Good morning! I hope you all are having a great Friday so far. Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?
To help get us all through the day and ready for it, let’s have some fun and dive right into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites. Don’t forget to share some things you have been loving this week too by linking up and playing along in the comments section!
Friday Favorites #88: Week of 5/8
• spring blend coffee
There are so many things I miss about The Fresh Market! While living in Florida, I often frequented the grocery store to pick up produce, specialty items, bouquets of fresh flowers at the best prices, seasonal coffees, and more. On my last visit down, I finally sampled the Spring Blend coffee and wanted to bring some home with me.
I ended up forgetting to pack it, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it in my mail box a week or so later. Knowing how much I miss my seasonal coffees from the store, my parents sent it to me! Pumpkin Spice will always be my favorite, but I’ve really been enjoying the Spring Blend ever since it arrived on my doorstep.
If you’re lucky to live close enough to The Fresh Market, stop in and enjoy the coffees and experience for me, will ya?
• bandanas for headbands
Do you want to hear about my cheapest (er… most cost effective) accessory these days? Over the past year or so, I have been folding and wearing bandanas you can find at stores like Five Below, Wal-Mart, and local sporting good stores.
I fold them like headbands, and you’ll see me wearing one around the house more often than not. At as low as $1 a piece, you can’t beat the price for the comfort while keeping hair away from the face. They’re especially great for summer and outdoor activities!
• pumpkin pasta sauce
I have been passing this Cucina Antica tuscany pumpkin pasta sauce in Whole Foods close to every time I enter the store. I finally put it in my shopping cart on my last visit in, and someone asked me about it almost immediately afterwards.
They wanted to know how I liked the sauce, because they were intrigued to try it too! I giggled and shared it was my first time actually buying it. I wasn’t sure what to pair with it, so I made a simple pasta dish with gluten-free rice noodles and sweet apple chicken sausage the other night. It was fantastic! I’ll definitely be buying it again, possibly in bulk .
• spring flowers
Spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods!
I said this a couple of weeks ago, but now I really mean it. There have been all sorts of bright and colorful flowers popping up in our neighborhood, and it’s making our daily walks and runs so much more enjoyable!
I’m sure my friends with extreme allergies aren’t as excited about the extra pollen and such in the air, but the flowers sure are beautiful to look at. If I’m not mistaken, these are dogwood trees. I love seeing them bloom this time of year!
• turkey jerky
You guys. Turkey jerky. Please tell me you’ve tried this before.
Granted, the version I found on a whim at Walgreens yesterday probably wasn’t the best for me, but it sure was delicious! In need of a snack to hold me over until dinner a few hours later, I saw this bag of by the checkout counter and ate more than half the bag on my drive back over to work. It was so good!
• guac-kale-mole
Speaking of things I could have eaten the entire container/bag of… have you ever seen this guac-kale-mole dip at Whole Foods?
Yes. A million times yes. I see a recipe re-creation coming on!
• Color Me Rad outfit & discount code
Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter might have caught this already, but I will be running the Color Me Rad 5K tomorrow morning! This is my first (daytime) color run, so I’m really looking forward to running around and getting painted all sorts of colors.
You’re told to wear white for the colors to really show up on your clothes, so I picked out an old tank top and found these 80s inspired white and paint splattered Soffe shorts on clearance at Dunham’s yesterday. Aren’t they great?
Oh man, Soffe shorts bring me right back to middle school! I’m sure the cheerleaders and dancers feel me on that flashback.
Anyways, I’m excited to mess them up with all the bright colors tomorrow at the Detroit Riverfront!
If any local readers are interested in joining me, you can still sign up using the discount code Detroit20 to receive 20% off your ticket prices! Out-of-towners can still join the party at other locations, too. I’ll be sure to report back with pictures and stories soon!
• favorite LIL posts
» Why I Choose To Eat (Mostly) Gluten-Free
» My All-Time Favorite Interval Workout
» What Are You Admittedly Horrible At?
• Friday funnies
Oh, someecards. You’ve got some funnies.
Your Turn
Have a great weekend!
Disclaimer: Friday Favorites is a series of posts that features items I genuinely want to share with you. While #FFavorites isn’t sponsored, affiliate links may appear from time to time. As always, any support is much appreciated! <3
Anna-Marie @BeautyandtheBeets
We love the Kale Guacamole at Whole Foods. They make a really great jalapeno version as well. Havea great weekend!!
Oh, that sounds yummy! I’ll have to keep an eye out for it.
Good luck on your race!!
Thank you! It should be an eventful one!
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise
I remember the Soffee shorts well–it’s all I used to run in when I first started running. Oh, how the times change. I used to work in the same shopping center as a Fresh Market. If I ever make it back out there I’ll have to try some of their coffee. Hope you have a wonderful and fun race!
SO funny! I think I had one of every color possible. Yes, enjoy Fresh Market for me!
Gretchen | Gretchruns
I’m also loving the beautiful flowers and budding trees lately! It looks so beautiful when I’m running in the park. Hope you have a great weekend 🙂
The best! I swear I’ve had more motivation to get outside and active this week!
Jenn - a traveling Wife
Kale guacamole?! I might have to risk my life to try it – damn you avocado allergy!!
Chelsea @ Raw N' Toned
Pumpkin Sauce???? I’ve never seen this before! And now I really want to try this!!! It sounds really good with the sweet chicken sausage. And omg, I love that Ecard, “SALTS” hahahahaha too funny!! Good luck at your race!!
I need to try the bandana. The elastic headbands hurt my head after a while. Thanks!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West
Pumpkin pasta sauce sounds like something I would totally enjoy. I’ve even seen butternut squash pasta sauce, but haven’t picked it up yet. Happy Friday to you! Have a lovely weekend! 🙂 Thanks for hosting!
Haha! That last meme rings all too true sometimes! Except for me it would be snacks 70,400 calories! Lol! I am loving this gorgeous spring weather too–the mitten definitely makes you wait for it, but it is worth it!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul
I am weird and don’t like the kale guacamole from Whole Foods as much as I like their regular guacamole. But that pasta sauce looks amazing! Happy Friday!
I agree, the spring weather is awesome!! And the blooming all around is beautiful!
(Hahaha… “SALTS”)
All the Cute
Recent Post: Casual Inspiration No. IV: White on Navy Striped Jersey Dress
GIVEAWAY (it’s a striped dress, closes Sat. night!)
Annette Perkins (@FitnessPerks)
HAHA the SALTS instead of LOL had me LOLing 😉
I love turkey jerky from Perky Jerky! It’s sooo good! And that pumpkin pasta sauce looks great – I’ll have to try that. Happy Friday!
Kaitlin Goodall
I need that pasta sauce in my life!!!!! I love anything pumpkin! Delish! Have a great weekend!
Jenny Bender
I love the someecards I’ve been seeing floating around facebook for nurses’ week. 🙂 Happy weekend!!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries
Yay for spring! Those trees look beautiful! It’s basically already summer here – the heat is a’comin!
Haha – that SALT funny gave me a good laugh. Love it!
Happy Friday! Thanks for the link-up!
Soffe shorts bring me back to high school and middle school gym class. I’m pretty sure I had them in every color, haha.
I utilize bandanas for headbands ALL the time. I hardly own any real headbands because bandanas are just too easy. Also, they only cost $1 usually, and you can grab a plethora of colors for not much. I have only had pumpkin pasta once, but now that you mentioned it, I remember how much I enjoyed it. Man, that was yearssss ago. Now I need to go find it again.
I usually see some kind of pumpkin pasta sauce at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s!
This Life is Sparkling
Soffe shorts totally bring me back to my dancing/cheerleading days! They were so popular. I still actually have a few pairs and wear them to bed sometimes, haha. No shame.
Have a fun race!!! I’m doing the inflatable 5k in grand rapids in August…can’t wait.
Wow, that sounds like fun! Have a blast!
I love to use bandannas as headbands, too!
We have a fresh market near us, and their coffee is always great. I have never tried that blend before. Next time I am there I will have to pick some up!
I love those ecards- the 250 calorie breakfast and 70,450 calorie dinner/night time snack is totally me at times!
Happy Friday!
Haha, I’m glad you can appreciate them as much as I do! 😉
Strength and Sunshine
Yea bandana headbeads!!!