Have you all been wondering what the excessive amount of hash tagging (#) has been about on my uploaded Facebook photos?
Lingo Help: Originally created by Twitter, hashtags are used for words or phrases in order to label a keyword or topic in a Tweet. Simply label a keyword in your message with # before the word or phrase – without spaces – and it instantly connects you to conversations revolving around the topic.
Example: Next week’s finale looks good! I’m guessing Team Big Brother are the two trying to bypass the detour. #AmazingRace
Today ended my 30 photo-a-day challenge on Instagram.
For those of you who are still wondering what the heck I’m talking about, Instagr.am is a photography sharing app for the iPhone and Android smart phones.
I’ve seen photos with the hashtag #photoadayfeb and #photoadaymarch pop up on my feed, so I did some research on what the challenge is all about. Towards the end of March, Jill tweeted “Who’s in?” with the following photo:
I was!
Throughout the last 30 days, I have enjoyed completing a daily photo challenge and following others who do the same. It’s easy to see what other people come up with by searching for #photoadayapril on either Istagram or Twitter.
Whether you realized it or not, I shared all of my photos with you by feeding them directly to my Twitter and Facebook pages.
Some words allowed me to get artistic.
Day 15: sunset
Day 19: orange
Day 29: circle
Day 21: bottle
Day 7: shadow
Some of the words took me back to very fond memories.
Day 1: reflection
Day 9: young
Day 27: somewhere you went
Some allowed me to showcase my favorite fur balls.
Day 28: 1pm (playtime)
Day 26: black and white
Day 18: hair (love these little hair balls)
Day 22: the last thing you bought (dog shampoo)
Want to see more? Here’s my full #photoadayapril album.
I’m probably going to take the month of May off, and enjoy doing the challenge every other month or so. I’ll keep you updated on when I’m participating and hope to get some of you hooked as well.
Until then, enjoy the Instagram feed on my right side bar and search for me under hwglamour.
I would love to see your daily photo creations too!
Do you have Instagram?
I know there’s a ton out there: do you participate in monthly photo-a-day challenges?

Great photos!
Thanks Lisa!
wow! such great photos! i dont blame you for taking a month off – where do you find the time to manage all of your social networking?? hire an assistant!
Thank you Sarah! As far as social networking goes, I’m at a point in my life where I can work from home from the afternoon on. Since that happened I’ve made a point to continue “office hours” at home spending hours a day strictly on posting, tweeting, searching blogs, and keeping all of my network pages up to date.
I actually know companies who hire people to do just that. If I ever want to move back into an office setting, it’s definitely something I would consider!
Wow! I especially love day 29: circle. I really
Like the art that went into creating it. I thout photo a day was really just taking new photos daily but you took it to a great level!
I have to admit I still don’t understand the point of hash tags on Facebook. I mean, on twitter they allow you to find similar tweets. But it doesn’t really do much on Facebook. Anyways, thanks for sharing!
Thank you Ashley! I appreciate that.
I agree with not understanding using hash tags on Facebook. Occasionally I’ll want to put one out of habit from Twitter, but I’ll refrain because like you said, it really doesn’t do anything. Oh well… if it’s funny hash tag away 🙂