This morning produced all of the standards: a few hours at the computer, a little bit of tidying around the house, a big cup of coffee, and a warm breakfast.
It is snowing outside today, and when I open the blinds to see it my body instantly goes into bundle mode. This includes wrapping myself up in a blanket, and holding a warm cup of coffee.
Today, I impressed myself when I did those things while making breakfast. Similar to Wednesday’s breakfast, I scrambled a few egg whites with diced ham, red and green peppers, and shredded cheese with two slices of Jennie-O turkey bacon on the side.
For the next few hours, I am trying to knock out as much as I can so I do not need to get back on the computer this weekend. I said trying. Some people animals around here make staying productive while sitting a little challenging!
Every morning – like clockwork – Aspen will be downstairs and on my lap within five minutes of me heading that way. I love her, but having her on my lap for the majority of my day gets a little excessive. Anyone who has met my cats knows how involved they are in our lives, and how they do not have the typical “I’m better than you sitting in this corner away from you” attitude. Lap cats to the extreme!
This situation reminds me of a funny cartoon I stumbled upon yesterday about a dog who constantly needs to be loved on and touching his owners.
*Cough, cough… Roadie!*
There is no exaggeration in me saying this happens to us on a daily basis.
The little guy thinks he is human, I swear.
Actually… Scott and I often joke that we are not sure if he thinks he is one of us, or a cat, since that is what he is surrounded by. People wonder why we have not started having children yet, and my answer is always the same… because we already have three furry, needy ones!
Sometimes I wonder how our lives would be different without our animals.
Our responsibilities would be greatly cut down at home, but I think I would feel so lost without them! Whenever I am having a rough day or need some snuggles, there they are. Whenever I am cooking something in the kitchen, there they are. Whenever Scott and I are turning in for the night, there they are. Ha, they definitely make spending time at home a little more comical and fun.
I know we are way to lenient with them when it comes to letting them lay and sit wherever they please. I just cannot say no to those precious puppy dog and Puss in Boots eyes…
I am actually a little sad writing about Roadie today, because got picked up last night to stay with a friend for the weekend. Scott has a handful of friends flying into to town today for an event at work tomorrow, and she has been wanting to dog-sit for a while, so it worked out for the both of us.
I will get him back Sunday night, but it always feels weird when he is not around. Things are a little to quiet around here.
Well, I need to get moving. I still have some things to knock out before a trip to the airport…. and that is a trip to the airport in the snowwwww. (Yikes.)
Have a great weekend! 🙂

I have lap cats too- they are so cuddly and I love it. Our youngest likes to sit on her Daddy’s lap while he tries to work too- she also wakes me up every morning at 3:45am and sits on the bathroom sink helping me with my makeup before work. If I have a day off she will sit on the sink whining until I get up! They are such little peoples!
Wow! 3:34 is super early and I’m not sure I could handle a cat that early, lol. Kudos to you! 😉