Good Morning! How do you feel about seeing this pop up first thing in the morning?
You’re either drooling or hating me right now, and I deeply apologize for either one of those reactions! Although I am excited to share this one, we will get to the recipe in a minute.
I have some things to share!
New Twitter Handle
I am happy to report that I have officially and successfully changed my twitter handle to @hwglamour! While getting ready to launch Housewife Glamour, I created an additional Twitter account under the “housewife glamour” handle to reserve the username, then deleted it thinking I could switch mine over to it.
Easy right? Not entirely.
After researching how to re-release a twitter handle, I found that all you can do is delete the account completely, wait until Twitter sees the account is inactive, then eventually change the name over. After following those steps and six months of waiting, the name was again up for grabs and I claimed it last night.
If you want to change your Twitter username, don’t worry… you won’t have to go through those steps. You can change your username at any time by going into your account settings. My change was complicated because I created an additional account for the handle.
How does this affect you?
It doesn’t. If you already follow me on Twitter, you will still be a follower. The only difference is you will see Heather @hwglamour instead of Heather @hbshesington. Hooray for Twitter finally catching onto what I was trying to do!
Go ahead, check ‘er out…
Also, did you happen to notice a new background and Facebook cover photo?
Personally, I am loving the change. 😉
Happy Campers
Before the thunderstorms Sunday night, Scott and I enjoyed a late afternoon with Roadie at the dog park.
The recent rainstorms in Orlando have been crazy and unpredictable! We had a gorgeous afternoon outside followed by a night full of thunder and lightening. That, ladies and gentlemen, is Florida summer weather for you. I know we are still a few days shy of summer – technically – but with temperatures in the mid 90s already, I’m going to stick to my label.
Speaking of summer, Scott left to volunteer at the Word of Life Summer Camp yesterday.
As we made our way downstairs, I couldn’t help but laugh at his luggage. What you can’t see pictured is duffel bag full of Rice Krispie Treats, a sleeping bag, a fan (not kidding…he really brought his own fan), and cap gun… the whole nine. Seeing him packed up and ready to head into the wilderness brought me back to my Girl Scout days all over again!
For the next few days, it’s just me, the cats and this guy.
He might look happy in this photo, but once Roadie realizes Scott has left for a period of time, that smile almost instantly turns into a pout. His independence seems to go out the window and he becomes extra clingy and extra needy. He wanders around the house looking for him and constantly curls up at my feet and on my lap. I can’t complain though… having him around comforts me while Scott is gone.
Last night I finally put on my running shoes and went outside for a run with Roadie. It has been a while since my last real run outside, and it felt great to get out there and knock out a few laps with him.
We ended up running a little over three miles and walking another half mile in about forty minutes. I could have gone a bit longer, but Roadie was already over it after the two miles. I can tell when this happens because he tries to go anywhere but on the running path.
After the first loop, which is just over a mile and a half, we always take a few minutes to let him cool off in the lake.
I guess you could say I had two happy campers on my hands last night.
Our ran outside came just in time to burn off some of the treats we indulged in last weekend.
After just two of these brownies, I satisfied my chocolate cravings for quite a while. The following recipe is delicious, rich and a definite splurge.
Peppermint Pattie Brownies
Two of my favorite things to mix together are chocolate and mint. With that being said, it’s no surprise that my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip and my favorite candy is YORK Peppermint Patties.
While on the look out for something mint-chocolatey, Scott stumbled upon this Sensational Peppermint Pattie Brownies recipe from the York website.
Although my favorite way to enjoy peppermint patties have always been straight out of the freezer, the ooey gooey warm and melted patties that make up the brownie center take over a new favorite way to enjoy the candy.
24 small (1 1/2 inch) York Peppermint Patties
1 1/2 cups (3 sticks) butter or margarine, melted
1 tbsp vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
3 cups sugar
5 eggs
1 cup cocoa powder
prep time: 20 minutes
cook time: 50 minutes
servings: 24 – 36, depending on square size.
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F, (325 degrees F for glass pan).
2. Remove peppermint patties from wrappers.
3. Grease 13x9x2-inch baking pan.
4. In a large mixing bowl, stir butter, sugar and vanilla.
5. Add eggs, then beat until well blended.
6. Stir in flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt, then blend well.
7. Set 2 cups of batter aside. Pour remaining batter into baking pan.
8. Arrange peppermint patties about 1/2 inch a part in a single layer over batter. I did rows of 6 and columns of 4.
9. Spread reserved batter over patties, forming the top layer.
10. Bake 50 to 55 minutes or until brownies begin to pull away from sides of pan. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.
11. Cut into squares.
Sensational was right! This recipe is easy to follow and is sure to become a dessert the whole family will want to dig into. Enjoy alone or alongside a nice tall glass of milk.
I know I did!
*Disclaimer: Just like my Sweet Potato Oatmeal Raisin Cookies and Pumpkin Roll, this recipe was chosen and re-created by Scott. Unlike the majority of my recipes, no healthy substitutions were made and below is the nutrition information for one brownie square.
Have you ever come across issues changing a username?
Any fun camps or summer plans on the horizon?

I just love your blog! I stumbled upon it on Erin’s FB page (she is one of my sorority sisters from KD @ UCF). My bf would absolutely love these brownies, thanks for sharing 🙂
Hi Minda, thank you so much! I love Erin… and I’m so glad you found me! I have a feeling your bf would like them too. Enjoy! 🙂