Hi there! Are you hanging in there, friends?
It’s no secret that things have progressed from crazy to crazier in the matter of a week. New York City has been deemed the epicenter of the US crisis for the Coronavirus Outbreak with about half of the over 32,000 confirmed infections in New York. So that’s wild.
It’s also worth mentioning that other places (like the areas our families live in that are freaking out from afar) have access to a drastically smaller percentage of tests. That, paired with the fact that NYC is the most populated city in the US, is – of course – going to result in an absurd amount of cases. Rest assured, Scott and I are in complete hunker-down mode over here and are doing okay.
We debated on going home to Florida to be with family, but it’s just too hard with pets. We don’t want to split up for someone to stay with them with an unforeseen end date in sight, and if the airlines shut down all together … then what? It just doesn’t seem logical at this point. But, we’re taking everything one day and week at a time!
Now that all of that nonsense is acknowledged and out of the way, let’s move on to brighter things in store for today like fitness motivation.
Are you moving for thirty minutes every day? Even if it’s for a walk around your neighborhood to get some fresh air, I can’t recommend doing this enough for your physical and mental health.
If you’re looking for some motivation to get you going, I’ve got you! Today we are covering a running or walking and strength workout to get you started, and I’m also offering a FREE week of new at-home workouts, tips, and community chats through my Healthy Lifestyle Bootcamp!
You can request an invite here. The more the merrier! Now, onto today’s workout for all of you here on the blog.
I love throwing extra moves into my running workouts because it breaks up the monotony of doing the same thing mile after mile. You can use a bench on your route for the push-ups and dips, or even grab a mat to circle back to. Just make sure to wash your hands and wipe or wash everything you bring home with you.

(By the way, this workout was photographed over a week ago — before social distancing was enforced. The park is less busy these days, which enables me to run safely and cautiously during this time.)
Here we go!
You decide the intensity by choosing your own pace, anywhere from a brisk walk to a run or sprint. Pick how many rounds you complete with each round totaling a mile. I finished this workout a few days ago with a total of three rounds, equaling three miles and 60 reps of each exercise in about 35 minutes.
- standing elbow-to-knees
Start standing with your feet under your hips, slightly wider than your shoulders and your hands behind your head with your elbows wide.

Keeping your core tight and abs toward your spine, lift your right knee up as you twist your left elbow to the right and towards your knee. Lower your right leg back to the starting positing to complete one rep.

Alternate sides and bring your left knee up toward your right elbow. That is one rep on the left. Complete a total of 10 reps, or work up to doing 10 on each side.
- push-ups (incline, regular, or decline)
Find a bench or similar surface and position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise up on your toes, and get into a position similar to a high plank. (Keep your body in a straight line from your head to toe without dropping your middle or arching your back.) Before you begin the push-up, contract your abs and keep your core engaged.

Think of pulling your belly button towards your spine, then lower and lift.

Repeat for 20 reps.
You can choose to complete the push-ups on the grass, on a mat you bring outdoors, or even advance the move to do a decline push-up for more of a challenge!
- bench dips
Start by placing your hands on a bench with your arms semi-flexed and elbows as close to your body as possible. Extend your legs out in front of you. Start with bent legs, and you can always progress to straight legs for more resistance.

Lower yourself in a slow and controlled movement, until your elbows hit a 90 degree angle. Use your triceps to extend back to your starting position. This is one rep.

Triceps dips can be tricky! Focus on keeping your elbows in tight throughout the entire exercise (opposed to letting them open out), and straightening your elbows all the way to get back to the starting position.
If you are more of a beginner, you may want to start smaller with 6 or 10 reps. Progress and add reps as you build your strength!
- sumo squats
Stand with your legs wider than a normal squat with your toes turned out. Place your hands behind your head or in a fist like position in front of your chest. Push your hips back while lowering your body until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Stick that backside out!

Focus on tightening your abs, booty, and thighs, and push back up through your heels to your standing position.

This is one rep. Repeat for 20 reps.
I hope this workout helps you get some fresh air this week! Try to keep your goals somewhere close to you during the madness, and let me know if you give it a try.
Stay safe everyone!
Disclaimer: Although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me and might not be the right type of exercises for you. I always recommend consulting a doctor or health professional before making changes to your diet and/or fitness routines.

Thank you for demonstrating all of the moves, it’s a lot more helpful than just writing out their names.
I’m so glad that helps! I don’t post workouts as much as I’d like to because I always like to write out the cues I’d say in person. It’s a lot but so important!