Holy moly… has there been a lot going on since I have last checked in with you! All in a weekend’s (and beginning of the week’s) work in entertainment, I guess.
Scott had a handful of buddies in town to celebrate the Detroit Piston’s Mascot HOOPER’s Birthday on Saturday, and we had the lovely task of entertaining them all for a few days.
When I say task, I really do mean it. Picture a group of guys full of constant energy all together in the same place to perform and cause havoc among unsuspecting Pistons fans.
That is the best way I can describe it!
The madness continued on Monday with another home game, which was fun, but then I woke up yesterday with extreme stomach pain. I felt better as the day went on, but did not have much of an appetite for anything besides chocolate. Perfect.
Perhaps my stomach spasms are resurfacing?
To be honest, I did not really feel like doing much of anything, but forced myself to go out and get groceries and supplies for the upcoming week. There was talk of a blizzard coming in on the radio, and I wanted to be prepared.
First stop = Starbucks.
I tried the new Vanilla Spice Latte with skim milk and no whip, which came to exactly 200 calories. It was the perfect pick me up to get me goin’ and about my day.
Five Below Fitness
Second stop = Five Below.
I had never heard about this store until we moved up north, mainly because they do not exist in Florida (boo!). There are currently eighteen locations throughout the United States, with more stores opening very soon.
If you happen to live near one, I encourage you check it out! I have already stumbled upon a TON of great finds there on my two trips into the store.
My first time in, I noticed they have a pretty impressive fitness equipment corner, and made a mental note to revisit it soon. Thinking I might be stuck indoors for a few days because of the weather, I figured yesterday was a great time to invest in a few fitness staples and ended up leaving with a cart full of goodies!
Everything you see above cost less than $40! That includes a fitness ball (that I usually see going for about $25) for $4 and a yoga mat (usually $25+) for $5! Also in my cart was a massage ball (which Roadie will tell you is actually his new toy), resistance bands, a stretching band, a set of 5 pound dumbbell weights, and a weighted jump rope.
When the lady checking me out gave me my total of $39.98 you would have thought I won the lottery, and I might have actually squealed. I was so excited!
Italian Chicken Sausage Tortellini Soup
Third stop = Target.
With talks of a blizzard, I wanted to stock up with paper products, canned foods, drinks, bread, and other items that could get us through a few days without power. Growing up in Florida, I know a thing or two about preparing for a storm, so I felt pretty confident in what I walked out with.
I also picked up enough ingredients to make a few different soups for the week. First up was an Italian Chicken Sausage Tortellini Soup.
I had been eyeing this Rustic Italian Tortellini Soup recipe for a while, and finally decided to go for it. I got all of the ingredients (after a fourth stop to Meijer), and substituted the Italian turkey sausage for Italian chicken sausage. Right when I was putting everything away at home, my stomach started acting up again. Not being able to eat much during the day did not help with my weak knees, so I decided to rest for a little while until Scott got home.
Eventually, I got up and moving again and together we made dinner together. When I say “together,” I really mean he made it while I cleaned up and kept him company. 😉
We sided the soup with a quick cucumber, tomato and onion salad.
It was very refreshing and includes the ingredients I just listed (diced), a little bit of lettuce, and fresh dill seasoning all tossed together in a little bit of balsamic vinegar and a few drops of grape seed oil.
It was very light and delicious, and I enjoyed the leftovers of both for lunch today.
As for the blizzard, I can not really say we have experienced one this time. I woke up to a beautiful white blanket of snow, which just a few inches covering the ground.
Even a few inches seems like a lot to this southerner, but I have to admit that I am loving it. (On days when I get to stay inside and enjoy it!)
I plan to spend the rest of the evening catching up on some work, then lounging with the husband. We have a few more soups on deck cook for the week, and might even venture out to another new recipe tonight.
Soup’s onnnnnn!
I am hoping that by tomorrow my stomach starts liking me again, and I can get back into a normal fitness routine. Talk to you guys then, and have a great night!

I feel like I’m stalking your comment’s section, but I just read your About page, and we have a lot in common. Until we moved for my dad’s job, I was born and raised in a suburb of Detroit — Farmington Hills — and all of my relatives still live in that area. I danced in college, and my degree is in Communications!
Too funny… we do have a lot of similarities! If you ever come back to visit we should have a blogger meet up!