As I was getting some work done around the house on Sunday, Scott took it upon himself to do our weekly grocery shopping. I sent him with a pretty short list including milk, eggbeaters, Greek yogurt, romaine lettuce, veggies and fresh fruit.
Since we already have plenty of bread items, these are the main essentials I rely on to eat healthy at home during the week.
I didn’t realize just how much fruit Scott brought home until I woke up yesterday morning.
Not pictured is a bunch of bananas, a pint of strawberries and eight of those abnormally large navel oranges. Holy fruit supply, Batman! 🙂
This week’s goal is now to incorporate fruit into every meal and snack, starting with yesterday’s breakfast.
I enjoyed a sliced peach over smeared peanut butter drizzled in key lime honey from the Farmer’s Market and chia seeds atop a whole wheat bagel. At first I skipped the honey because I thought the peach would sweeten it enough, but after two bites I went back for it.
From last month’s mango to this month’s key lime, I have a feeling we will be continuing our unique honey flavors for quite a while.
Later in the afternoon, I wanted to try something new in the blender so I got creative.
I was going for some kind of carrot and apple concoction and ended up with this:
Besides apples and carrots, I wanted to try adding a cup of plain Greek yogurt and ice. The first blending attempt was a fail. Since I used a standard blender, the carrots didn’t budge and everything just kind of sat there.
Then I tried adding a cup of water, which helped a little. Everything blended, but it was missing something. I remembered I had seven more abnormally large oranges to use, so I gave that a go.
I taste tested a spoonful and quickly realized the smoothie was a bit on the chunky side. I could deal with the texture as long as it was sweet, and surprisingly the carrots overshadowed the orange’s sweetness. I added 2 tsp (1 packet) of Stevia, and it finally tasted great!
Nice and chunky, just how only a few of you like it.
All in all – it tasted great – but next time I will probably leave out the yogurt and just juice carrots, apples and oranges.
For those of you who don’t mind the thickness or who have a super powerful blender, here’s the actual recipe.
Carrot, Orange & Apple Yogurt Smoothie
1 cup sliced carrots
1 large apple
1 large orange
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 cup ice
1 cup water
2 tsp Stevia
servings: 2
Easy, breezy.
Run for One
For the past few weeks we have been taking Roadie with us on Monday night family runs. The three of us run around 3 to 3.5 miles before dinner time and usually have a tired pup on our hands for the rest of the night.
Scott was over at a friend’s helping her move into a new house so I figured I would take advantage of my run alone to put on my headphones and just run. No mile goal in mind, no pressure of a time limit, just a run at my pace for however long I wanted.
I was going for a casual run, but once I hit four miles I wanted to push myself to running at least six or seven. The path I picked to run around the neighborhood is exactly seven miles around, so seven it was at a pace of 8:54. I felt fine, but it was certainly a challenge. I would like to run at least one run over five miles once a week.
Within five minutes of getting out of the shower I had the rest of Sunday night’s leftovers ready to devour. A cream of mushroom chicken breast, fresh green beans and sweet potato made me a very happy girl.
For dessert? Some kind of fruit, of course.
*The recipe for the cream of mushroom chicken will be on the blog Thursday.
I’ll leave you with this little (fruity) funny I came across yesterday…
Happy May 2012! 🙂
Do any of you use carrots in smoothies? If so, do you have issues with the texture?

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