Good morning! Yesterday was a day filled with old favorites for me. Have you ever caught yourself in the same type of pattern?
It’s comforting to be able to turn to something you just know is going to work out. Whether it’s a rockin’ playlist, a workout, a recipe, or even just your go-to order at a restaurant, there’s just something about knowing my choice is going to be a win that makes me happy.
Without even realizing it, I even continued on to an oldie but goodie choice for breakfast this morning.
Have you guys ever tried Super Oats? They’re like raw oats, just super-fied with ingredients like quinoa, amaranth, and chia.
I discovered these about a year ago and used to make oatmeal and even pancakes with them all the time. Every now and then, I will grab the bag and sprinkle a handful on top of my yogurt bowls and smoothies. I love the texture!
Backing up to yesterday, here is what my Monday evening of go-to faves looked like:
My friend Amanda came over right after work and asked if we could do a workout together. I’m so glad she did becuase I could have easily worked on the computer through the evening and completely miss my window to get moving. We didn’t have much time, but I always say that twenty minutes is better than nothing.
I turned to a throwback to a circuit workout I posted around the holidays and it had us sweating in no time!
We didn’t make it through a full two rounds since I had to head up to the gym to plan my class for the next day. Even so, I’m feeling sore again today. You’ve gotta love lunges!
Amanda came with me to the gym and then the two of us headed over to Panera for dinner to catch up. I saw the new Lentil Quinoa Bowl with Cage-Free Egg and almost tried it. I just couldn’t get out of my normal “You-Pick-2 please” habit of ordering. So, I did what I always do and ordered a cup of soup and salad.
The turkey chili is where it’s at, y’all.
I love the unique addition of garbanzo beans! I also had the Greek with chicken salad that never lets me down.
Everything was delicious, but I definitely want to give the lentil quinoa bowl a try next time!
The two of us packed up and drove over to another friend’s house for our weekly bible study shortly after that. As much as I don’t prefer to have plans on my calendar every Monday night, I’m so grateful for the group of girls I meet with. We had a such a great session!
We ran a lot longer than normal (and there might have been a lot of emotional girl-tears)(it’s fine), so I didn’t walk in the door until after 10 p.m. Scott wasn’t home yet, so I gave him a call and, of course, he was looking for pasta for dinner. I could have done without another dinner, but I figured I could quickly whip something up for him.
He likes the taste of veggie noodles, but prefers the taste of “regular” ones most of the time. A lot of you asked me about what I refer to as my veggie noodles. As much as I wish I could say I make my own, that’s just not in the cards. Instead, I pick up noodles with veggies already made into them. I know it’s not the same, but I’m completely okay with it.
I often turn to Barilla Veggie Products found in the regular pasta aisle.
This time, I used half a box of whole wheat shells leftover from the week before and a little less than half a box of veggie rotini.
I browned a package of ground turkey, grabbed a jar of Prego Fresh Mushroom sauce (when I don’t go organic, I go Prego), and added my own spices like Pizza Seasoning (not even sure what’s in it, but it’s amazing), crushed red pepper flakes, and garlic.
It did the trick, and I thought it was a great comforting compromise to “regular” pasta and “Heather” pasta.
It’s the little things, right?
Today I’m hurrying out of here to get to the gym! I’m teaching a small group strength training class and then have plans to hopefully get an oil change and finally experiment with a few new recipes. I hope you all have a great start to your Tuesday!
Questions of the Morning
• Do you ever fall into the same food/recipe/workout habits?
• What is one of your all-time favorites from the list above?

Super oats is awesome! Love that combination but haven’t bought it in a while. That is definitely an oldie but a goodie!
I’m thinking I might need to re-stock later today!
I always fall into the same food routine. It’s just so easy when you work full time and brown bag your lunch. I also have a few workouts that I turn to (particularly cardio) when I’m at the gym. I have to be careful not to overdo them though or I’ll most definitely get bored.
Oh, definitely. I too go through spurts of loving specific workouts and can easily overuse them to the point of getting board. That’s usually about the time you see a new cardio workout pop up on the blog!
Oh yes – I totally fall into my usual habits all the time. Whether it is a workout, meal, etc. I can relate. 🙂
I love those Love Grown Super Oats too!
It’s always fun to have someone to workout with – how nice your friend came over to join you for your workout!
You should totally try the lentil quinoa bowl. It’s delicious!
Will do! 🙂
Those oats sound yummy, I’ve never tried them before, but I love all the super ingredients. And yes, I’m a creature of habit. I love to fall back on old favorites for food, workouts, you name it! 🙂 Happy Tuesday!
You too, Ashley!
Last year I felt like I had the same food all year long, finally I am learning to change it up, whether that means a different meal completely or just buying different veggies and replacing them with the same old ones and I have to say it sure is a refreshing change!
That’s really how I can eat (and crave) salads as much as I do. I am constantly mixing up what I put in them. It’s a great strategy!
I can’t wait to test out that circuit! I will be going home next weekend and my lack of gym access sometimes gets me into lazy mode – this will be the perfect thing to keep me motivated!
Woo hoo, let me know how it goes!
I just clicked on the lentil quinoa bowl and it is just dreamy!! When I have my favorites I just can’t help but pick them over and over again but when I feel adventurous its as if I just found gold! So good! 🙂
Haha, totally!
LOVE the greek salad at Panera! And yes — totally in an egg and whole wheat pancakes routine in the mornings for breakfast. I’m a little surprised because usually I get tired of eating the same things after a week or so! I’ve never tried those Super Oats, but they look delish!
Ohhh egg white pancakes. I need to get back on those soon. SO good!
ahhh these all look so yummy 😉 I definitely want to try that pasta recipe 😉 YUM!