Hi friends! I wasn’t really planning on posting this afternoon, but I just couldn’t help but to share some funnies I came across earlier today.
Google Analytics is a great thing, y’all. Whenever I need to report my site stats and offer brands reliable information like monthly pageviews or unique visitors, I simply pull my analytics up and grab what I need.
Every now and then, I will browse around and see other helpful information like reader demographics, popular pages, and site searches. I recently found Presley’s post on site searches and answers, and after scrolling through some of mine, I thought it would be fun to share some of the good ones with you.
Mind you, there are thousands of them. To narrow it down, I asked for search terms throughout the year of 2014. Here are some that have questions and others that really just made me laugh.
• “Hotelwife”
Is that a thing? Ha, I guess so. I once lived in a hotel for a month with Scott and our animals. Gah. I’m so glad those days are over!
• “michigan so far”
That seems like a really random search term, but I do have a post labeled exactly that.
Click to read about our first few weeks of living in the mitten.
• “taller”
I wish I was a little bit taller… wish I was a baller? No? I really don’t know how to help you on this one.
• “678”
It’s taking every bit of the dancer in me not to say “5… 6… 7… 8.”
I’m pretty sure this is in reference to the 6, 7, 8 interval treadmill workout I posted way back in my extremely early blogging days!
I actually really like this workout, but it’s horribly documented. I need to revisit it and try again soon. Enjoy the awkward while it’s there!
• “chicken liver pate” & “chicken liver paste”
The fact that someone searched this on my blog is hilarious. I have tried chicken liver pate once in my life and will never be voluntarily eating it again. Here’s why.
• “anorexia” “eating disorder” “bloat” “binge” & “body image”
I’m not sure exactly what you were looking for, but I can tell you that I am currently feeling extremely bloated. I guess I’m not as lucky as Melissa McCarthy on that front.
On a more serious note, if you are struggling with any of those things listed above (you’re not alone… hugs to you!), I highly suggest that you refer to my recent review of BODYpeace. <3
• “how much do you weigh?”
I don’t think I have ever shared that on the blog before, but it’s not because I am embarrassed or afraid to. That’s a great question. Considering I haven’t weighed myself in months, I really don’t know… but if I had to take a stab I would guess around 120.
• “scott job”
Welp. He would be an Entertainment Director for the Detroit Pistons. I have mentioned that several times on the blog before, but it’s interesting to see that someone has actually searched it!
• “wedding video” & “cheap chic wedding dress”
I will take any excuse to resurface our wedding video. #sorrynotsorry
Heather & Scott’s SugarPop Short from SugarPop Films on Vimeo
And hey, I did get a killer deal on my wedding dress! So I guess there’s that.
• “friends my age”
Are you nearing the big 3-0 too? Let’s be friends.
And watch Friends together.
• “BABY FOOD” (in all caps)
Clearly, I have an obsession too. It’s fine.
• “isapassportneededtoenterwindsorfromdetroit”
(is a passport needed to enter Windsor from Detroit?)
Yes! Even though Windsor is only located minutes from Downtown Detroit, you will have to drive through customs and need a valid passport ID to enter Canada.
You also need one to run the Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon!
• “break from working out”
We all go through periods of needing a break from working out. Whether it’s for a day, a week, or even a few weeks, I am always an advocate of listening to what your body is telling you.
Here are some of my suggestions on how to dive back into living a consistent and active lifestyle when you’re ready to jump back!
And finally, here are some that I just don’t even know how to answer…
“ham cuke”
“hummers wanted”
“won 70 dollars”
“lil critters”
“loved you for”
“taller than” <- what is it with the tall searches?
“1200 calories”
“dating an athletic girl”
“denim knee length shorts”
And there’s just so many more. I feel like I could do a series of ten of these posts! At least. You guys really do make me smile!
I hope you found this half as entertaining as I did and have a great rest of your Thursday!
I’ll see you back here bright and early tomorrow with Friday Favorites. <3

What a beautiful wedding video!!
Thank you so much!
“Taller” is quite a vague one, lol!
Haha I thought so to!
🙂 🙂 🙂
This post pretty much made my day! I’ve been following you blog for about a year and a half and never witnessed the Liver Pate video! Hahaha. I’d do it for the money, too!!
As hard as I laughed during that video, I nearly got the weepy cries watching your wedding video. SO. Sweet! And beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing daily snippets of your life 🙂
Aw, thank you so much Tonya! You are so sweet. It’s fun to bring back old posts every now and then. Glad you enjoyed this post!
That is so funny. Thanks for sharing a laugh. http://www.eatallovertheworld.com
Haha, maybe I should do another one down the road!
Thank you so much for sharing your wedding video! Looks like such a fun wedding! As a fellow sister in Christ, I really appreciate how you glorify God and blog about your faith. Would love to hear how you came to know Christ (possible blog post???) thanks again for sharing!
I love reading these kinds of posts! It’s always so funny to read what people search for!