It’s been over a week since Skyler turned two months old, so I wanted to compile the crazy amount of photos I have saved on my phone and share his latest update with you all today.
I’m typing this up as the little guy is napping (his third one since he woke up at 6:10 a.m.), and we’re having a great day so far! He’s currently going through a developmental leap, and yesterday was one for the books. He was cranky and crying all. day. long. I felt so bad for him and I definitely had a glass of wine after he went to bed for the night. But, it’s good to know that there are still good days mixed in with the fussiest during these growth periods!
My maternity leave with Skyler is flying by so fast. A lot of you have asked if I plan on going back to work, and the answer is yes. Then no. Then yes again. I really don’t know! I enjoy my job (and the perk of working where I can work out is amazing), but I would love to stay home and care for our baby without having to hire help if we could swing it. Scott has been traveling more than ever for work, so we’re trying to picture what our days would look like if he’s traveling and I’m working.
We are trying to figure out when I’m going back to work, and what my new work schedule would be like. Before Skyler, I would put in anywhere from 45-60+ hours a week, and that type of schedule isn’t something that I want to manage now that I have a baby at home waiting for me. I realize that people do this, and that’s awesome for them, but that’s never been my prerogative with small children. Ideally, I’ll go back part-time at the beginning of July.
But, we’re still trying to figure out all of the details and see what makes the most sense. Putting him in daycare or hiring help (especially in this area) isn’t cheap, y’all!
So that’s the best I can answer that. Anyways … back to the good stuff.
I hope you enjoy the pictures (I had to do some serious condensing), and here’s what has been going on with all of us in Skyler’s second month of life!
Skyler’s Two Month Update
The second month was a huge stepping stone for our little boy. I know that everyone says this, but it really does feel like you blink your eyes and they double in size. He’s getting so big!
Moving forward, I plan on sharing monthly updates, but since I recently shared a six-week update, I really only have about two weeks to catch up on. It may not seem like much … but man, they change so quickly.
Not much has changed, however, on the productivity front. Yes, I’m a bit more in my groove of normal day-to-day tasks, but every day is still just as unpredictable. I feel like I get so much done on some days, but I’m doing good if I eat three meals and change my clothes on others. This is completely normal from what I’ve heard.
One thing that has saved my sanity during the not-so-perfect times is the Wonder Weeks App. It breaks down every stage of infant development and explains what your baby is going through, what changes they will experience and when they will experience them, mental and physical developments, and how you can help ease your baby through these leaps. The app measures weeks by the estimated due date instead of the birth date, so Skyler is about two weeks behind on their timing.
Every time I read about signs, they’re dead on. It at least gives me some type of reasoning for “out of the norm” behavior and extra fussiness or a sudden change in sleep patterns. I’ve connected with several moms who are using the same app and say the same thing. Having a theory to the madness is so helpful!
Our baby SMILES now, and I can’t get enough of his coos and little noises!
Skyler had his two-month check-up at the pediatrician’s office the day he turned two months old. It was a big appointment for us since he got two immunization shots.
He was very fussy after about ten minutes and continued to have a spell of freakouts for the remainder of the next few days. I guess that’s to be expected though! Shots are hard for anyone, let alone for a baby to understand and recover from.
We did our best to console him and I could tell that he was sore and unhappy for a while. He had a bit of a fever, so I called the pediatrician and got the okay to give him some liquid infant Tylenol to help him get through the next 24 hours. I ended up giving him two doses over the course of 12 hours and it did wonders. Poor thing.
Something I’ve learned during these early days is that he does best on a schedule.
We consistently aim for a repeat three-hour cycle of eating, wake/playing, and sleeping during the daytime, but it doesn’t always happen. We try our best though. When Skyler is going through something out of the ordinary, he does considerably better if we just go with the flow. I have the three-hour schedule in my brain, but if he wants to nurse an hour early, he does. If he wants to skip a nap, I try my hardest to get him to rest, but sometimes it doesn’t happen. If he skips a few naps I will usually stroll or wear him and take Roadie for a long walk because that puts him to sleep in minutes time.
(I probably wear this nursing tank every other day. Ha!)
It’s hard being a two-month-old. His world is constantly changing and everything is confusing to figure out. I try to remember that during the extremely fussy hours that turn into days where I really don’t know what to do. Sometimes I call it a wash and go into a survival mode that doesn’t include anything but cuddling, nursing, singing to him, and being with him all day long in my pajamas. At the end of the day, I will always appreciate a tidy house … but these days will only come around once with him.
So, I’m soaking in every last minute.
Likes & Dislikes
Skyler has become so alert during his waketime! He is the happiest baby in all the land when he wakes up from his morning nap. This is usually between 8:30 – 9 a.m., and there is about a 10-15 minute window where we just smile and laugh at the ceiling fan in our bedroom before we start our day. (This sounds absolutely ridiculous as I type it, but it’s so true.)
He loves being swaddled, but only if his arms are out. The exception is this Love To Dream Swaddle UP that is the best $30 we’ve ever spent. He also has a HALO SleepSack that he loves, but we’ve been sticking to the LTD swaddle because of recent rising temperatures.
Sky absolutely loves his activity mats and is doing so great a tummy time! He doesn’t like lounging as much and prefers to be flat on the ground so he can kick his arms and legs around. He’s so wiggly and his dance parties are the cutest!
I’m happy to report that bath time is becoming much more tolerable. In fact, I think he might actually enjoy it now. After he turned a few weeks old, we transferred him to the kitchen sink using the Blooming Baby Blooming Bath Lotus and I took a suggestion from a fellow new mom to cover his belly with a warm washcloth to help keep comfort him. It worked like a charm!
Skyler still does not like to have his diaper changed, and I’m starting to feel bad because his Keekaroo Peanut Diaper Changer (um, this purchase is 100% worth it) is right by our back bedroom door that leads into the hallway. I’m sure our neighbors are getting a little annoyed at the cries all hours of the day. Whoops. He’s doing better at changing his outfits though, so at least there’s hope.
He loves when we sing to him! I started reading books to him early on, and now we incorporate it into his nighttime routine. If he’s in a good mood he loves looking at the pictures all snuggled up. If it’s a bad witching hour, however, he just sits and cries until we move him. I think reading will become better with time!
He does not like being in one spot more than 10-15 minutes unless he’s sleeping. Every day I rotate him between activity mats (this play gym is everything), his swing, his Rock ‘n Play, his boppy lounger, and in my arms. I started putting him in his crib during his waketime to stare at the mobile, but then I read that doing so might confuse him as to what his crib is for … so we’re leaving that for naps until he transitions into sleeping through the night there.
(And we’ll take him napping wherever at this point, as long as he’s supervised.)
Skyler loves going for walks, but he hates loud environments. It’s been tricky finding places to go to the restroom and change him when we’re out for long stretches of time. I walked into a Joe & The Juice to do just that last week, and he had an instant meltdown because they play their music pretty loud. We purchased baby sound canceling headphones to help, but he’s not interested in wearing those just yet. Maybe someday soon!
We’re still exclusively breastfeeding, and I feel proud of myself for being able to type that. Since every mom, milk supply, baby, and experience is different, I wasn’t sure if it would even be an option for me. I’ve always wanted to breastfeed as long as my body complies (up to a year), so I’m trying my best to get past the harder times and push on.
I think we finally hit the sweet spot at two months in! I’ve gained control of the process of getting rid of clogged ducts to avoid mastitis and have become a pro at nursing (discreetly) when I need to in public.
Wearing nurse-friendly clothing is helpful, and I don’t go anywhere without my nursing scarf. The biggest challenge, however, has been finding places that I feel comfortable feeding him when we’re out and about in the City. It’s not like I can just hop into my car for a quiet 30 minutes or so. When it comes time to nurse, I usually break off from the group I’m with and find a quiet corner of a coffee shop or even better, a park or nearby garden. I’ve definitely nursed him on the train more times than I can count, and it’s totally normal.
(I didn’t wear a nursing top here because I fed him right before and we couldn’t stay long!)
I don’t pump regularly … yet. My OB/GYN actually advised me not to until I go back to work or need to.
With the exception of a few random nights of waking up every few hours, Skyler has been doing a great job at sleeping in 6 hour stretches through the night!
We have him on a bedtime routine where the lights go dim by 7 p.m. and he is nursed and quietly sleeping in his bassinet by 8 p.m. Most of the time. Of course, we still have nights where he has trouble falling asleep and it’s 9:30 p.m. before I can feel comfortable enough to back away and take a shower. It gets better week by week though.
Since he’s usually good on his 3-hour schedule and is usually sleeping from 8 p.m. – 2/3 a.m., our pediatrician wants us to try to start getting him to sleep through the night. We haven’t moved him into the crib yet, but I put him to bed in his bassinet in his room and then move him into ours after his wake-up during the night. We’ll get there.
Daytime naps don’t always happen as planned, but we do our best to stick to a schedule (as I talked about above). If he won’t nap, I at least try to put him in a quiet place with white noise and get him to wind down and relax during his naptime.
Postpartum Recovery
Well, I still weigh exactly the same as I did at my six-week postpartum check-up. I’m 13 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight, and I’ve come to terms with it.
As a personal trainer and group exercise instructor, I preached day in and day out not to solely track your progress on what you see on the scale to my clients. Muscle weighs more than fat, and I have a feeling that’s what’s going on here. Instead of harping on a number, I go by how I feel and how my clothes are fitting to gauge where I’m really at on my journey.
(8 weeks postpartum – to be fair, my pants are high-waisted and help flatten my tummy!)
My jello legs are becoming stronger with every run and workout I go to, so I keep reminding myself of that. My core is also slowly making its return, and it feels wonderful to be able to get out of bed and off of the couch better than when I was pregnant or in the early postpartum weeks where abdominal muscles didn’t exist.
I still have a lot of work to do, but I’m proud of myself for the progress I’ve made and for the physical activity that I have been able to fit in with a newborn.
You can check out my Weekly Workouts for recent updates of what I’m doing on the fitness side! The short version is barre and yoga workouts at home, jogging/running, long walks, and Orangetheory Fitness workouts. I modify a lot of what I used to do, but I can tell that I’m getting stronger with every workout and it feels amazing.
It’s been so great chatting today! Skyler is waking up from his nap, so I better run, but I appreciate you stopping by.
We sure do love this little guy!
In case you missed it …
Welcome To The World, Skyler King!
Skyler’s Birth Story – Part One
Skyler’s Birth Story – Part Two
Life With a Newborn, Recovery, and Q&As (Two Week Update)

Hi- love these updates! And just to clarify, muscle does not weigh more than fat. 1lb fat = 1 lb muscle
He is such a cutie! Love these updates.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups recently posted…Cranberry and Honey Goat Cheese Truffles
He’s so cute! I follow you on IG and love all the baby pictures. (My first baby turns 9 in less than a week!)
You should give nursing in a baby carrier a try! It was a total game changer for being out in public. I loved my Lillebaby carriers!
You’re doing great! Enjoy this time. It really is gone way too quickly.
Hi Emily! It’s so hard not to post pictures of him all day long so sometimes I do! 😉 I’ve never tried nursing in a carrier. I don’t know why not – thanks for the suggestions!
He is just adorable!! So happy that the postpartum period is going well for you. Since he likes his swaddles, look into the Woombie swaddle. My 14 month old son loves his, I even just had to order one that fits babies up til 18 months since as soon as I zip him in he calms down for nap or bed. You can swaddle with arms in, and then later unbutton the arm areas for their arms to be free. It helped me transition him to his pack n play and crib when I started using it around 4 months!
Hi Sarah, thank you for following! Ohhh I’ll have to check that out. Love it!
I just love these updates. Skylar is so adorable! And I truly appreciate your honesty. It took me a good year to get back to myself. I agree completely – it might not show changes on the scale, but I’m sure you feel stronger. I lost absolutely no weight but went down 2 sizes 🙂 Thanks for bringing us along on your journey!
Ha, everyone writes Skylar so no worries! And you couldn’t be more right – love that perspective!
Skyler. Darn autocorrect!
Heather! You guys are doing awesome making it work in your environment. I often wonder what having Brady would look like if we were still in Nob Hill in downtown SF in our tiny space with no AC and only one car. People do it and they are better because of it. It’s so important to be adaptable. You are quite lucky that Skyler is sleeping so well so soon — we did NOT enjoy that luxury with our little man hehehe. Anywho, love this update! Miss you! 🙂
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Return to BODYPUMP, favorite foods and events and my weekly workouts
Hi Ashley! It’s definitely not the easiest way to grow a family, but we’re doing it. For now – ha. And I really think I’m recovering as quickly as I have because of how living in a walk-up apartment and commuting by foot makes you walk so much. I guess I’ll take that for the extra sleep I’ve been getting. He’s probably just as exhausted from the days as I am! 😉
He’s beautiful, you’re beautiful and as you know, I so love following along in your footsteps throughout this journey
Aw thanks so much Jamie! And I love seeing Colby J pics! <3
What a cutie! I am constantly amazed at how mom’s function in your environment. I can’t imaging having to juggle strollers, diaper bags and babies on subways and the crowded streets. You all make it look so easy!
Thanks Dawn! Oh man, easy is definitely not the word to describe it. I swear that my workout of the day is simply getting out sometimes! 😉