I’m not sure how observant you guys are… but… confession: I can’t remember the last time I ran more than four miles at a time.
If I had to take a guess, I’d say it’s been six months?
I love running, and I love pushing my body to do things I didn’t think it could while training for long distance races. I was on fire with it last year. Despite the frigid winter temperatures, I trained hard to run two half marathons and had my heart set on going for a full marathon sooner than later.
I felt like I was in a good spot and could easily run eight miles or so without any training at all.
Over the past eight months, however, my focus has changed. I’ve decided to put intense training and racing on hold, and take things a little slower.
Now I take Roadie on all of my runs, and I don’t sprint nearly as hard as I used to. Instead of hitting pause on my watch, I enjoy the stops and scenery when he wants to literally stop and smell the flowers thirty times a loop.
While I don’t feel like my normal “go big or go home” motivated self, it’s been nice.
Working at the gym gives me an opportunity to have access to a equipment and workout space every day I train clients. Because of this, I used to feel like I had to complete some kind of workout every weekday. Slowly but surely, I got over that.
I used to strength train or attend some kind of group fitness class 3-4 days a week on top of 3 days of running. Occasionally, I would even run a long distance (5+ miles) and do a quick bodyweight or dumbbell circuit later in the same day.
These days, I’ve been slowing things down, taking advantage of summer activities and travels, and am lucky to get in 2-3 days of strength training and 2 shorter (3 or less miles) runs a week.
Knowing it wouldn’t take me more than a half hour to complete a run yesterday, I took Roadie out for a quick two mile run before my shift at the gym. We weren’t in a hurry, and I know we both really enjoyed our time outside.
I showered and got ready for work as soon as we got in, then made a protein smoothie for the road to hold me over until dinner.
Frozen strawberries, frozen blueberries, frozen raspberries, spinach, vanilla whey protein powder, and lots of almond milk to make it smooth
I truly enjoy working in the world of fitness, and strive to create a variety of quality workouts for clients, myself, and for you guys. I don’t think that will ever change!
I work out if my day allows me to, but I don’t stress over missing them, either. Sometimes I even ask Scott to join me for a challenging weight session at the end of my day to ensure I hold myself accountable.
Yesterday I went for my run with Roadie in the afternoon, and then I took Scott through a total body strength circuit later at night. That may seem like a lot from the outside eye, but my last workout was a short 15 minute core circuit on Friday. Things have certainly changed!
The point of posting all of this is to share that it’s okay to go through phases of slowing down your workouts and putting your fitness goals on hold. Really. Everyone goes through these hiatuses for different reasons, and no one is going to know you missed a workout but you.
When it feels right, you’ll bounce back – not because you have to, but – because you want to!
(Making a mental note to actually flex for this kind of photo next time… ha.)
Without putting it all out there, I have casually mentioned that I have been going to doctors appointments. There’s no need to worry, (everything seems to be fine)… but the entire process of what my body is going through right now has been a little bit of an eye opener.
I absolutely love my job as a personal trainer and healthy lifestyle blogger. While some days are insanely busy, others are slower and give me the chance to breathe, catch up on life, and reflect. Today was one of those days.
Eight months ago, it would have freaked me out to sleep in well past my alarm and spend an entire morning and lunch watching Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix on a weekday.
Eight months ago, it would have seemed strange to complete a two mile run with ten potty stops (thanks, Roadie) around the 25 minute mark.
Eight months ago, it would have killed me not to have any intentions of signing up for any long distance races to train for this year.
Today, I’m putting what my body needs first and sharing my journey with you all when the time is right.
Today, I’m refusing to stay up all hours of the night to stay ahead on the blog, and I’m enjoying a lot more time for snuggles with my crazy little family.
(This snuggle train includes Aspen, Roadie and Cali. They’re the best!)
I guess what it all boils down to is… I love you guys. But I also love my family.
I love fitness, I love blogging, and I love sharing it all with you.
It was only a matter of time until someone pointed out the fact that I’m not racing (or planning to race) any time soon, so I thought I’d nip that in the bud and share my intentions.
Do I have plans to get back to intense training and going for that full marathon one day? Absolutely. But, for now, I’m just enjoying my casual two or three mile loops and scenery at a casual pace.
I can’t thank you all enough for your support and for following this little blogging journey of mine that continues to unfold year after year. While I may not be racing, I’ll still be here with motivation for you to get your race bibs on and do what you love in the world of fitness!
All right. I better get going and off to work. I hope you all have a great Thursday.
I’ll see you back here bright and early tomorrow morning with this week’s Friday Favorites! <3
Question of the Day
• Have you ever been in a similar phase with something fitness-related you love to do?

It sounds like you are doing exactly what is best for YOU at this time in your life, and that’s the most important thing. As a reader, following the journey of people who stick to that touchstone is the best to see 🙂
Thank you! I really appreciate your readership and support. <3
That protein smoothie looks delicious!!
Do you girl!
I love reading your blog! (Total side note: I have been catching up on Grey’s Anatomy.. only one more season to go! )
Nice! I’m slightly embarrassed that I’ve already seen all of the Season 5 episodes I’m watching now. It was five years ago… but, hey. It’s a great show!
Good for you, and wishing you all the best with whatever it is you are going through health-wise. I’m sure you will share once you are ready (and I’ll be here to read for sure).
Thank you so much, Jessica! xo
Love this post! It’s a great reminder. I’ve ran half marathons and one marathon in the past but, like you, I’m happy going out for a half an hour with my dog and not really paying attention to the details of my run. I think it’s great for our bodies to have a little “off season” and TLC too!
Exactly. I love goals and pushing myself as much as the next person, but there comes a time where you have to listen and abide by what your body is telling you. <3
I love (and needed) this post! This time last year my running pace for the half marathon was a full 45 seconds faster than my pace is now for just a 3-4 mile run. After racing in March, I was just “over it,” and decided to use the summer as my time to just do whatever I wanted to do in terms of fitness. I live in northern Indiana, so our weather is less than ideal 9 months of the year, so I decided to spend as much time outside as possible and not step foot in the gym until the cold weather/darkness forces me back. It’s been so nice to take a little hiatus from intense workouts, but there are days when I think back to my old training schedule (and running pace!) and wonder when I’m going to feel like getting back to that. But either way, it makes me so happy to just slow down and take some time for myself. That’s my long-winded way of saying that I appreciated your post :). Love your blog!
I’m with you! I used to work out really hard and then got minor injuries that set me back and made me refocus! I don’t want to get hurt, so there’s really no reason to work out that hard. I’m also pregnant now, and while I have no reason not to work out other than just not feeling up to it, I skipped today and I don’t feel guilty. I’m off work 3-4 days a week, so I always work out those days (I work the next 3 days so won’t work out till Monday). Normally, it’d be a given that I’d go to the gym today. But instead, I went to the pool for my hour long “gym time.” And it was fantastic. I hope everything is okay with you!
Sometimes we need a break from our routine, and taking it easy on workouts for a while is a good way to do that. 🙂 I like that you’re going at this with a relaxed approach. Hoping all things are okay too!
Thanks so much, Ashley!
I love that you are in tune with yourself enough to know to listen to your body! Thanks for being real on your blog. No one is perfect, and I think some health bloggers can be worried about putting it all out there. I’ll always be a reader, through all of your ups and downs. I hope everything works out and that you are okay <3
Thank you for reading, Brit! I really do appreciate you checking in every day!
I love this post and it came at the perfect time for me. I recently got engaged and I have been in the crazy “workout every day bc of engagement pictures and wedding dress” but this reminds me I have to slow down, I have time and to remember to focus on life and those around me. Thank you!!
As much as I condone a healthy, active lifestyle, family always comes first!
Thank you for your openness and willingness to share! I know exactly what you mean about slowing things down a bit. I think I’m kinda going through that phase right now. I have decided to take my exercises a different way. Instead of pushing myself through a workout I don’t enjoy, I am taking more of my workouts outside and getting back into some of the outdoor activities I really enjoy. Yesterday I went on my first mountain biking trip in 15 years! It was a great workout but fun and I feel like those kind of things help me grow not only physically but mentally as well!
It was actually really refreshing to read your blog post. After putting on ten pounds in the past year (despite eating healthy and exercising hard), I was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue. One of the things I need to do in order to heal is keep my workouts low key (because when you push yourself, you further stress your adrenals). Of course, this is so hard to do when you want to lose weight. And it’s hard to visit some of your favorite fitness blogs and see them achieving goals and pushing themselves hard when you want to so bad. I’m sure it’s the same for those recovering from injuries. So thank you for the reminder that its OK to have periods when you need to take it easier.
It can be hard to take a step back from intense workouts, especially when there is a goal in mind, but at the end of the day we have to remember that we get one body. You have to treat it with love, and sometimes you have to nurse it back to health! Many hugs to you!
I hope everything is ok with your health! We’re all on our journey and have to do what is right for us, no one else! Wish you the best!
Thank you, Erin! <3
Great post, Heather! I myself am just getting used to being OKAY with missing a workout, giving myself a rest. I don’t let myself get worked up about it anymore. I am also more so now realizing just how important rest is. SLEEP, and rest days that are just resting. No workouts… I have a goal to start taking yoga, which I haven’t done since college! I feel like it will help me relax and slow down every once in a while 😉
SLEEP is huge! It took me a few years to finally realize that as well. Rest days are okay, too. You just have to listen to you body and try to respond with what it needs. Yoga is so great for you!
It can be so hard to break a routine of “perfect attendance” when it come to workouts! Last year, I ran my first marathon. I put in a TON of miles and was thrilled to finish under 4 hours, but I was exhausted, weak, and burned out when it was over. A marathon is a great bucket list goal, but it’s much more worthwhile if you can love the process!
Congrats on your marathon! It’s awesome to hit goals, but sometimes you have to take a step back to appreciate the process the next time!
I can absolutely relate, after running my first marathon I have been just enjoying a workout when and how I want to. It is so nice not to follow a program or have some sort of long term goal regarding fitness for awhile.
It is so important to take care of yourself! So glad you are taking the rest time you need. So glad everything is ok healthwise. I think we got in seasons with working out, races, etc. Sometimes it is totally fine to push it and othertimes we have to step back.
Thank you for sharing this. I love that you share things on your blog. It makes you more “human” : )
Thank you so much for reading, Jennifer!
It is so smart to listen to your gut (and your body)! I went through something similar a few years ago before I had my daughter.
What you are doing is great if you are preparing for a baby
I haven’t been running long distances either lately. I’m tryyyyyyyying to get back into it, but it’s hard when you haven’t done it in forever haha
It’s nice to hear that you’re taking charge! I’m assuming it has something to do with the reproductive system 😉 best wishes!
Thanks Kim! Well, kind of. I’ll be sure to share more details down the road. <3