As Scott and I were flipping through television channels the other night, we came across a special on the Travel Channel about America’s Scariest Haunted Houses. Instantly intrigued, we watched a few minutes and then both of our jaws dropped as we looked at each other when the word “Erebus” came across the screen.
Located just about five minutes from our hotel, the world’s largest haunted house is located right here in Pontiac, Michigan. It takes an impressive forty-five minutes to walk the warehouse and has become a main attraction for this part of the state. Who knew?
Here’s a little preview of what we saw about Erebus: Haunted Attraction:
Scared? I sure was!
I can do scary movies, but I have such a love/hate relationship with haunted houses. I love the idea of them, but when it comes time to actually go, I become a big baby, death grip whoever is next to me, and run through the rooms as fast as possible. I also try to “fake out” the monsters/ghouls/crazies hiding behind the corners by laughing at them. Hey, it seems to work most of the time! Little to they know it is very much a nervous laughter.
I have learned (the hard way) that if you show your fear and scream, they chase you. No fear!
It was no secret that I was a ball of nerves when we walked up to the main entrance.
A few friends of ours just so happen to know the owners of the place, and we somehow managed to skip the quarter mile line wrapped around the building. We were very lucky to be in the right place at the right time…
Or were we?! <- Yikes!
As soon as we walked in, there was footage playing from some of the best scares in the house from over the years. I was pretty confident this house was about to get even more to laugh at from me.
I knew I was not going to be able to take any photos after we passed the main lobby, so I decided to take a before and after photo with my friend, Yana. Here we are before, smiling because we have no idea what is about to happen!
After a forty-five minute walk of horror, this was our after.
I was pretty scared! The rest of the group (including Scott), however, was not completely sold on the scariness. The majority voted that after hearing the build up, they still expected more.
I, on the other hand, beg to differ! I was pretty freaking terrified.
I have been through a handful of haunted houses before, but they have all only lasted a few minutes at a time. Going in, I expect to see a variety of creepy people dressed up in who knows what, hiding behind every nook and cranny just waiting to scare the living bejesus out of me. That, I have gotten a little better at handling over the years.
What I was not expecting was all of the different environment and elements portrayed in the warehouse. At one point it really felt like we were walking through a swap, then underwater into a pit of darkness. At another, we were forced to separate from the men in our group (sneaky, sneaky!) and walk through a few rooms of terror by ourselves.
There were two things I had never experienced before:
One was being “buried alive” by plastic balls you would find in the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese. It was cool, then scary, once I realized I was truly buried from head to toe and had no control over when I could get out. When the balls started to disappear through the cracks, it became cool again because I realized one of my childhood dreams just came true. (<- you know you have had the same one!)
The other was an illusion that we were walking a cliff. We had to stay against a dark wall, while walking across a narrow glow-in-the-dark sidewalk. We were told to stay on the path, or fall into the darkness. Of course, curiosity got the best of me and I dipped my toe next to the sidewalk a few times. Scott says he felt the illusion, while I felt like I was actually walking on a cliff, one hundred percent. It was so trippy!
Eventually, we made it through and can now say we survived one of the top scariest haunted attractions in America!
If you are ever in the Southeast Michigan region this time of year, I highly recommend you checking this haunted warehouse out for yourself. If you dare…
Questions of the Day
• Have you ever been through a haunted house? Was it scary to you?
• What is your take on scary movies and haunted houses? Love them or hate them?
Like I mentioned above, I can do scary movies. I actually love them! I go into them knowing it is not real life, and only start to get a little nervous if the movie is based on true events. Then, I can become scared, but still love the thrill! Haunted houses, however, I will do, only if my friends drag me there. I will never be the instigator of the group to go to them!
char eats greens
I really doubt I could do a haunted house because I’ve become a total wimp. I don’t even watch horror movies anymore!! And if I did, I’d pull the card that ‘it needs to come out on video’ because I’d be too scared to watch it in the theatre haha. Good for you for braving it!!
Haha, that is totally understandable. Somehow I have always learned to deal with them and actually get excited for the thrill. Until my husband tries to scare me later, that is. 😉