Hello! Wow, are you guys just as freezing as I am? I have a feeling that even my Southern friends are feeling a breeze this week. I’ve been cranking up the heat, but I keep getting chills. It’s so cold and snowy out!
I think it’s time to heat things up with a Friday Favorites party. Every week I feature a list of things that made my week, and I always invite you to share what you have been loving too at the bottom using the comments section and link up tool. Let’s rock!
Friday Favorites #71: Week of 1/9
• new blogging journal
I received this journal over the holidays from my friends at Stitch Fix. Empty journals are great for me!
I like to purchase at least one per year to be able to plan posts and write down ideas on-the-go. I have also been using my Lorna Jane MNB Diary for this, but having a journal on top of my planner gives me more room to go into specific details and ideas I might have for posts further down the road.
I love having a book full of ideas to pull from on the days I might just feel blah or uninspired. Thank you for gifting me with a new year of journaling, Stitch Fix!
• wine aerator
I received this wine as a Christmas gift from a dear friend. Have you ever used one of these before?
This one is best for red wine and enhances flavor as the wine pours from bottle to glass. It came with an accompanying stand (I saw after I took this photo) to prevents drips in between servings and a filter to clean it.
We used it at our low-key New Years Eve celebration and loved it! I look forward to using it again down the road, and especially on the nice bottles Scott brings home from California and overseas every year!
• winter candles
It’s no surprise when big seasonal candles end up on the list of favorites. We also opened this Winter Garden Yankee Candle as part of our gift (thanks, Alex and Alex!) and burned it right away.
I expected this one to smell very piney. It resembles a pine tree, but it also has some kind of yummy baked good packed in there somewhere. It’s so refreshing and sets me in the best mood!
We usually get our Yankee Candles at . They always have great buy-one-get-one deals going on. I just love, love, love candles.
Don’t you?
• sea salt spray
I have been wanting to try sea salt spray to (air-dry) curl my hair since the summer. I saw this Beach Babe Sea Salt Spray by Lee Stafford on my last trip into ULTA and finally caved.
I have used it a handful of times after a shower and just let my hair air dry after a generous 15+ sprays of this bottle. I love the look I get! I have natural curly hair, so mine probably comes out a bit curlier air-dried than most. Even so, I think you all would love the soft and gentle look it gives.
• Mean Girls workout tanks
I saw this line of Mean Girls workout tanks at last month and thought they were hilarious.
I can’t find them online, but I have seen them at multiple Kohl’s locations. If I see them again in my size, I might have to get one!
• Can You Make It Through This Post Without Squealing?
For all the animal lovers out there… go ahead and try to get through this whole Buzzfeed article without making a ridiculously high pitched noise. I made it considerably far until I got to the baby panda. DONE. <3
• Christmas lights on the tree
Okay, okay… I mentioned that I put all of the Christmas stuff away last weekend, but I might have left out one minor detail. Yes, I took all of the ornaments off, but I waited for Scott to help me take the lights and tree down. I’m fully capable of doing it myself, so I’m pretty sure I used that as an excuse to keep our tree up longer.
So yeah, it’s still up. No ornaments, just Christmas lights. And you better believe I still turn it on every day! Is that a problem?
(I wonder how long I can get away with having it up? Any bets?)
• favorites HWG posts
» Fashion Favorites: December 2014
» 10 Thing You Need To Train for a Half Marathon
• Friday funnies
On this awesome cold weather we are having (what else):
Not funny actually, but totally accurate.
(Thanks for sharing this on my wall, April!)
Pretty much.
Hey buddy… wait for me!!
Your Turn

Have a great weekend!
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. The Friday Favorites series features items I genuinely want to share with you. Please understand, however, that affiliate links may be included. Thank you for your support! <3

I love winter candles! For some reason I burn candles so much more often in the winter than in the summertime. I usually buy them from Bath and Body Works, but I do love Yankee Candle brand too. I’ll have to give that scent a try! Have a great weekend, Heather!
I do too! I think it’s because I’m home more in the winter, and definitely feel more cozy on the cold nights in. As you probably know, I’m LOVE both B&BW and Yankee! Happy Weekend!
I have been asking myself everyday this week why I live somewhere that the air hurts my face 🙁 At least it is Friday. Thanks for hosting 🙂
Ha, I actually quoted that the other day while walking outside in misery. It’s crazy!
That snowman. Is everything. I will join you and him. Get me outta here! Have a fabulous weekend!
Haha, definitely! Let’s roll sister!
I’m so with that snowman!! Way too cold for my liking here!!
Right? I say we all start the trip down to paradise. These temps are nuts!
I love my sea salt spray for when I go wavy with my hair. I haven’t a wine aerator, but I often forget about it. I have to dig it out of the pantry for my next glass of wine. Have a great weekend! Stay warm.
Ahh the air is hurting my face SO much lately!!! Also my hair freezes when I shower and walk outside to dinner after practice… 🙁 Fortunately it hasn’t broken off yet!
My parents use their aerator allll the time and love it! I haven’t used it yet, and am honestly not a wine-savvy person so I probably wouldn’t benefit much from it, but I’ve heard its great reviews! Thanks for the linkup 🙂
Hi Heather! Happy Friday! We are freezing too! Although, not a lot of snow just extremely cold. We also got an aerator for Christmas but have yet to use it. Glad you like it! We will have to take ours out of the box soon. Have a great weekend xo Winks and Eyerolls
I don’t know if freezing cold is worse with or without snow! Enjoy the aerator, we love ours!
That journal is adorable! I’m obsessed with stationary. And yes to questioning life when it’s this cold out. It’s too cold!!
But really though… 😉 Stay warm this weekend!
Lol my face hurt when I walked my dog yesterday, lame! I haven’t tried the sea salt spray before, but I’m def looking to switch up the routine a bit so that might be fun to experiment with! 🙂 happy Friday!
It’s crazy it really does HURT within seconds. I think you would love the spray!
I am obsessed with journals!! I guess I just love to write whether it is on a computer or on paper 🙂 All, ALL my decorations are still up and I am so happy about it! I even keep buying Christmas goodies now that they extremely on sale.. #doihaveaproblem? Have a great weekend!
Both options sound great to me! I’m on the computer so much now that it’s refreshing to actually write with a pen and paper from time to time 😉 Woo hoo for decorations still going strong! And don’t worry about taking advantage of the sales, we do that every year!
Omg love that “The air hurts my face…” hahahahaha. Although I don’t live where the air hurts my face, I will completely understand that this winter when I move where the air will hurt my face. And yay for winter candles!! I have a mistletoe one and I absolutely love it!!
Oh I bet that one smells good too!
It hasn’t been too cold here yet, which is kinda crazy for UT! It was for about a week, but now it’s fine while everyone else is freezing! Yikes! Stay warm!
Lucky girl! Enjoy the warmth for all of us this weekend 🙂
Love those mean girl tshirts. I quote that movie way more than is acceptable.
Haha, glad to hear I’m not alone there. Happy Weekend!
Hi Heather. I’m afraid it needs to be said: You have a serious candle-obsession-disorder. How many do you own? Do you light them all at once? I’m worried. 🙂 heheheh No but really, I love candles so much too, but when your apartment is as small as mine, you can’t overdo it! Thanks for hosting this Friday fun, as always. And I love those fun workout tanks. I want one!
Haha, I guess it would appear that way! It looks as though we own a TON but really, we go through them so much that we have about 4 out at a time. One upstairs, two downstairs, and one on my desk in the basement. We only buy more when the ones we have run out! BUT I tend to light them almost daily, so that happens pretty frequently. The good news is Scott might be more into lighting candles than I am! Haha.
Totally loving on those tanks from Kohl’s! I’ll have to check ’em out. Some of them would be perfect for teaching BodyPump and RPM. 😉
Too funny about your Christmas tree! I sure do love the lights, but I despise clutter so that won over for me and we ended up taking down our tree like two days after Christmas.
I LOVE Christmas lights, so I say keep it up for awhile! 😉 I should have done that! It looks completely wintery to me without the ornaments on it.
Ha, I guess it would have been better with all white lights 😉
You can bet a trip by Kohl’s will be on my list…those are too fun! Thinking I might have to find that candle too….I love a good candle that isn’t too overwhelming. Happy Friday!
Thanks Shelly, you too!
Come back to Florida!!!!
Girllllll, i wish! I bet you are loving the weather down there!
The weather comics you posted make me laugh-cry because for some crazy reason, my husband and I are planning a move from California to Toronto this year, and I’ve been living in snow-denial, but I think laughing about the miserable weather is a good first step for me! Haha. Happy Friday 🙂
Always a good way to look at it! I do the same thing… as you can imagine moving from Florida to Michigan. Toronto is quite the jump up! I’m sure there will be days that you love the snow! And it is fun to experience the seasons. Happy Friday!
At the top of my loves-list this week is “The Bachelor.” Seriously… I haven’t watched it since Trista and Ryan hooked up, and I am so bummed because apparently I have been missing a lot of drama. This season looks amazing–cute bachelor (farmer Chris), some sympathetic bachelorettes, and a lot of crazy! 🙂
I think I’m the ONLY girl who hasn’t tuned in to watch that show! I’ve heard it’s great but just haven’t given it a fair try! Enjoy the season 🙂
Oh my goodness! I have that same comic on my cubical wall! A friend sent it to me last winter. 🙂
Hahaha, that’s great! Glad to see you appreciate it just as much as I do! 😉
Sea salt spray is amazing!! I’ll have to try this brand. GIRL.. Those tank tops are great. You would love these and you can buy them online (I’ve been wanting this one to wear to spin class for awhile, so cute!!) shopbetches.com/collections/tank-tops
Ohhh I’ll have to check those out!! Happy Weekend!
Thank you for sharing those funny graphics! The one with the snowman had me laughing out loud for quite awhile! I even forwarded it to a couple coworkers!
Haha yay! I’m glad you found it as funny as I did!
I also forgot to mention that I actually got one of those tanks for Christmas and have been loving it! Have a great weekend!
Oh thats awesome! Which one?
Mine wasn’t included in your photo but it’s white and says “excuses don’t burn calories!”
A workout tank? That sounds cute!
Yeah it was a tank!
I’ve got to get a blogging journal. I’ve got a normal planner, but I should get one for just blogging.
Midwest Darling
It really helps with planning!
Does the sea salt spray dry your hair out?
Not that I can tell! I thought it might too, but it dries more soft than dry. 🙂
That’s so funny… our Christmas tree is still up, too!! 😀
I just can.not. bring myself to take it down!! It’s just so…pretty!! & it makes my mornings to get up & turn it on (still)!! 😉
Ha, I really can’t either. It might just find it’s way into February… #sorrynotsorry
It’s so true about the air hurting your face. My eyes start watering immediately because they’re so cold!
That’s the worst!! Stay warm out there!