Happy Friday! I can genuinely say I’m ready for the weekend. I haven’t been home enough to straighten up the house this week and it’s driving me nuts.
Since when did I actually look forward to spending a full Saturday cleaning? Maybe it’s because I’m 1 Year away from my 10 Year Reunion, ie: getting older.
Central Florida Lady Bloggers
Wednesday night I had the pleasure of meeting with Orlando’s finest Central Florida Lady Bloggers. This was the first time I’d ever attended any kind of blogger event, and I have to admit I was a bit nervous going into it.
What if they don’t like what I write about? What if they don’t get the name? What if I don’t feel qualified to be talking with them?
No requirements for attending the event, except to be a woman who blogs, tweets, or takes an absorbent amount of pictures of food. 😉
The meet up was at a fairly new Mexican restaurant in Thornton Park called Mucho Tequila & Tacos. The girls were very welcoming and I instantly recognized a few faces from blogs I’ve already been following.
I met a great group of creative women who write about everything under the sun. If you’re a lady blogger and know of a group that meets similarly in your area, I urge you to get involved.
Thank you, Carolina for sharing this picture! She did a wonderful job of sharing the blogs and bloggers in the group on her Central Florida Lady Bloggers at Muchos post yesterday.
I had a delicious skinny margarita, chicken fajitas, and a fantastic time.
My chicken fajitas were fresh and plentiful. I was satisfied with two at the restaurant, so I boxed up the rest for the next day’s lunch.
*Health Tip: When dining out and seeing the portions are large, decide right then to only eat half of it. Turning one large meal into two smaller ones saves money and calories.
Running for Beginners Q&A Video
I haven’t vlogged for a while, and saw a few related running questions in my inbox as the perfect opportunity to get back to it. If you like this format of answering your questions, I will make more Q&A videos every month or so.
Let’s go over the basics of what you need to know to start your running journey, shall we?
Here are a few related posts for more information:
Have you ever voluntarily attended an event where you knew no one?
Any more running for beginners questions?
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