I set out for a long, hard run last night. Just before I hit the three mile mark, I stopped. I went from running to jogging to walking for no apparent reason.
My body wasn’t tired. I had plenty of water in my system. I had a great upbeat playlist blasting… but I just wanted something different.
I wanted to slow it down, really listen to the words of slower music, and take some time to think and reflect.
It’s really nice to do every once in a while, ya’ll.
Since I was three miles out, I knew I also had three miles back to home, but it didn’t bother me. I started going through some of my voice mails and returned a handful of phone calls. With about a mile left to go, I got to the outskirts of my neighborhood and put on my latest Pandora channel obsession.
It’s funny how you seem to notice more around you when you take the time to slow it down. For the first time in a long time, I noticed all of the different kinds of trees, plants, and flowers that made up the surrounding landscaping. We rent a condo, but there are a few streets of houses that line the front of the neighborhood and I noticed how different and beautiful each one is.
Then I started thinking about what it would be like to own our own house, and what our own landscaping would look like.
As artists like James Morrison, Colbie Caillat, and Eric Hutchinson played in my ear buds, I felt like I could walk all night long. So when I came home, I grabbed Roadie and took him out for a walk down to the pond and back.
I can tell this is one of his favorite spots to visit. He loves sitting and watching the geese (and hidden swans!) swim and play in the water. I know he would much rather be chasing after them, but I am glad he has learned to enjoy them from afar instead.
I finally got home at about 9 p.m. and enjoyed a long coached stretch from my Pear Sports app. (<- Full review coming this week!)
Fifteen minutes later, I came to the realization that I really, really need yoga back in my life. I find it interesting how we can all go through phases of wanting to do certain types of workouts, and right now I am missing the slower workouts like long walks, bike rides, and yoga that force me to take time and reflect as each crazy week passes by.
I spent the rest of my night watching MTV’s Video Music Awards, which I am sure the majority of you did the same. Instead of stating the obvious about Miley Cyrus (wow), I’m going to highlight how fabulous Justin Timberlake was. Just when I start wondering what happened to real musical, super star talent, he pulled out what I think to be one of his best performances ever.
And even brought a few familiar faces on stage with him!
Was the inner tween inside of you dying as much as I was?
It only took a few seconds for the memories of “Bye, Bye, Bye”, funny fashion trends, and middle school crushes to flood right back into my life. Thank you for not only being amazing, but for bringing that back for me, JT.
The Return of Pumpkin
I know it is still technically summer, but I just can’t take it anymore. I have finally given in and started to stock up on anything pumpkin. For those of you who are newer to the blog, you should know I have a strong yearning for two flavors I can’t ever resist: mint + chocolate and PUMPKIN. Give it to me in any way, shape, or form and I am a happy girl!
I started this week off right by trying a new cereal for breakfast: Nature’s Path Flax Plus Pumpkin Raisin Crunch.
(Heart healthy, loaded with Omega 3’s, Organic + GMO Free!)
Served with unsweetened almond milk, I have to admit that it tasted better any any other raisin bran I’ve tried. Seriously.
As boring as “healthy (or fiber packed) cereals” can seem, don’t underestimate how great real, organic ingredients can taste!
I am proud to share that my trips to the grocery store lately have me slowly weening off of the brands I know include genetically modified ingredients. It’s hearbreaking, but at the same time I leave feeling so much better about my purchases and it has forced me to get out of my comfort zone and try new brands.
I’ll be sure to share the good ones!
Well, I’m off to get ready for Fitness Pilates over lunch, followed by an appearance and team practice later tonight. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday!
Questions of the Day
• What is your favorite way to slow your workout routine down? (a bike ride outside, meditation, yoga?)
• What is your can’t walk by that without giving it a try all-time favorite flavor or flavor combination?

That cereal sounds SO delicious! I am obsessed with all things pumpkin!
Glad I’m not alone! Can’t wait for the fall 🙂
I am a huge fan of yoga for flexibility. I can’t resist anything with pineapple and coconut!!
Oh that’s a great combo. Yum!!
I think it’s awesome you came to the realization you needed to slow down a bit and reintroduce some yoga into your life. Sometimes we get so into our routines that we forget about the importance of slowing down every now and again!
I definitely would say walking is my favorite slow down activity. I just love to get some fresh air and look around at nature.
Yes! I think part of the reason I was on board with keeping Roadie once we found him is I knew he would give me an excuse to go for walks every single day. (Besides the fact that I fell in love with his face!!) 😉
I am awful at slowing do! But you’re right, it is SO important! And you notice so much more when you do!
Me too… sometimes I really have to force myself to!
I love taking a day and not working out–but just stretching. It makes me feel so grateful for my body and what I put it through.
Yes! And it’s so important to do!
Pumpkin is my can’t-pass-it-up flavor too! I haven’t actually tried that cereal yet, but I love that brand’s pumpkin spice flax granola & granola bars. Amazing!
Oh, yum! That sounds delish!