Wait a second… we’re already into the week of 1/3/14? I am well aware that there was a New Year’s celebration and all, but holy geez. Typing that just made it real!
Are any of you back to work yet? If so, then I have some good news for you: it’s Friday! And to get you ready to dive right into the weekend, lets have some fun with week’s installment of Friday Favorites.
Here are a handful of things I have been loving this week. For those of you who are new around here, there is a link up for bloggers at the bottom and an open welcome for all to play along and share some of your favorites in the comment section. Woo hoo!
Friday Favorites #18: Week of 1/3
• coffee mug warmer
After seeing me take coffee down to the computer and watching how long it takes me to finish a cup while typing away, my mom suggested I invest in a coffee warmer.
While I attended practice, I dropped her off to wander around the mall and I picked her up a few hours later with shopping bags. One of them had this Mr. Coffee coffee warmer from Bed, Bath & Beyond in it just for me.
I have really been enjoying the extra time to drink hot beverages downstairs without the inconvenience of having to microwave them when they cool. The plate gets pretty toasty and does a great job of keeping everything warm!
• quality time with Mom
Since I brought her up, I might as well highlight how much I have been loving catching up with my mom this week. She came to visit us and I am grateful to be able to spend some much needed mother-daughter time with her during the holidays.
She even made a trip to the gym with me yesterday!
I am so glad she brought her go-with-the-flow mindset while she’s up here. She’s been great at hanging with our crazy schedules and making the most out of our time together!
• This husky video that might just be the most adorable thing ever.
This one‘s pretty cute too. I have always had a thing for huskies! They remind me of snow dogs that always seem warm and cuddly and the majority of them have the most captivating blue eyes. SO stinking cute.
(Earmuffs Roadie… and, speaking of…)
• Roadie helping us unwrap presents
He’s been getting into everything lately! It’s like he’s a teething puppy or something. Gotta love ’em (and that face)… but what gives?
• Skype
Free internet video calling that makes opening presents from loved ones across the miles so much better!
• Avicii’s new song that inspired me to start a new workout playlist. Stay tuned for that share next week!
• winter coat steal
I found this navy and pink plaid coat at Target this week for $17.98. Seriously. A lot of their outerwear is on mega clearance right now.
Oh, Target. How I love thee!
• William-Sonoma hand soap and lotion sets
Gah! I’m obsessed. I first purchased a set of hand soap and lotion to keep in the downstairs bathroom at the William-Sonoma Outlet back around Thanksgiving. Since then, I have bought two more sets as gifts, and two more sets for our other bathrooms in the house.
I included them in this year’s Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide and I stand firmly on that decision. They come in a variety of scents and packages, and I am currently displaying the Basil and Lemongrass fragrances.
• rain boots
Speaking of presents, I am absolutely loving these Style & Co. ‘Drizzle’ rain boots, courtesy of Scott’s Mom and Step-Dad. Wrapped up with them were rain boot liners, which seem super practical for this snowy, slushy weather we have been having this week.
I actually saw the same exact pair in Stein Mart over two years ago and wanted to get them for myself then. I didn’t. But now I have them. Such a good call!
• winter ready
I am proud of a big step that happened this week for me: not being terribly afraid to drive in the snow or bear the freezing temperatures in order to go through every day life.
Don’t get me wrong… there are still times I question why we live in these snowy conditions, and they may or may not happen on a daily basis. But, every now and then I get an answer to my own question and take a step back to capture it.
Getting to experience different seasons and winter wonderlands softens the blow just a little. It’s beautiful!
And I guess that’s it for this week. Today I am really looking forward to showing my mom around town. We have plans for brunch with a possible day trip to Canada, then back with just enough time to catch the Harlem Globetrotter’s perform tonight. Should be a fun day!
Now, the floor is yours…

Have a great start to your weekend! 😀

Love that video! I have always wanted a Husky … they are so beautiful!! 🙂
They just look so soft and squishy!! I want one too. 😉
Mother and daughter time is priceless! The jacket I want a deal like that!! Btw it’s very pretty and I also looooove the boots! Hope you enjoy your mom time!
Thanks! Have a great weekend 🙂
I love that coat–it is sooo cute. One of my favorite coats is from target and I get complements on it all the time–one of those quilted “barn” coats. It looks like a Burberry, but probably 10% of the $. Gotta love the bullseye!
That sounds adorable! LOVE Target!
Aw- spending time with Mom? How can you ever top that? And love the boots!!
Thanks! I’m excited to wear them 😀
Unfortunately, I am back to work as of today. But the past 2 days were amazing! On the side note, I’d love my mom to come with me to the gym! It’s a great idea indeed; now I have to work on fulfilling it! xoxo Olena
Yes, I’m fortunate that she is also very much into health and fitness!
Love those rain boots! I have a pair of snow boots I wear often but need something a bit less isolated for when it rains yet isn’t freezing out.
Exactly! That’s what I said. Couldn’t have been more perfect of a gift 🙂
LOVE the husky videos!! I used to have a husky when I was growing up so they will always hold a special place in my heart :).
Aw, lucky girl!
Ahhh the crawling husky video just made my morning! Christian LOVES huskies and is dead-set on us getting one in a couple of years, so everytime I find videos like this I have to share with him! <3 Those rain boots are adorable too! My mom bought me snow boots to take back with me to Montana… 🙁
They are definitely one of my favorite breeds!
Oh my gosh, my dog did the exact same thing on Christmas with the presents! I thought it was kind of funny how he waited to rip them open until Christmas day! I love your boots and your jacket and love a good bargain as well 😉 Target for the win!
I loooove huskys. And malamutes. But I may be biased because I have one of each lol. The hair though is crazy. They shed all year long and going into winter and coming out of winter they shed really badly because they lose their undercoat and you can literally pull chunks of their undercoat out. Just in case you ever decide to get one. Also, my husky is super great as a running partner she never gets tired!
Gotta get one of those handsoap sets!! LOVE!
The coffee warmer is such a great idea and I am loving your adorable rain boots!