Well hello friends! It’s been a hot minute or two. Or twelve. I know, I’m the worst.
Before we dive in here, let me kick things off by saying I miss you guys. Like a lot. There isn’t any part of me that has given up on this space … it’s just been difficult to maintain lately.
One reason is pretty simple: lack of time. Work at the studio is full-time (sometimes six days a week), so it’s tricky for me to find the motivation on my off time to sit down and collect my thoughts enough to share useful information here.
Another is frequent out-of-town visitors! There was a stretch of weeks where we had (three different sets of) family stay with us for 5+ days in June/July, so Scott and I obviously wanted to soak up as much time as we could with them and explore the City when I wasn’t working.
Also, I’ve never been one to just throw content out there for the sake of publishing something. If I didn’t have time to document a workout, meal, or recipe the way I thought it deserved, I probably won’t write about it because the standards of blogging in regards to sharing recipes and workouts has shifted away from casual and more towards professional. Like if I don’t have a professional photographer document it, I’m doing something wrong. And I hate that feeling.
Lastly, as most of you can put together, life has been filled with ups and downs this year. A lot of ups, but some serious downs as well that have affected my normally bubbly persona and motivation to share in a public forum. Don’t get me wrong, life is good! I really don’t have much to complain about, but that doesn’t mean that what Scott and I been through over the past few years (catch up here, here, and here) doesn’t have an impact on my overall level of happiness and daily outlook.
So, here we are. It’s been about two months since I’ve clicked publish, and I miss writing. I miss documenting the things we’ve been up to as well as sharing everyday healthy living tips that some of you find useful!
I wasn’t exactly sure how to get back into the groove of blogging, so I figured I’d start with a good ‘ol survey to see what peaks your (the loyal, awesome reader’s) interest. Life In Leggings has been around for quite some time, so it’s a great opportunity to take a minute, step back, and assess what’s going on here.
Now it’s your time to shine!
What do you like to read about?
What would you like to see appear on a regular basis?
Do you enjoy reading casual day-to-day stories and healthy living rambles, or would you prefer to see professionally crafted content?
It would mean the world to me for you to take a few minutes to fill out the survey below that will cue me in on what the majority of you are looking for by visiting this site.
If the survey isn’t for you, a comment in the section below will do, too!
Take the survey -> here:
It should only take you about 5 minutes to complete!
I’ll be back with more updates and fully plan on returning to Friday Favorites on the regular!
Thank you so much in advance.
I always look forward to your posts & they are that much more special when they aren’t as often! 🙂
Thank you for the support Marielle, I appreciate you! <3
Varuna Jithesh
Nice Survey..
Hope the survey is able to help you! =)
Thanks Ciara, I’ve gotten a lot of great feedback!
Yay! I was super excited to see a new post from you! Looking forward to seeing more soon. Just filled out the survey!
Thank you so much Kerry! I really appreciate your readership <3