactly how I would describe it!
I LOVE that wreath. It just SCREAMS Christmas, which I love! 🙂 Have fun in Paris! That is seriously fantastic.
Thank you, me too! And I’ll do my best… Happy Holidays!
You’re going to PARIS for CHRISTMAS?! Oh my gosh that is literally my dream. So, so jealous!!
Hehe, yes!!! I wasn’t sure until just a few weeks ago, I am really, really pumped!
omg how awesome!!! I cant wait to read your recap of Christmas in paris, enjoy<3<3<3
How ironic….we are flying to Paris the day after Christmas!!
Oh that’s exciting!!! Have an amazing trip!
I am finished with my semester, so its pretty much the best week over. And I am now officially done with college – which is the best feeling ever! I can’t wait to hear more about your Paris trip! The Panera lunch looks amazing…I can’t wait for our new location to open!
Congrats! That is SUCH a great feeling. 😀
Oh my gosh, I hope you have a great time in Paris! What a great opportunity. Have a Merry Christmas!
That wreath is adorable too!
Thank you! Gotta love good ‘ol Tar-get 😉