Can someone say…. time is flying?
Putting this post together and realizing that we only have thirteen more days until moving day is a little crazy. In less than a month, Scott and I both will be residents of “the North,” and we will have already made the 20+ hour drive up to Michigan, settling into our new home.
Gasp! Are we ready? Yes and no.
As much as I think we are on schedule, there is a part of me that freaks out a little bit more every day. I took the week off from teaching barre classes last week because I was hired to work a gig at the Orange County Convention Center. When it got cancelled last minute, I took it as a sign that I needed to stay off the radar and handle some things at home.
That few days ended up being more than great to have to concentrate on catching up on posts, getting ahead in recipes and posts for my writing jobs, and spending time at home packing. The house officially looks like a tornado stormed through it, and the cats are finding way too much entertainment in the boxes and packing supplies that have taken over the house.
Let’s see what else we have been up to…
This past week has been filled with distractions, both good and bad.
Scott came home for a few days to help pack up the house before he flew out to France Friday morning for a work trip. He gets back late tonight, and we will have just a few more days together before he flies up to Detroit for the last time. We currently have a little less than half of the house packed away and ready to go.
While he was in France, I spent a long weekend in the Bahamas with a great group for my friend Missy’s Bachelorette Party.
We had a fantastic time, and I can’t wait to share more about it later this week.
Dear Bahamas:
You are so peaceful, and your beaches and hammock naps were just what I needed before a big move up to the frozen tundra called Michigan.
I will keep a picture of you in my mind and close to my heart, especially in the next few weeks to come.
Love (Your Not-So Secret Admirer), Heather
Now back to the ever growing TO DO moving checklist.
2 Weeks To Go
Like I mentioned earlier, we have a good start on packing the house. A good start – yes – but so so much more to go.
In case you missed what has been on the preparing to move list thus far, you can read what is featured on my 3 Weeks To Go and 4 Weeks To Go recaps.
After talking about going through a top to bottom packed room for the past two years, we finally did it.
It took more than a few days, but Scott and I have almost gone through and packed up the entire extra bedroom that doubles as a straight up storage unit for all of Scott’s crazy props, costumes and entertainment supplies for his job. I think you all would agree with a few friends of mine who have said we have way to much “crap”. Seriously, who owns this stuff?
My husband – that is who – and I have come to the realization that it is not going to change any time soon. Wonderful.
Past finishing our storage room, here is what we need to concentrate on this week:
Not too bad… except for the whole pack up the majority of the house check box.
For the amount of things that have accumulated in the six years that Scott has lived here, I think we have done a pretty good job of getting rid of unneeded things, organizing, and packing up what we want to take with us.
As of right now, we are unable to change our address over because we don’t know what the new one will be just yet. As soon as Scott gets back up to Detroit, he has an appointment with a relator to show him a house we found online to possibly rent. Eventually, we want to buy a house, but that just isn’t in the cards to happen in the next few weeks. After renting for a year, we hope to settle into a more permanent place and maybe even purchase our first house together.
Who would have thought our first home would include a fireplace and basement? <- Not me!
In an effort to eat all of the food in our refrigerator and pantry, meals around here have been a smorgasbord of interesting combinations. Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers have been our go-to ready in five minute meals, and I am down to my last box of MorningStar Farms product: Chik Patties. Here, I present to you a very random, vegetarian version of “Chicken Marsala” with peas and without sauce.
That is pretty much what I have to work with these days!
I can not wait to settle in to a new place, set up a new kitchen, and get back on a normal cooking and eating schedule. Until then, I will get through on fruit, canned soups, cereal, smoothies, and “whatever I have to add to it”salads.
Because Scott has been gone and I feel bad for being so busy since getting back from the cruise, I spent some quality time with Roadie tonight. He gets extra needy when Scott isn’t around and has looked completely bored and over this moving situation for the last week or so.
Taking advantage of a warm but not hot night in Florida, I took him for an evening run outside and we knocked out 3.5 miles in just over 33 minutes. I love my husband, but Roadie might just be my favorite running buddy.
Don’t tell ’em though. <wink>
Have a great rest of the week and I’ll be sure to post all about the cruise very soon!

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