Hi friends! How are you doing today?
I had a totally different post planned out earlier, but my mind is running all over the place and brought me here. I’m just going to roll with it. It’s only Tuesday… so I might be in trouble.
Anyways, I spent some time answering emails on this subject last night, so I thought it would be a great time to pick up where I left off long ago with Blogging FAQs. This series is dedicated to those just getting into blogging, or even readers who are toying with the idea of starting a blog of their own one day!
I don’t claim to be a blogging expert, but I do, however, feel very grateful to call this blog my main source of income these days. I didn’t start with the intention of monetizing it, so the passion to keep it running day in and day out was there from the very beginning. (Basically, I don’t believe in starting a blog just to make money!) You need to enjoy writing, engaging with others, networking, and have a drive to constantly provide new and interesting content.
In my start-up years, I found it super helpful to scroll through blogging “how-tos” I came across online, so I figured I could save you guys some trouble by sharing the tips I picked up along the way. Here, you will find tips from others as well as my personal experiences, stories, and advice I wish I knew before I started my “serious” blogging journey back in 2012.
Need a refresher?
Blogging FAQs: How To Start a Blog
Blogging FAQs: Tips for Beginners
I went on with a few more posts in the series (which you will see links to at the bottom), but I feel like this one is simply a continuation of Tips for Beginners. There’s just too many!
So, at this point, you have a blog and you’ve started producing content. Here are a handful of pointers I continuously pass on when newbies seek out advice for their own pages.
• incorporate photos
I am a huge visual person, which is why you will always see me include photos in my posts. Pictures add something you can to scroll to, break up the wording in what might turn into run-on paragraphs, and usually make longer posts easier to get through.
Plus, pictures are pretty to look at… so there’s that.
You had a salad? If it’s worth mentioning, it’s probably worth including a photo, too.
• get over the “it’s for the blog” embarrassment
Do you get shy to ask people to take your photo or to whip out your phone or camera for a quick picture or five at events? If your answer is yes and you want to blog about every day life happenings (food, travel, entertainment, events, etc.), then you’re going to have to get over that fear of embarrassment pretty quickly.
Over the years, I have learned to make friends with strangers in order to ask them to snap a photo for me. I’ve also become quick at capturing appetizers or blog-worthy meals before anyone dives into them. If people ask why I am obsessed with taking pictures of my food, shoes, or surroundings (they probably don’t know me very well), I tell them it’s for my blog. If they have a problem with it, then you probably won’t see them pop up here!
Don’t be afraid to capture the moments you want to write about. People will understand, and if they don’t, who really cares? You do you, boo boo.
• write the kind of blog you enjoy reading
I’ve already mentioned this point before, but it’s important enough to reiterate again.
What types of blogs you enjoy checking in to read day after day?
What do you like about them the most?
What do they all have in common?
Personally, I like reading blogs that provide useful information with a bit of fun. Whether it be a glimpse into their day-to-day whereabouts or obvious sense of humor, the blogs I regularly follow keep me coming back for something other than one hundred percent content.
For the most part, I try to keep things on the professional side, but I still allow myself to share my opinions and crack jokes. I often write how I talk, and that is the reason some say they enjoy following me. They’ve told me they feel like they are having a conversation with me when they sit down to read a post, and that is exactly how I feel while writing most of the entries you see on Life In Leggings. I love that!
• get an “About” page
Can readers get an idea of who you are with a quick glance at your home page?
People like to feel like they (in an sense) know the person behind the blog. Before they have to dig around pages or content, can they get an overall snapshot of who is writing the entries and what kind of posts they can expect to find?
It’s a good idea to have a welcome image or widget on your sidebar that will pop up on every page. This way, people can connect a face to the writing even on the posts where you don’t include images of yourself.
I also always recommend getting an About Page. Mine is longer than some, but it explains everything you should expect to find following my blog. I also wanted to create sub-pages to include more information for anyone interested in learning more about my family (people who often show up in posts!) or my background in fitness, dance, and blogging.
It may seem like a lot of information, but I would be lying if I said I haven’t gotten completely sucked into learning more about a blogger on their About Page(s) before. People want to get to know you, so make general information you’ve already written about easy for them to find!
• you can post quality photos without “the best” camera
Do you guys want to know a little secret?
At least half (if not more than half) of the photos I take and post on this blog come from my iPhone 5s. Really.
I have a (ridiculously beaten up) Cannon point-and-shoot camera for “serious” campaigns, but I am in dire need of investing in a new one. I have wanted a DSLR camera for years, but somehow, I’ve managed to produce quality photos for important posts and work without one.
Eventually, I plan to invest in a compact DSLR camera similar to this one. (<- Thanks for the recommendation, Presley!)
So, what does one do until then? Photo editing. I tweak, brighten, and sharpen every photo that appears on this blog, and it’s not even through a fancy program like Photoshop or Lightroom. I’ve been using PicMonkey for years! It’s free and does the job just fine.
(See my previous post for tips on using PicMonkey!)
Also, I recently found out about Canva. It’s very user friendly and has allowed me to create some pretty neat images for free!
• just keep swimming
Every blogger has their off days. Trust me. Even the bubbliest of “big-time” bloggers go through days of not wanting to blog. It’s a natural feeling that happens with anything!
If you feel like you need a break, take one. Only you can decide how often you write, and it has to work best for you and your schedule. If you come back from a vacation or blog-cation and decide it’s something you really want to pursue, do it!
Don’t get overwhelmed by sticking to a schedule if that stresses you out. Take it one post, one day, and one blog post idea at a time. Eventually, you will get into a groove of writing and have enough content to archive.
• keep a list of blog ideas and topics handy
…. for days like today!
I woke up this morning expecting to write about something completely different. Sometimes you just don’t want to write about what you had planned. That’s completely normal. I had the idea of sharing more blog tips written down in my blogging journal, so the idea was there when I gave it a look earlier. Thank goodness!
It’s nice to jot down blog ideas and topics when they come to you, and to have them all in one place when you are in need of inspiration. Keep an easy-to-carry journal with you and make notes of motivation, ideas, and rough drafts whenever they come to you!
I feel like I could just keep rambling on, so I’ll stop myself there. If this is a series you find useful, please let me know! I’d be happy to share more tips down the road.
More Blogging FAQs Posts:
• Dealing with Negativity on Social Media
• How To Approach Brands & Sell Yourself
• How To Turn Your Blog into a Business with Cassey Ho
All right. I’m off to an afternoon of freelance work and (hopefully) a run before working at the gym tonight. Thanks for popping in, feel free to reach out with questions any time, and best of luck to you on your blogging journey!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul
Such a great post! Thanks girl!
Glad you enjoyed it, thanks so much for reading 🙂
Emma @ Life's A Runner
I had no idea you took so many pictures with an iPhone 5! A fancy DSLR is just not in the realm of possibility for me right now, so I had sort of resigned myself to just average pictures. Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
Yes! In fact, some of them turn out better on my phone. It just depends on the time of day and lighting. Regardless of where it comes from, I heavily rely on editing photos to make them look even better!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
Great tips! I am still getting over that “its for the blog” embarrassment. I’ve never had anyone say no to taking a picture for me, but I still feel weird snapping pictures of my food when I am out to eat, though luckily my friends and family are cool about it (…unless they’re really hungry!)!
I know. And there are times where it’s not fully appropriate like on a business dinner or on a date at a fancy steakhouse. But, for the most part, I’ve learned to sneak in and grab a quick photo right after it gets to the table if it’s something I want to share!
Pretty Little Grub
Fabulous tips! Getting over my fear of being the weird person with the camera all the time took a while but its totally worth it. I realized that people want to see pictures of you on the blog so you have to ask a lot of people to take your photo if you don’t want endless selfies.
Yes! Exactly. It’s always worth that second of awkwardness if it will help tell the story. 😉
Hillary | Nutrition Nut on the Run
I want that camera, too!
It’s officially on my birthday/Anniversary/Christmas wish list until I get it! 😉
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
Great tips! Although a top of the line camera would be nice someday you can totally have good blog photos without it. Pic Monkey is a resource I use too. You are right about the pictures too! Have to get past that embarassment. No one cares! 🙂
Taking pictures of food has actually become a thing, thankfully. 😉
Great tips! Thank you for sharing. I love learning from more experienced bloggers about their personal blogging experiences and what they found to work best for them.
Thank you for reading, Sarah!!
I am still a little new to this blogging world, but I am always intrigued to get more advice. I am still in the process of finding my place, but this encourages me to keep pushing forward. I am not blogging about the easiest of things… my eating disorder recovery… but I know ultimately it may help someone else out there! Thanks Heather for everything
I’m sure it’s hard to dive into a lot of the topics you want to bring up and talk about. You’re so right though, your words will reach many people who might need to hear them! Keep on trucking, sister! You’re amazing!
Gretchen // Gretchruns
I love this post! I’m still new to the blogging world so it’s really helpful. I especially love your tip to write the kind of blog you want to read! When I write a post, I ask myself if I would actually read that post or be interested if it was someone else’s blog. Thanks for the tips!
That’s a great habit to get into! Occasionally, I’ll dive into my archives and re-read posts from the last year. If I get bored, I know I need to spruce things up!
Good tips here! Especially the one about getting over asking others to take your picture sometimes or whipping out the phone to take pictures at meals out with friends…yeah, I’ve been there. Oh, and picmonkey is a lifesaver. No joke.
Haha it’s awkward, but then if you don’t get that one photo, you regret it when you get home! Ha. #thestruggle 😉
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West
Not being embarrassed to take pictures of everything is so true! Capture the moment!! Great tips, Heather. So glad you’re rolling along with this blog thing! Love reading your adventures and sharing with you too! 🙂
Woot!! Haha thanks, I love the “blog thing” reference from my share earlier. I really appreciate your readership and love keeping up with your blog as well. Awesome job!
Such a great informative Article. Really glad you ended up choosing this to write about today as it’s exactly what I needed! 🙂
Woo hoo! Thanks so much for stopping by. Love your blog name 🙂
Great tips Heather! I read a lot of these ‘how to blog’ type posts and you certainly gave some unique and spot on advice! Getting over your embarrassment of constantly taking photos is such a big one – I don’t mind whipping out my phone to take a wee snap, it’s not doing anyone any harm! Apart from my tummy when I’m really really hungry! Haha!
Awesome – both helpful and inspiring! 🙂
This post couldn’t have come at a better time! I’m recently trying out a new blog idea but I have that fear of putting myself out there. I’m creating a new blog about staying fit, healthy eats, fav products and family musings along the way as a new mom. I want to add workouts too. But I need to get over that fear of putting myself out there! What are some ways that made you feel comfortable to do so? I came up with a new blog name as well for this and would love to get your thoughts. I’ll shoot you an email!
Zoe - Paleo in heels
Hi Heather,
Thank you so much for your tips and for answering the couple of questions I had. I have taken it all on-board and feel my blog is the better for it. Blogging is such a great hobby to have and I guess that’s the main thing, you enjoy it.
Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
Chat soon
Zoe x – The Paleo in heels