Good Morning and Happy (almost) Weekend!
I have a feeling the next few days are going to absolutely fly. Between a couple of Pistons events, a hair appointment, a concert, and an already planned full Saturday and Sunday, I’m getting pretty pumped.
We just returned from driving half way across the state and back, so instead of trying to entertain you with an introduction, I’m giving in to my tired brain and will now transition into what you clicked over here for.
Lets move right on to the #FFavorites!
As always, I invite you all to play along and share yours in the comments section. And while you’re at it, go on and link up your own!
Friday Favorites #46: Week of 7/18
• MARC by Marc Jacobs computer case
Even though I have plenty of purses to lug around, my favorite go-to for every day shenanigans has been this MARC by Marc Jacobs tote (in teal) I purchased via Nordstrom Rack in Portland last summer.
(Sorry for not being able to provide an exact link. Apparently Nordstrom is preparing for a monster sale – someone, please take advantage of this! – and the site is currently down as I type to prepare.)
Anyways, it’s perfect for packing gym clothes, snacks, books, and even a laptop when I’m on-the-go throughout the day. (Here are some other colors to choose from!)
I’ve been needing a new computer case to protect my laptop while out and about and fell for this bright coral MARC by Marc Jacobs computer case staring at me in the Apple store. Hard.
Every time I see this case pop out of my teal bag, it instantly makes me smile. Bright colors!
• MacBook Air
Speaking of the Apple store, the reason for my visit was to pick up a very exciting purchase that’s been at least two years overdue.
Meet the new 13” love of my life, the MacBook Air cased in a teal shell protector. (<- also, could be another favorite bullet point!)
I shall call her Lola. Because according to Scott, that’s what I name everything. But this time, I really, really mean it. She’s glorious and I have never been so inspired to get work done on the computer!
(Ugly faces in my choice of wedding photo background. No biggie.)
I also purchased a keyboard cover, and fully intend on protecting her like a child. You think I’m kidding. Ahh, so in love!
• Lennon & Maisy
Scott played this video for me the other day, and I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. Have you heard of this adorable Stella Sisters duo?
They’re both crazy talented on their own, but together produce some of the best harmonizing I’ve ever heard. And they’re how old? Twelve and eight.
Although you can’t even find it on their own YouTube channel, this Disney throwback might be my favorite. Mind = blown.
• edamame fiesta summer salad
I wanted to share this recipe I whipped up yesterday afternoon so badly, but simply ran out of time. It’s so, so good and I really can’t stop eating it.
SO simple, so delish! Keep a lookout for the recipe coming soon!
• travel dry shampoo
My obsession with dry shampoo is not a secret.
Ever since I tried it for the first time, I’ve been hooked and am delighted that I finally found a travel version.
I’ve been on the hunt for travel dry shampoo for at least a couple of months and bought this one at CVS during our last visit to Orlando. I actually thought it was hairspray, and became quite surprised when I sprayed it everywhere.
Ha! Long story short, travel sized dry shampoo exists and I’m ecstatic.
• personalized wedding thank you cards
I opened this nugget of happiness this week and couldn’t help but smile and think back to my memories of Katie + John’s wedding last March.
I’ve seen brides and grooms shoot a “Thank You” photo on their wedding day before, but I’ve never seen somebody take wedding photos and make a little collage on their cards.
They designed these themselves through Shutterfly!
• FRS energy drinks
The long time HWG readers might remember me reviewing FRS healthy performance energy drinks back in early 2013.
I really liked the drinks, despite the (what might seem weird) orange tint to every flavor, thanks to the Quercetin. (<- basically just a fancy word for an all-natural antioxidant that provides sustained energy.) I haven’t actually bought any since that review, until Scott requested I pick up some “healthy energy drinks” on my last trip to the grocery store.
I immediately thought of FRS and have been enjoying the wild berry flavor in the Energy + Endurance line the past few afternoons! You can find this line at any vitamin supply store or in the health and beauty aisles at most grocery stores.
• family in town
Last, but certainly not least, my dad is in town!
He flew up to Michigan yesterday and is staying with us until lunch before he sets off for Monroe.
Fun fact: My dad is actually from Michigan. He was born and raised in Monroe and is in town to visit my grandmother (who we plan to go see Sunday) and attend his 50 year high school reunion!
I felt bad that he flew into Lansing, drove over to Rochester Hills, then tagged along the 2.5 hour ride over to Grand Rapids and back for an event I had to work last night. He sure is a trooper!
Now I better get going so I’m not a complete zombie at our breakfast date…
Your Turn

Have a great weekend!

Love Lennon and Maisy- I’ve never heard of them until now. Wow!
They’re amazing!
I will have to check out Lennon and Maisy! And I love FRS–I use their chews before/during long runs. Easy to eat, easy on my stomach and not tooooo much caffeine. Have a great weekend and time with your parents!
I forgot about the chews until I saw those in the store next to the drinks! I’ll have to buy some closer to my half 🙂
I’m so in need of a new laptop and have had my eye on that exact one. Please keep me posted on how you like it!
I’m absolutely loving and attached to it now! I’ve had an iMac for a couple of years so this just seems like the portable version of it to me. What do you currently use?
I love Lennon and Maisy! They’re crazy talented!
I’m so glad I now know about them!
Oh man I’ve been wanting to try a new dry shampoo for so long! Sadly I looked that one up on Amazon and it’s not rated super high…still on the hunt!
Also I want that laptop/cover/case..all of it!! 🙂
I honestly didn’t even look at the ratings. There are probably better brands out there, but for me price is important and it seems to work just fine. Let me know if you find one that works for you!
Family in town is always awesome!! I love your new laptop and case…so cute!
Thank you! It looks especially obnoxious and bright in these photos, but I really love it too!
That’s so funny, I was just looking at the 13” Mac Airbook, and the teal case for it!! Glad to hear you love it!! And yum! That Edamame salad looks soooooo good. Love Edamame :).
I’m addicted to it! And the salad 🙂
I love your computer case, and I so need a new one! Also I have been in the market for a good dry shampoo, and I am definitely going to be trying this one out! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
Let me know if it works for ya. There are definitely better brands out there (for a higher price tag) but it seems to do the job just fine for me!
Lennon & Maisy are the daughters on the show ‘Nashville’, right? They’re amazingly talented!
Yes! That makes me so happy! 🙂
I love the Big Sexy Hair spray n’ play hair spray but have never tried the dry shampoo. I’ll be sure to look for it the next time I go to the store! Have a great weekend!
Thanks, you too! 🙂
That laptop case is adorable! FRS energy drinks are so good.
Thanks! I haven’t taken it out of the house yet but I’m sure it will come in handy when we’re traveling next week!
Omg I love Lennon and Maisy! That Kiss the Girl cover is SO good!
And yay for a new laptop! I really need to get a new one too!
I can’t believe it’s not even on their YouTube page! Love it!
Congrats on your MacBook Air! You’ll love it (I’m sure you already do!). I remember when I got mine in the mail, I was sooo excited! Can’t wait for you to share your salad recipe! It looks so darn good and it’s so beautiful!
Thank you! I sure do love it! Recipe will be up on Monday 🙂