Good morning and Happy Friday!
First things first… did anyone else watch Scandal last night?
Um… (insert face with open mouth emoji here). The suspense and thrill I loved from the first season that got me hooked is back, baby!
I apologize for getting this week’s Friday Favorites up later than sunrise today. While I usually prep a good portion of this post on Thursday nights, I got completely sucked into last night’s episode of Scandal. I literally couldn’t turn my head away from the television. It happens.
Anyways, before I start rambling, let’s dive right into this week’s edition of #FFavorites! This is the part of the week I take a look back to share new product finds, funny or informative articles, and just some things that made me smile. If you are a blogger, make sure to look for the blue Inlinkz button at the bottom and link up your own #FFavorites posts too!
Since I traveled this week, the entirety of this list happened in Florida. Here we go!
Friday Favorites #83: Week of 4/3
• Utz Natural Gourmet Chips
I absolutely love kettle cooked potato chips. They are one of my biggest weaknesses, so when I see a chance to scoop up a better-for-you version, I take it.
I found this bag of Utz Natural Gourmet Medley Kettle Cooked potato chips at a gas station and saved them to enjoy on my plane ride home. They were so good! I loved the variety of potatoes used, and I can embarrassingly recall myself pouting when the bag ran out. I think that’s a sign that need to happen.
• cooking tofu at home & fruit on salads
My mom called me the day before I arrived home to ask if I would like some kind of tofu and vegetable scramble for dinner when I got there. Sure! I was there when she cooked it, and it reminded me that I need to get more adventurous with cooking tofu in my own kitchen.
Tofu, mushrooms, radishes, bok choy, carrots, water chestnuts, and won tons
I really like tofu. Scott, however, isn’t a fan. I’m hoping I can eventually get him to not only eat it, but love it too. A scramble like this might be a great place to start. Only time will tell!
We also made a fantastic fruit salad over fresh organic romaine lettuce straight from my grandmother’s garden.
I believe we used a pear, apple, strawberries, avocado, and gorgonzola cheese drizzled in flavored citrus oil and vinegar. It was the perfect salad to welcome me into the Spring Florida sunshine. I definitely need to recreate that too!
• Chick-fil-A
Oh my gosh. Chick-fil-A!
Any Southerner turned Northerner without one nearby will feel me on this one.
Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich (split) on a wheat bun with a Grilled Market Salad and waffle fries.
There’s just something about those Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches that make them incredibly tasty and crave-worthy. Knowing I miss them, my mom suggested we stop in a location on our drive up to Jacksonville on Tuesday, and we split a sandwich with a salad for lunch. I couldn’t argue with that!
While I am not a fan of the majority of fast-food restaurants, Chick-fil-A is just… different. Since we don’t have a restaurant (outside of inside a college campus cafeteria) near us, Scott and I crave their food on a regular basis. Any time we go down South, a trip to this chain is bound to happen!
• an amazing tribute and memorial
While the reason for my quick trip down to Florida wasn’t ideal, I am so very happy I got the opportunity to go. I booked a last minute ticket to attend the funeral for my grandfather, and it was a beautiful service last Tuesday afternoon.
Beyond getting my own personal closure of his passing, it was neat for me to hear stories and conversations about him from the preacher and loved ones who attended. You wouldn’t have known it by talking to him, but my granddaddy was a humbly decorated WWII veteran. He returned to Jacksonville and served as a police officer for the City for eight years, and then transferred to the fire department. After retirement, he worked for the Federal Protective Service until he retired there in 1974!
My granddaddy was always a hero in my eyes, but I had no idea how much he was a true hero to others until I started asking more about his past over the last couple of years.
Members of the marine corps stood at his service, and he took one last ride in a firetruck as he made his way to the gardens. It was all so cool to see.
Sad, of course, but so very cool.
After the service, our family invited guests down the street for an ice cream social in his honor. He loved his ice cream.
Once again, the reason for our gathering wasn’t the best, but we all couldn’t help but to smile while sharing stories we have with or about our dear Rudy. I’m so glad I was able to be there!
• angel bracelet
My aunt found these angels at a bead store back in 2010, shortly after my Nana passed away. She gifted them to my mom, and she had them made into a bracelet. I asked to borrow it to wear on Tuesday. It just felt appropriate.
I have a feeling you can find similar beads at local bead shops too. It may sound silly, but I felt a little more comforted every time I looked down at it that day. <3
• time with family
You all knew this one was coming. It was so great to be able to see and spend even a short amount of time with my family.
I can’t believe how tall my niece, Kayla (now turning 14), is! I swear she was just a newborn yesterday. Time really does fly!
• time on the beach
Speaking of time, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment I spent near the beach this week.
My aunt and her family lives minutes from Jacksonville Beach, so I obviously had to take advantage of that.
I may not be moving back, but I will be visiting again as much as I can in the future.
• The Fresh Market
We stopped by The Fresh Market on our way back into Orlando, and I couldn’t help but to swoon and sigh a little.
This grocery store brings me so much happiness. It’s kind of ridiculous.
Once again, we don’t have a location near us in Michigan, so it’s a treat any time I get to visit a store when I travel. Back in my Orlando days, I used to frequent this market anywhere from once to three times a week! It’s a tad pricey, but it’s the best.
They have a great selection of fresh produce, meats, and sides that would quickly give me inspiration for dinners. If you are lucky enough to live by a Fresh Market, please enjoy it for me.
• favorite LIL posts
» 22 Awesome Meal Prepping and Planning Tips
» Spring 2015 Workout Playlist
• Friday funnies
Ending this post with a humorous tribute to being from the South just seems right…
» The 17 Best Things About Being From the South via Cosmopolitan
» 22 Words That Have A Totally Different Meaning In The South via Buzzfeed
Haha, yes!! To all of it.
And now y’all know why I drop the g from time to time. It’s a Southern Thin’.
Your Turn

Have a great weekend!

Sorry about the circumstances of your travel–but it is always nice to see family. Mine is kind of scattered, so I know how rare (and awesome) it can be! 🙂 Also, those chips look pretty amazing–Utz is a local brand for me and I haven’t seen them, but now I’ll be on the lookout!
I’ve never tried the brand before. Love it!
I’m so sorry about your grandfather. My grandfather is so modest about his time spent in the military, too. That generation really deserves more credit. Isn’t Fresh Market the best? It’s so pretty inside and it makes me want to buy everything. Thanks for hosting the link-up!
I completely agree. What gems they are. True heroes. <3
Was that shorts I see?!?? Lol. That tribute to your grandpa looks absolutely incredible and an amazing way to honor a wonderful man. I totally get what your saying about the bracelet. It’s not silly at all. Same reason I still wear my grandmas wedding band 5 years later<3
Haha, right??? Shorts!!! Exciting stuff! I can’t wait to break them out here! Also, love that you wear your grandma’s wedding band. <3
I haven’t seen Scandal yet this week so I had to skip over most of your post so I wouldn’t get spoilers!!!
I did notice that map though, and I think there needs to be a tiny little dot where Pittsburgh is because we say “yinz”!! It’s starting to go away, but where I was raised on the northside of the city everyone says it! Happy Friday and I hope you have a great weekend 🙂
Yinz? I’ve never heard that before! I love hearing stuff like that. And don’t worry, I’ll never give away any spoilers for shows! 😉
It is always hard to say good bye, but there is nothing like celebrating the life of someone you loved so much.
And Chickfila and Fresh Market (coffee, trail mix, and candy) always help. 😀
Yes, they certainly do! Happy Weekend, Suzy!
Sorry you had a tough week. It sounds like your grandfather was well-liked and loved. Big hugs to you and your family. I lived in South Carolina for 5 1/2 years and sometimes I say y’all even though I was born and raised in Iowa. My husband makes fun of me for it. My favorite is “all y’all”–it really is the perfect thing to use when you need to talk about a group of people. Hope you have a great weekend!
Haha I totally say that too. Not so much up north, but it just comes out when I visit home or Scott’s family in Arkansas/Missouri!
Hi Heather! Spending time with family is good for the soul! Even though you came together for a sad thing, you still had the benefit of seeing each other’s faces and remembering the good times! And tofu? No way could I get Dave to eat that, but I like it! Thanks for hosting the fun and happy Friday to you! 🙂
Haha, it’s so funny how our tastebuds can vary. Scott will try anything strange and foreign when we travel (um, sautéed serpent head?? I wish I was joking), but he won’t eat tofu. It’s a mystery to me!
Your grandad was an amazing man! <3
That is so true about the Y'all/you guys divide! haha
And I was out to dinner with a friend last night so I missed Scandal. I can't wait to watch it tonight!!
Be prepared for a lot of “what?!?” moments! It’s shaping up to be a great season!
I couldn’t live without The Fresh Market or Whole Foods! 🙁 I will go there today JUST FOR YOU. What do you want from there?
Awww, haha, thank you! I would appreciate that! I’m obsessed with their Pumpkin Spice coffee in the fall, but I mostly just miss their deli section. Scott and I would always pick up things and make a meal out of it!
That’s neat you were able to see family & such, but I’m sorry for the reason. That’s what’s so hard about funerals–you get to see people you love & who loved the person who passed on. <3 He sounds like a great man!
Yes, it’s always just a little easier to go through a loss with the ones you love who also loved that person just as much. <3
Yes to Scandal! Loving it lately!
I haven’t been a big fan of tofu in the past when I’ve tried it, but I’ve heard it depends a lot on how you prep and cook it, so maybe I need to try it a different way. That salad sure does look and sound good though! Yum!
So glad you got some quality time with your family this past week. Bringing family together is one of the few happy things about funerals. Continuing to think about you and your family on the loss of your granddaddy!
Thank you, Ashley! I’m with you… I don’t like all tofu, but I’ve learned that I prefer the extra firm texture. Hope that helps!
I totally agree about Chick-fil-A, I wish they had them around here! Good news though, my husband and I were at the airport last week and there’s one coming to the McNamara Terminal! I may or may not have actually squealed when I saw the sign… I don’t know if they’re putting one in the North Terminal too or not but it’s a good reason to fly Delta!
Oh my gosh, you’re right! I totally forgot I saw that sign too. That’s fantastic news! Yay, Delta terminal!
I haven’t watched last night’s Scandal yet, I can’t wait!
And have you heard the Michigan phrase “Geez Oh Pete’s” yet? It’s a total Michigan thing and I had no idea until I moved to Illinois and people looked at me funny when I said it!
Haha, now that you mention it, I have heard geez in pete’s! Too funny. 😉
I’m sorry about your grandfather, but I’m glad you got spend time celebrating him and remembering him with your family.
Aaaand on a different note, SO much yes to Chick-Fil-A. I love it!
🙂 🙂 🙂
OMG, Scandal. It was so good. 🙂
I may or may not have watched it twice…. (in the background, of course). 😉
I’m an avid reader of yours, but have never commented before. I love this post and the southern references you made because like you, I moved from the south (Texas) to Chicago! It’s crazy how different both places are! Especially when I hear people say “pop” instead of “coke”. I didn’t realize how southern Chik-fil-a was until we moved up here! I don’t know if they are in FL, but Whataburger is my fav. fast food place from back home.
Isn’t it? I like Texas! It still takes a concioius effort for me to say “pop” instead of “soda”. I’ve never tried Whataburger! Thank you so much for reading 🙂
I’m sorry about your grandfather. He seems like a truly great guy and how wonderful for you to be able to share and hear stories about him. Glad you were able to spend time with your family this week, even though it was not under the best circumstances. I hope I get to visit the South one day, you make it sound like such a fun and friendly place 🙂
Well, as weird as it may seem, most of Florida isn’t really “the South”…. you’ll experience more of the Southern accents and hospitality a little north… Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, etc. 😉
AH I rarely have chik fil-a but it’s delicious. I love their chicken nuggets. My boyfriend and I make homemade chik-fil-a sometimes with copycat chik-fil-a sauce.
That sounds so good! Anytime I make chicken sandwiches at home, I always have to put pickles on them like Chick-fil-A!
I’m glad your grandfather’s service was very special and meaningful to you and your family. It’s important that a memorial service like that be full of tears and smiles, in my opinion. That is how it was for my dad’s service. We even had a couple of cups filled with gummy bears next to some of his pictures at the front of the church because gummy bears were his favorite snack and he ate them so often! People loved it. 🙂
Awww… I’m so sorry about your father. It sounds like the gummy bears were a very special touch to his service. <3
SCANDAL IS SO ADDICTING. #mellieforpresident. That’s all I can say.