Good Morning! I can already tell it is going to be a good one. The house is clean (thanks to me keeping myself busy while watching the NBA Finals), there is a warm cup ‘o joe right by my side, and I am about to head out to take a barre class!
Sounds pretty fantastic to me.
Before I get into today’s subject, I have to take a second and thank all of you for your kind words, messages, comments, and love on yesterday’s post. It came straight from the heart, and it sure made mine smile to feel your support.
Today I wanted to bring back a series that seems to be a reader favorite. It has been quite a while since I have shared a compilation of random thoughts with you, so today I am highlighting some of the things that made me laugh, say “Huh?”, or “Huh.” this week.
Time for Glamour Randoms!
1. #Strawing Trending on Instagram
Okay, have you guys heard of “strawing?” I heard Ryan Seacrest talking about it on the radio on Wednesday, and I couldn’t help but to take a look at what all the hoopla was about. Go on and check it out for yourself.
“Huh.” Did you happen to recognize a familiar face there?
Totally busted.
The way Ryan talked about it, he made it seem like it had already taken off… like planking somehow did. Fun and here to stay, or no?
2. Prancercise
Please tell me you have seen this video.
If not, you’re welcome.
Did you get through all of the levels? The gallop and arm punches? 😉
Hey… I have to give Joanna credit. She is out there breaking a sweat (?) and doesn’t care about what anyone else thinks about it. She is all in and loves what she does. Good for her!
3. Smoothie Bowls
I made my very first smoothie in a bowl this week.
I have seen them pop up a lot lately, and every time I see one I wonder why in the world I haven’t made one yet. I like my smoothies thick anyways, so why not pour it into a bowl and add in some crunchy toppings?
Any excuse to add cereal to something, I am all for.
There isn’t a right or wrong way to make them, and the biggest tip I can give is to add in at least a cup of ice to your mixture. The one above is one I am still trying to perfect, but has the following ingredients:
• 1 scoop Designer Whey Vanilla Bean Sustained Energy Soy Protein Powder <- say that three times fast
• 1 cup blueberries
• 1/2 cup skim milk
• 1/2 banana
• 1 tsp. Nutmeg
• 1 cup ice
When I realized it was on the thick size, I poured it into a bowl and grabbed a small handful of fresh blueberries and Kashi Heart To Heart Honey Toasted Oat Cereal.
I plan to experiment more this weekend and come up with a few recipes to share with you next week.
4. NBA Finals
In case you missed it, the Miami Heat won the championship for the second year in a row last night. Obviously, I cheer the most for two teams in the NBA: The Pistons and the Magic. This does not mean I don’t like other teams.
Once my teams are out of the running, I will cheer for others who I think deserve to win. I like the Bulls (come baaaaaack Derrick Rose!), I like the Oklahoma City Thunder, and I was rooting strong for the San Antonio Spurs last night.
Scott and I were talking about how composed they are the other night. No matter what is going on in the game or how intense it gets, their players keep their cool and do their job of playing the game. No dramatics.
I just can’t stand when players get dramatic and flop around the court. The Heat are impressive, but also have to give a big Congrats to the Spurs… you guys still won in my eyes. (I’m not bitter!) 😉
5. R.I.P Vine?
I found out something else about Instagram last night… you can now record and post videos! Clearly, I had to take a stab at it as soon as I got wind.
Since I can’t find a way to copy the video here, you can take a look by clicking the link above and viewing the latest entry. Awkward video in my closet? Sure.
I wonder how this will affect Vine users. Could this be the end of it?
6. Summer Already.
Today is the first day of summer! “Huh?” This year certainly flew.
What’s funny/crazy is the weather associated with it. Up here, it ranges from the sixties to the eighties which is something I am actually used to growing up in Florida. What I am new to, however, is walking out of the movies at 10 p.m. needing a jacket. In the middle of June. Okay, Michigan! You can stop with the front now… I get it. You’re stubborn.
Okay, kids. It’s time to get ready and get out the door to barre class! It has been months since I have attended one up here, so I am excited to get back at it and feel the barre burn.
Any exciting plans for the weekend?
Anything random you want to share?
Please do!
Happy Friday!

What about a random question? 😉 I have found some great workout videos that feature “ballet squats” and A LOT of them. I was under the impression that too many grand plies in second position is rough on your knees, and I have noticed my knees start cracking after a few of these.
Do I need to adjust what would be correct grand plie form for multiple reps of these types of squats?
Hmm… you might be turning out too much! As a dancer, it is hard not to turn out as much as you are used to. Try doing a grand plie type of movement without dropping lower than knee level and bring your toes in a bit. Just be sure not to stick out your tush, either. Keep your back straight, your seat tucked, and try not to lean forward.
Got all of that? 😉
Let me know if this helps at all!
Oh you are so right! Taking in my turnout made all the difference in the world, thanks Heather! 🙂
I hate when bball gets dramatic too. Like seriously, you just hit a little bit. You didn’t lose an arm…quite being a baby. I’ve vented!! haha
I love typos! *quittttttt
Haha, glad I’m not alone on this one! 😉