Hi friends! How are you doing today?
I’ve got a nice and hot cup of coffee paired with a warm breakfast, so I’m doing pretty fantastic.
Scrambled eggs mixed with egg whites and a side of whole wheat toast and jam.
Coffee topped with milk (love my milk frother!) and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
This morning, I wanted to take a break from the giveaways and talk about little things that happen in our day that make us feel like we are winning.
You know, small winning moments in your morning like beating traffic, finding a coupon for your coffee in your email, or getting your yoga on with the sunrise.
belVita is optimistic about the day and doesn’t dwell on the challenges, hardships, and mess-ups. Instead, they encourage people to feel empowered about the smaller victories that get us through the mornings. Morning wins, if you will.
Their motto seems appropriate for this week, right? (New blog!) #morningwin #allthedays
I recently saw a commercial for belVita Bites on television, and had to rewind and watch it again. I think we can all relate to at least one of those wins. The “Reply All” block is a serious victory, y’all. Who is with me there?
After seeing that, I sat back and thought about what a handful of my personal morning wins would be.
Here’s what I’ve got:
• getting up before the fifth snooze
I am the definition of a snoozer. I purposely set three alarms on my phone and one on a wall alarm clock, just so I can press snooze and “sleep in” an extra half hour before getting up. It’s kind of ridiculous.
• not dripping toothpaste on my outfit for the day
Please assure me that I am not the only one who struggles with this. No matter what I do, if I am already dressed in my outfit for the day, I will most likely drop toothpaste on myself and have to change.
• makeup
Since I work from home a lot of my mornings, it’s a win if I have any sort of makeup on before lunch.
• wearing matching socks and shoes
I would be lying if I said I haven’t arrived to work or somewhere important with one black and one brown shoe before. Just… wow.
• no coffee ring under my cup
Why are there always coffee rings? It could be the smoothest of smooth coffee pours, and somehow I will still have drips on the outside. So sneaky.
• pre-made breakfast
(We’ll get back to that in a minute)
• not getting sucked into social media while sharing posts
It happens. Not today!
• getting out of the driveway in 10 minutes
The people experiencing a true cold and snowy winter feel me on this one. A remote car start to help warm and melt outside ice has been a huge help!
• listening to a favorite playlist or song to jump start the day
Hence why I continuously make new playlists.
I thought about doing a fun little diddy and song to share my wins like the commercial, but then I remembered I didn’t hire a professional team to make it actually look good. Maybe next time.
Backing up to that pre-made breakfast point, I have really been enjoying belVita Bites at home and on-the-go as part of a balanced breakfast. Knowing there is a great tasting breakfast option waiting for me to grab in the mornings always makes them a little easier.
In one package, there is a serving of fruit and dairy, which is similar to what you might get through a serving of yogurt with berries. Think of this as the to-go version!
belVita Bites Breakfast Biscuits are a convenient way to fit in a nutritious breakfast, no matter what your morning or day looks like. The breakfast biscuits contains slow-release carbohydrates from wholesome grains to help fuel your body for four hours.
Each packet contains 20g of whole grains, 4g of fiber, 7-8g of fat per serving (depending on flavor variety), no high fructose corn syrup, no partially hydrogenated oil, and no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners.
(1 serving = 1 pack, about 46 biscuits!)
You can find these belVita Bites at retailers nationwide in Mixed Berry and Chocolate in the cookie and cracker aisle.
I loved the taste of both flavors. The Mixed Berry reminded me of eating a version of a berry muffin and the chocolate, well, tasted like I got to eat chocolate in the morning. That’s always a win in my book.
Visit belVitabreakfast.com for more information!
Note: belVita gives you 4 hours of nutritious steady energy but is not a high-energy breakfast usually associated with workouts and strenuous activity – so please avoid. For more information, please visit: http://www.belvitabreakfast.com/bites
Thank you for stopping by and reading about my morning wins! I’d love to hear about some of yours in the comments section.
• What is something that makes you smile in the mornings?
• What is one (big or small) morning win you have already experienced today?
I’ll see you back here this afternoon with another (yummy) giveaway!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by belVita through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about belVita, all opinions are my own. Thank you so much for your ongoing support! <3

I want to try these! Getting to work on time makes me smile! Sad but true. haha
Oh, that’s a huge win! 😉
Coffee always makes me smile in the morning! That and waking up in a cozy, warm home. Comfort is king! I also struggle with the toothpaste. Lol. I’m always like, really? That just happened?
Haha… every time. On my shirt or on the floor, one of the two options is a guarantee 😉
Morning smiles always come from seeing my pets cuddled up below the covers and waking up! So cute 😉
A win today was actually not burning myself when making breakfast…those toasts always get me!
This is the second time I’ve seen these and only further proves the fact that I seriously need to get my hands on some. I LOVE the regular breakfast biscuits (especially the brown sugar ones) so I’m sure these are great.
As a side note, awesome sponsored post, by the way. You really did a great job of pulling everything together! 😉 xoxo
You mention your playlists a lot and they’re great!! I’m curious – what do you use for your music downloading/playing? ITunes and an IPod or something different??
Yay!! For some reason I could never comment on your blog before (comments never showed up for me), but with the switch now I can!
Hi Heather! Snoozing five times? No way! I’m pretty good in the morning, so I have no problem getting up. But I KNOW that would be harder if I lived in a cold place. And putting on make-up and getting ready is fun for me, being that I work in fitness too — so that usually only happens on the weekends. 🙂 Happy Wednesday!
My morning win – I managed to make it to my personal training appointment! Woo hoo!
Dang, now I am really craving toast with jam. The most frustrating thing is, toast is hard to come by when living in a dorm. Strange right? I love all of your small wins, and I think it is vital for mental health to focus on the little things in life that bring us joy. Sometimes, they are even more important than the bigger things that only come along every once in a while. 🙂 A small morning win that I experienced today was randomly running into my best friend on campus. Of course, we see each other all day, everyday, but randomly coming across each other was such a sweet surprise!
Aw, that’s always fun. I ran into Scott (my husband!) in the grocery store parking lot yesterday. I guess we were both on the same page there! 😉
I completely identify with so many of your “morning wins.” This was a fun sponsored post! And now I think I may have to get my hands on a pack of these. Perfect for a morning snack!
My dogs have a morning ritual that makes me smile…they roll over on their backs and stretch as if it is wayyy too early for me to be getting them up and they had a horribly long day yesterday…it never fails! Gets me everytime! A win for today for me was a giveaway that I won…which I wouldn’t consider a small win…I never win anything so even though it is something small (a few tubs of pre-workout) I’ll take it!
I love Friday mornings because that means I can have my coffee in an actual mug and not in my metal to-go cup I use for work (I work 4-10s). It just tastes different when its in a pretty mug.
My win this morning was actually having a good hair day when it started out looking like it was going to be a bad one… WINNING!