Good morning!! This weekend was one unlike most around our household.
Heck, last… Wednesday through Sunday has been relax-city. I can’t say I’m complaining about it, either. I was able to rack up on quality time at home with Scott and the furballs, which is always nice.
That’s Roadie with his purple rope. It came attached to a tire toy I got him a week or so ago, and hasn’t left his mouth ever since he destroyed the tire ten minutes after he saw it. He literally takes it everywhere (including on multiple attempts to bring it outside) and goes through a constant cycle of ripping it apart to gentle licking. He seriously cracks me up!
I’m going to be honest here. Scott and I spent a lot of time lounging around the house over the weekend. The down time was much needed and very much appreciated.
Pajamas and movies started on Christmas Day and continued on whenever we got the chance. When we weren’t catching up on Netflix documentaries or eating leftovers, there were some outings too.
Like running…
We have had an unusually warm December this year, and by unusually warm, I mean cold enough to snow with a few days of sunshine.
But… without the snow. I thought it would be a great time for Roadie and I to take advantage of it on Friday and go for a trail run.
I was so happy it was sunny and it felt amazing to get out there again!
I’m pretty sure that I didn’t step anywhere close to a trail around this time last year. We had already experienced at least one blizzard and a couple of snow days by now.
It’s crazy to think how different the winters can be from year to year!
Again, I’m far from complaining about it.
We had a Pistons home game on Friday, and Alex invited me to join her, Alex (her fiance), and her sister and husband for dinner beforehand. I was looking forward to the company and also getting back to Mex, one of our favorite restaurants in the area!
We started with a round (or two) of chips and salsa, guacamole, and skinny margaritas. I ordered a the chicken chopped salad since I notoriously get full off eating all the chips. Every time. They were good!
(I couldn’t tell you why the chicken looks purple… weird.)
After dinner, we drove over to the game and enjoyed sitting pretty close to the court. I love when that happens.
We had a great surprise for halftime. It was a performance by The Temptations! It was so much fun to see them live. I hadn’t heard the crowd stand up and get into an act that much in a long time. Everyone was bouncing about and swaying to “My Girl”. We loved it!
We had fun watching the plays and entertainment teams throughout the game, and hey, we finally brought a win back into The Palace!
It was an all around win on Friday. Saturday can best be summed up into two words: pancakes and housecleaning.
I told Scott that we should start making pancakes a Saturday morning tradition. They’re just so good!
My housecleaning didn’t actually involve cleaning the house. I’m using the term to describe organizing things on the back end of the blog, working for hours on projects for the new site, and cleaning out some of our cabinets in the kitchen. Woo hoo!
Scott had practice early Sunday morning, and since our church wasn’t hosting normal services, I took the opportunity to sleep in and thoroughly enjoy my last day of this wonderful holiday break. I cracked open my Friends DVD set and easily made it through a handful of episodes while I did more housecleaning. This time, I actually cleaned the house.
Scott got home from work around 1 p.m. and we had a lunch date in Downtown Rochester right after 2!
It felt great to get out of the house and join civilization outside of sweatpants and pets again.
We met a good friend of ours from Orlando at The Meeting House, which is also turning into one of our favorite spots for brunch, lunch, and dinner.
I never know what to get when we go there. Everything on the menu looks fantastic and they always feature a unique chalkboard filled with specials for the day.
After all of the questionable food and snacks I had gorged in throughout the weekend, I stuck to ordering a simple tomato soup and salad.
The soup hit the spot and I loved the Maple Mixed Greens salad with the addition of pulled chicken.
Don’t worry, I still had plenty of room for dessert.
The majority of their dessert ingredients are house made, which makes it even harder to resist. Scott and I ordered the strawberry shortcake and it was everything I hoped it to be… and then some.
I was so glad we were able to meet up with our friend, Mary. I danced with her while living in Orlando and still can’t get over the fact that she is actually from Rochester Hills, Michigan. Like… just a few minutes down the road from where we live now. Small world, right?
I just love seeing familiar faces from Florida in our neck of the woods!
It was so great getting to catch up!
After being at home for a bit, Scott and I decided to get back out of the house and went to see Exodus.
It was a great film and interpretation of the Book of Exodus telling the story of Moses leading Hebrews out of Egypt.
I can’t remember a time where Scott and I were able to spend that much down time together a couple days in a row. It was a great little holiday break. I guess that’s what we signed up for when we decided to stay home in Michigan for Christmas this year!
We are back to reality today. I don’t officially start training at the gym until later this week or early next (I’m a bit nervous!), so I will be spending a lot of my time at home working on the new site and digging into this new BCS certification while I have the time.
See y’all later this afternoon!
» Linking up these Weekend Snapshots with Katie and Erin.
Questions of the Morning
• What was your holiday weekend like? Super chill or go-go-go?
• What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Scott and I have been on a movie kick lately. We also saw Unbroken on Christmas Day. It was an amazing film! I highly recommend it to anyone interested in hearing a true WWII hero’s story.

What a great weekend my friend! I am totally loving my down time too and the nice weather! I has actually “too hot” on my run yesterday!
Ha, that’s a great feeling to have at the end of December! 😉
Hi Heather! Sounds like you needed the relaxing weekend! I haven’t been to the movies in forever. However, Dave and I watched “12 Years a Slave” last night at home and it was very good. Happy Monday!
Oh we watched that movie a couple of months ago. It’s a good one! Happy Monday to you too. Enjoy being back in San Fran 🙂
I couldn’t even tell you the last movie I saw in the theater! I hate paying so much money to see them. This weekend was very relaxing after a busy couple days celebrating Christmas. We are ready for a slower January!
I know… I go through phases of not wanting to go to theaters too. But, we always seem to find our way back!
I can’t wait for your new site launch. When is it happening again? I know it’s soon. Exodus is on my list of movies to see so I’m happy to hear it was worth it.
Woo hoo, me to! We are on track to launch the first week of February – in honor of the 3rd year Blogiversary! <3
Sounds like an awesome holiday to me…we did a lot of the same! My hubby and I actually saw “unbroken” in the theaters last night! But befor that, it had been awhile!
Before the last couple of weeks, we hadn’t been to the movies in what seemed like FOREVER! I guess we go through phases, lol.
So glad to hear you guys were able to relax and spend some quality time together! That’s so nice. We had a couple go-go-go days, but then spent the last part of the weekend relaxing. It was a good mix of both! I still can’t believe it’s already all over…!
I know, the fact that 2015 is here on Thursday blows my mind!
So glad to hear you had a relaxing holiday! Mine was the on the go type, but it was all worth it. I saw the Hobbit this weekend so that was my most recent movie. I fly back home tomorrow so the famiy time was great.
I’ve actually never seen and of the Hobbit movies! or… Lord of the Rings for that matter… lol. I’m crazy!
What an awesome weekend! All the food looks amazing! I’m trying to work on ordering salads at restaurants so then I can get eat appetizers/ get desserts, and not feel like I’ve eaten a days worth of calories in one meal.
Thanks so much for linking up!
Ha, right? I know the feeling. I don’t always order salads, but I’ve learned to do so more nowadays. I always end up eating appetizers, desserts, and nibbling off of Scott’s plate too!
Nice to hear you had a relaxing weekend and were able to just enjoy some quality time together! My weekend was pretty relaxed. I ended up watching a bunch of movies from Redbox and spent pretty much the whole time in my pajamas!
Sometimes those are the best weekends 😉
How crazy has the weather been in MI?! I didn’t have to bundle up for a single run last week. Definitely not complaining about it 🙂 Looks like you had a great week!
It’s been awesome!! Until today… today was in the teens. #notokay
Ahhh been wanting to see exodus!! Sounds like a great holiday 😀
It was! Happy Holidays to you, Brittany!