This morning, I wanted to feature a close friend of mine that has excitingly stumbled into the world of blogging. As a self-proclaimed newbie, she does a fantastic job of running a lifestyle blog that always has something positive to share.
Since a lot of you have expressed interest in my Coffee Talk series (and thank you for your personal emails regarding specific posts!), I figured it would be fun to include an unexpected type of guest post today.
Nichole has been through some struggles that could have easily held her back, but instead she uses them as life lessons and motivation to move forward and inspire others to do the same. I think you’ll enjoy her message!
So go on, grab a cup of coffee, and start your day off on a great note by joining me and reflecting on who we are, where we’ve come from, and (no matter what) where we can go.
Hi there lovely Housewife Glamour readers!
My name is Nichole and I blog over at Upbeat Uplifts. I felt so honored when Heather asked me to guest post for her site.
I met Heather last year through dancing together for The Pistons! We instantly became incredible friends and I actually have her to thank for helping me get my space on the internet I now call home up and running.
The gal behind the words you are about to read::
I am 21 years old and a recent college graduate.
I have always been a person who looks for the silver lining. Life can be crazy and unpredictable, but what matters most is the way we respond to it and that is 100% in our control.
A couple of years ago I was faced with a life-threatening health condition, and although it’s the hardest thing I have ever encountered thus far, it is something I can also say I’m thankful for. I learned how important it really is to relentlessly pursue a positive attitude, even in the bad.
Today I have something to share that I think we can all use a reminder of every now and then:
Being proud of who we are… including where we came from.
No one is perfect.
Now, society tries to tell us otherwise, but I promise you that if you are trying to reach it you will be forever searching. The only thing we can hope to do is be the best us that we can be which includes learning and accepting where we came from and what has happened to us.
Everything that we endure plays a role in developing us to be the person we are meant to be.
We all feel pain.
We all make mistakes.
We all encounter obstacles.
We all face disappointment.
In the end… we are all human.
These things will always be a part of our lives. There is no escaping them, however, we do hold the power to make them into something we celebrate. I am by no means trying to make this sound as if it is easy to do. It’s not. It could take days, weeks, months, or even years and then just when you think that you have the hang of it, life will throw another curve ball your way. The key is to not let it dictate us and our every move.
If we can be prepared that this thing we call life is going to be filled with multiple hills and battles to overcome each new day ends up being more manageable.
Always remember::
Our struggles develop our strengths.
Adversity leads to opportunity.
& don’t forget::
To be proud of who you are.
Thanks again, Heather, for allowing me to guest post over here on Housewife Glamour!
Follow Nichole:: Bloglovin’ // Twitter // Facebook // Instagram // Pinterest
Questions of the Day
• What helps you overcome what life brings your way?
• Is there one thing you find harder to accept over others?
• How do you remind yourself to be happy with who you are?
That should be enough to get your morning moving, right? 😉
Be sure to keep an eye out for a refreshing summer drink recipe and a giveaway coming at you later today!

Thank you so much again for giving me the opportunity to share on here! Love you!
Thanks for writing it. Love the message!
Beautifully-written post! The biggest factor that enables me to journey through the hard times life brings is my relationship with God. I look at the challenges to try to discern what He’s trying to teach me through it. That’s not to say I don’t have days I get down or that I’m mad about the situation, but all-in-all, so much of what we face, we do so for a reason.
You are so right! Thank you for sharing this 🙂
Thanks Jaclyn and thank you for sharing! You are so right! I have always been on to trust in the fave everything happens for a reason. We may not understand why in the moment and we may never understand why, but deep down there is a why to what happened.
Great post!
Thank you Kristin!